Episode 169

47. Year-end exam (5)

“Then let the punishment proceed as it is.”

“All right.”

Dean Irkan tapped the pile of papers on the desk to organize them.

It was a bundle of reports containing the details of Byron’s accident and investigation details.

It was unfortunate.

I mean, you’re doing this when you’re most sensitive.

Still, among professors, the Tarkan race is famous for being particularly difficult to deal with.

If they were given special favors as Byron, the cause to control them would disappear.

Rather, by punishing Byron, it could also contain a warning message to the Tarkan students.

‘If you are as talented as Byron, you will definitely grow well outside of school. Even if it can be delayed.’

Along with Aidan Christopher, Triston’s successor at Ortana Faculty, he was considered one of the strongest first-year students.

The fact that he had no choice but to let it go was only very sad for the dean.

“Is Sanwoo Baek still unconscious?”

“Yeah, I didn’t even wake up until a few hours ago.”

“It’s a big deal… … .”

Irkan stood up from his seat with a firm expression on his face.

Glancing, he turned his gaze to look at Byron, who had his head bowed.

A sign of reflection is sufficient.

But the timing and the subject were just really bad.

Irkan Bradamante is the bloodline of the great hero Arthur Bradamante 300 years ago.

He attacked Baeksanwoo, the newly born incarnation of Arthur, and brought him to a state of unconsciousness.

As a member of the Arthur family, he could not be exempted from punishment.

I didn’t know if Baeksanwoo was to be held responsible when he woke up, the problem would be increased in many ways.

‘I’m sorry, I’m sorry… … .’

This year, I was very happy with the arrival of exceptionally talented people.

Likewise, some great talents get caught up in a lot of unsavory things and disappear.

It’s not like I’m new to life.

There’s nothing wrong with that.

Irkan licked his tongue and turned around. Now that he leaves the room, Byron’s expulsion is certain.

no matter what happens

Even if the victim Baek Sanwoo blocks it, the result is not overturned.

“… … Then, with this, the disciplinary committee will end.”

Byron closed his eyes tightly.

I had nothing to say. It was also true that he had seriously injured Baek Sanwoo with his own stroke.

Just like when I hurt my one and only sister one day.

This time, he couldn’t control his instinct, and he committed the crime.

Of course, it was because he had a baseless belief that Baek San-woo would be able to take his blow.

It was disastrous for a result of faith.

Even with Tarkan’s unique ability to regenerate his body, he suffered fatal wounds to the point of being unable to move for several days.

‘I was an idiot, excited to meet a comparable rival in a short time.’

Byron wasn’t the type of person to think before action.

A very emotional, bloody beast among Tarkans.

That personality, which can be said to be the only downside, was the one that cut the nape of my neck in the end.

I have no intention of disobeying.

Taking responsibility for one’s own actions was also a value that Tarkan considered as an honor.

“Thank you so far.”

Byron nodded his head toward the dean who turned around and walked away.

at that time.


After the door was forcibly opened.

A familiar voice broke the solemnity and stillness of the committee.

“I have an objection!!!”

* * *

“Baeksanwoo student?!”

“How about a Sanwoo student?”

It was a really cool show, I think. The eyes of the people inside were focused on me for a moment.

Dean Irkhan, who seemed to be about to leave, made eye contact.

“It’s been a while, Principal.”

“you… … !! Is your body okay?”

“As you can see, everything is fine. Thanks to my friends and priests for taking good care of me.”

I spread my arms and smiled.

I had been unconscious for four weeks, and my stiff muscles creaked.

“But what did you just say?”

“Oh, I said there was an objection.”

When I answered without hesitation, Irkan’s expression hardened with embarrassment.



Camilla, who was standing behind me, carefully closed the door.

I shouted as I looked at Byron, who was standing blankly.

“As a victim of this case, I ask the members gathered here to forgive Byron.”

“What do you mean… … !”

“It is clear that Byron has seriously injured me. But at the same time, it is also true that I formally accepted the duel with Byron.”

In fact, Byron’s sudden action was to develop a hunting field.

There was only one.

Because the confrontation between me and Byron was made under mutually agreed terms and conditions.

Byron asked me to do my best.

I demanded the condition that Byron do three favors at no cost, regardless of win or loss.

It wasn’t a coercive or forced fight.

‘Of course, it’s a shame to have to sharpen a special move, but… … . You can’t blow away the free pass for fraudulent characters.’

The fact that he almost died in the first place is a story of the past.

I could not have been in a more relaxed position because I had no memory of experiencing extreme pain or wandering through death.


To the serious dean’s question, I pointed to Byron and added.

“Speak with your mouth, Byron.”

After hesitating at those words, Byron opened his mouth, hesitating to answer.

“you’re right. I and Baek Sanwoo placed equal conditions.”

“What was the condition?”

“Baeksanwoo fights with all his might, on the condition that I grant Baeksanwoo’s request three times without conditions… … .”

At those words, Irkhan Bradamante’s lips twisted.

He seemed to have noticed why Byron had put up such a condition.

The dean was one of the few people who knew that the spirit I contracted with was Lioner Noewoong.

Because of that, it was also true that he was taking care of convenience in many ways.

‘As long as the dean knows what Tarkan values, he can’t punish Byron as much as expulsion.’

“her… … Oh yeah.”

His eyes alternated between me and Byron.

“But it is true that the Sanwoo student was injured. Why are you even doing this? If I had left it alone, the punishment would have been inevitable.”

Not only Irkan, but also other members of the committee nodded their heads in agreement to the natural question.

For the sake of fairness in disciplinary action, most of them were professors in charge of the second and fourth years who had no contact with Byron or me.

“That is… … .”

Lengthen the tail and draw people’s attention.

‘Because it’s happened like this, let’s take a proper eye stamp for the professors gathered here.’

Now, how to increase the influence in Arthur’s Faculty.

Besides, starting next year, I’m also a sophomore, so it would have been better to stand out if I could stand out in advance.

Right now, Professor Kehlyn Morris or Professor Isabella Leona, isn’t that the case?

No matter how precious you are to fairness, it’s like giving another cake to the child you like.

I don’t know the skills.

I’m pretty sure I’ll open my mouth again.

“I think of him as a valuable motivator and a colleague to work with in the future.”

“… … ??”

“Byron is strong. I got to know better through the confrontation that killed me.”

Once you open your mouth, words flow out like a stream of clear water.

It was thanks to the short but long conversation with Camila and other friends earlier.

As for anything, pre-lubricating it is essential.

“Before I was a student, I was a warrior for the Arthur Faculty. A warrior is a person who naturally honors a fierce duel.”

Break one more beat.

I looked straight at Byron and gave a thumbs up.

“That duel with Byron… … It was intense, but it was the greatest honor for me.”

Add more power to your voice.

The atmosphere in the hall was definitely in a state of being captured by me.

“Through this event, you can also say that I had a connection with Byron. Until now, the races were different and half different.”

Now it was time to put the wedge in.

“I don’t want to lose this opportunity. We want to grow together with Byron and become true comrades who complement each other’s shortcomings!”

Read at readwn.com

Most of the words so far have been made up, but the one word that I don’t want to lose was sincere.

Byron, I had to take it with me.

At first, I was planning to hand over the position of the companion to Aidan, just maintaining friendship, but-.

As things went wrong in many ways.

You can’t blow up a cheat character named Byron.

Controlling variables will be several times easier if you just carry them around.

What kind of asshole would leave it alone?

“… … Indeed, now I know.”

When I finished my Japanese speech, Dean Irkhan Bradamante placed his hand on my shoulder.

Even though it has a lot of power, it feels heavy.

“It’s a great mindset. After all, you’re a student that I’ve been able to spot-!!”


Dean Irkan bursts into laughter. Then, the quiet atmosphere of the hall was released in an instant.

“Don’t the members think so too? The values of Sanwoo students cannot be more suitable for our faculty than this.”

Then the other professors followed the dean and started laughing hahahaha.

“Yeah, yes! There was a time when I was like a Sanwoo student. That blood, the spirit of youth!!”

“You are a student who touches my heart after a long time! good! I strongly support Byron’s charitable cause! I didn’t like this kind of severe punishment in the first place, though.”

Once an atmosphere is changed, it is not easily reversed. In the first place, there was no way that the professors would feel strange.

I, the victim, came out and asked for forgiveness from the perpetrator.

It was cross-verified that there was no problem in Dalian and there was mutual consultation.

And above all, even the support fire of Dean Irkan.

‘The game is over.’

There is no one to question or object to at this point.

as proof of my thoughts.

The disciplinary committee’s rejection of Byron’s disciplinary action, that is, the provisional expulsion case, was instantaneous.

It’s like a cog wheel that meshes at once.

Byron’s disciplinary case was closed, and he was simply suspended for two months and served on campus.

Compared to the severe punishment of expulsion, the level is not a big deal.

Of course, Byron’s scholarship status was crossed.

It was still a much better level of punishment than expulsion.

“Then I will dissolve the committee. The final judgment at this meeting should be implemented within a few days.”

“Yes, dean.”

“You may leave too.”

It was Dean Irkan and other professors who stood up first from the conference hall.

As much as it is a hot potato issue in Arthur’s Faculty now.

Probably because it has to be dealt with quickly and clearly.

“thank you.”

I politely saw the professors disappearing outside the door.

When I first walked in, the heavy expressions on my face are all bubbly.

Now I have to go back slowly.

“Camilla, let’s go back.”

“Are you going home right away? I don’t want to go through the checkout procedure… … .”

“Shouldn’t the temple be visited once? The kids might be waiting.”

“right! I forgot!”

“And you can hug me this time. I think I can walk.”

“Ah… … .”

Camila turned her head in a hurry, wondering if a memory she had forgotten for a while came to mind.

It was at that time when he was about to move forward with a smile on his cute appearance.


Byron called me from behind.

“Thank you.”

Bend your body at a 90-degree angle.

“It’s okay to say thanks. As long as you take care of your request.”

I think it’s a very fun cool sexy ending.

You’ve found your weakness here, and trying to attack you is a third-rate act.

Then, Byron blocked my way.

“Wait for a moment… … . I have something to say about that request.”

“… … ??”

The guy scratched his frizzy hair, and then he continued talking.

“We, Tarkan, and the clan of the Khan, who became my ancestors, made it a great virtue to pay back double to those who received unpaid favors.”

Then he put his finger in my mouth and pulled out a single fang alive.

“What are you doing?”

“This is a sign that you and I have become comrades and comrades. You are no longer a human, but a Tarkan, recognized by I, Byron Khan.”

He came slowly and squeezed the fangs into my hand.

“You are my claw, I am your fang. No matter how many times you ask, I will do my best to grant you.”

“How many times?”


I looked carefully at the fangs in the palm of my hand.

I threw out one suggestion.

“Then let me ask you one now. Would you like to join our club?”

It didn’t matter whether it was or not.

Hearing that, I thought I could get help from Byron without having to be tied to a club.

But Byron.

“good night.”

As if to prove his promise to do his best, he agreed at once.

“Let’s fill out the club membership application form tomorrow.”

Recruitment proceeded smoothly.

It was me who brought the legendary companion sooner than expected.


I got Byron!

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