Episode 166

47. Year-end exam (2)

I thought it held up well.

Byron’s attack was more powerful than I thought, heavy and-


It’s just John X.

It was a mistake to dare to test the strength of that fraudulent character with the narrow gaze of the player.

If you draw out 100% of the Lioner’s power, it will boil from then on.

Because it is an environment of open competition.

Is it not possible to fully use the Lioner’s power right now?

‘And that great sword, was it Beowulf? The cogs are so annoying!’

If you swing the sword hastily, the blade gets caught between the teeth.

From that point on, control of the sword was already taken away.

Even if the strength was weak, it was obvious that he would miss the sword as he was pushed by the unique strength of the Tarkan race.

So, I had no choice but to keep conscious of Beowulf’s saw blade, either by fighting at all or by quickly hitting and falling.

It was still difficult, but it wasn’t just that there were difficulties due to the shape and characteristics of the silk greatsword.

There was also the restriction that one of the most powerful skills, Arad and the javelin, could not be used.

The biggest advantage of the javelin was that it could use a powerful attack from a distance, and the biggest disadvantage is that it is one-time.

Especially since once thrown, there is no way to recover it other than to pick it up yourself.

It was not enough to miss, and if Byron even used Aradwa, it would be a big disappointment.

At the time when the two biggest powers were sealed.

It seems that the maximum power I could do was not enough.

【Honestly, the strongest of the warriors I have ever seen.】

Because Byron’s ignorant strength was enough to be recognized by Lioner.

You must have already felt the difference.

Read at readwn.com

My stamina will gradually decrease.

It was about time to think about giving up after bumping into it a couple of times.


Byron’s eyes changed, and he let out a roar louder than ever.

A roar to the extent that the hairs all over his body stood up and his nerves flashed.

It is the beast itself.


After only one blink, Byron vanished from view.

instinctively knew.

‘It’s a leap attack.’

I retreated quickly, relying solely on my senses.

Byron’s weapon, Beowulf’s lich, has already gotten a rough idea through a few sums.

Even considering the leap, it was a safe position from attack.

Until Byron pulled out my sword and plunged it into the ground.

The ground is shaken by a vibration comparable to the earthquake that Jorgan had caused.

A barrier of opaque soil rose from behind.

When I turned my head, I saw Professor Isabella, the judge who was greatly embarrassed, and the other students who were chattering.

Apparently, I could see the outside, but I couldn’t see the inside from the outside.

It’s like being locked up under a small dome.

It was a really unique technique, so it was a technique that I couldn’t even know.

‘Hunting Field!’

It was a unique skill that Byron had.

To be precise, it can be said that it is not a unique skill, but a magic that has been passed down from generation to generation called the Black Panther.

Because there were only two people who could use it in the play, including Byron.

“What are you doing?”

I looked at Byron, fighting my sword.

“It’s below expectations.”

low-pitched voice.

Byron’s vocal cords rumbled, causing a howling sound.

I was just embarrassed.

If you say that you are counting on me to come and say that you are below expectations, that is too egotistical thinking.

For a moment, I was so moved that I thought of making an excuse.

Byron’s next words touched my heart.

“I don’t know what you are worried about. We can’t see ourselves from the outside. At least unless I purposely unlock this arena.”

“… … Byron, you.”

“So, do your best. Otherwise, I might kill you.”

The tendons of the arm holding the great sword blazed up. A drop of saliva fell from his sharp fangs.

Byron was genuinely angry. He knew I wasn’t doing my best.

Similar to what Bernax had previously noticed during a mock match.

“Yeah, I must have noticed.”

“Once you meet, you know. What are you so worried about? other people’s eyes? Is there something that must be hidden?”

Byron growls and shoots. I didn’t answer him.

“Being on the honor and name of my race, I promise, this is a space just for you and me. No one can invade or see… … .”

“I know, Hunting Field. That is the magic that has been passed down through your race.”

“… … !”

Byron’s pupils narrowed.

“Yeah, am I itchy too? To be honest, do you know how many times I have wanted to reveal something to you?”

I don’t like excessive attention.

Even so, it was not bothersome to hide it every time something happened.

That’s why I may have opened up about my identity to Camila and George.

Except for being a player, both of them knew who I was.

However, there were many things that I learned from this incident.

Whether it was the past or the present life.

I mean, nothing works the way I want it to.

“Hey, Byron.”

“… … ?”

“Do you want to make a promise to me?”

“What promise? If it’s a guarantee of confidentiality, I swear by my heart… … .”

“It’s done. From now on, you just have to follow my request three times.”


Byron looked unexpectedly.

The boy paused for a moment, then burst out into a cheerful smile.

“You see all sorts of weird people!”

“So I will, I will. If you don’t, I’ll just abstain. Don’t you want it to end like this too?”

You start to press him slowly.

What Tarkans like Byron consider as the most noble is a bloody battle that pours out all their might.

The thing that he catches while using a magic that he has never used before.

It also meant that he recognized me as his family rival.

Ideally recognized for his skills by the strongest man on earth.

It was the duty of a warrior and a player to bump into each other without thinking about it.

“One gut is really thick. You could even call it Tarkan.”

“Merely keeping secrets is not enough. Humans are calculating animals.”

“Did you say your name was Baeksanwoo?”


“great. Promise me.”

Byron pulls out Beowulf from the ground and points it at me.

“Instead, I’m going to really kill myself. Be prepared.”

“This is it.”


Air was drawn from the lungs, which had been swollen with tension.


A roar that is tingling just by hearing it.


Curlleung, Kwagwagwang!!

I threw Aradwa as hard as I could before he could even attack.

* * *

I couldn’t follow it with my own eyes. It was the first time I didn’t read the attack.

It’s not the yellow lightning you’ve seen before.

Lightning spreading in blue.

To the magnificence that dared not be explained by common sense.

For the first time in Byron’s life, Byron could feel the feeling of slenderness.

A black spear that barely passed through the skin.

Then a roar of thunder struck the eardrums.

There was no time to think whether the thunder came first or the spear first.


Guided by the survival instinct that had been raised to the limit, if he hadn’t rolled his body quickly, he would have allowed a fatal blow.

Byron, who had evaded Aradwa’s attack, was about to regain his stance, when an ominous blue flash flashed again.

The trajectory of the sword flying in an arc. Byron picked up Beowulf and tucked it into the trajectory.

Beowulf is a great sword, but the blade protrudes like a saw.

A weapon from the mythology era that the god of the meadow, the father of all Tarkans, directly processed the bones of an evil old dragon.

If it was any kind of sword, it was prone to break because it could not be accepted.

No matter how hard it holds up, if it gets caught by a sharp saw blade, it can’t be helped.


bang! Parts side!!

Beowulf, who entered the trajectory, bounced back.

The spark that spreads out like a shock wave irritates the skin.


The pain was happy.

Byron did not hide his exhilarated smile, and continued to swing his sword.

Your muscles swell like they’re about to explode.

The blood that was flowing gently rushes through the whole body like a runaway.

Kagang, Kang!

The sword and the sword collided. They deflect each other’s attacks and bounce back.

The moment I saw the momentary gap, a blue lightning bolt was shot like an arrow.

Even the Black Panther Byron with extremely hardened reflexes could not avoid this attack.

That blue arrow.

It pierced through his black hair, bristle like steel, pierced through a layer of hard skin like a rock, and even reached his intestines.

rushing pain.

Byron clenched his teeth and rushed towards the white ox.

“Baeksanwoo!!! You are really strong!!”

Byron, who reached close to his nose in an instant, glared at Baek San-woo’s eyes and shouted.

Baek San-woo’s sword, which crossed Beowulf and X-shaped, trembled softly.

But his eyes didn’t move, he was just staring at Byron.

It was truly an outstanding feat. Byron could not contain his admiration.

“Then take this too!”

Tsuzuzu namely.

As they push each other sideways, the dust that has settled on the floor rises into the air.

Byron took a stance. I held onto Beowulf’s handle with both hands.

The bulging muscles support the weight and add strength to the sword.

It was the first time.

When he fought Yargon in a competition called the Triad, he was defeated by an overwhelming skill gap.

He was in a hurry to stop the rushing magic, regardless of whether he used a special move or not.

But now it’s different.

Neither side’s power can easily predict victory or defeat.

Fight of warriors and warriors.

Sanwoo is said to be using the power of a spirit, but in the end, it could be said that the clash was pure swordsmanship.


Show me the best fangs you have.

“Whew… … .”

Byron takes a breath.

Scattered dust tickled his throat. With that familiar feeling, he recalled the distant past.

A plain that was just as wide.

All there was was a wind mixed with dust that occasionally blows.

One day.

Throughout his life, there has been a time when the earth that seemed to be in the same place was torn apart with a great vibration.

It was a belatedly known fact that it was a disaster called an earthquake.

It was a scene that was deeply engraved on the young Byron’s eyes.

Power enough to split the ground on which it is standing in half.

The moment when a young Tarkan who had dreamed of such a dream matured into a full-fledged male.

Eventually, Byron seized the power.


With a roar deeper than ever, Byron’s waist twisted.

Coog gurg!

The floor of the stadium was shaken by the sword strike from the bottom up.

Byron Kahn.

The last lineage of the Black Panther, which was once a race that ruled the plains, but has now disappeared.

It was a slash that contained Byron’s life and will, which was like a cracked earth.

Khan’s command, slicing the earth.

At that time, Baek San-woo’s arms were raised high in the sky.

The air flutters wildly at the sound of thunder that trembles throughout the body.

A more menacing slash than any attack I’ve ever seen.

Even as the ground in front of them was cracking, Baek Sanwoo did not back down or run away.

Just take a stance and aim your sword.

The moment the slash approaches his eyes, the yam sword held by Baek San-woo falls straight down.

Lightning strike (雷擊), splitting the sky.


As if time had stopped, an overwhelming flash of light took over the space.

The earth and the air were torn apart at the same time.

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