Episode 145

42. Welcome to Paradise (2)

Honestly maid clothes?

It wasn’t something I hadn’t thought about. In the main story, a maid tea house is opened in a club where only NPCs from France-related countries are gathered.

So, one concept already overlaps.

It also played a part in the fact that it was strange to the player, and that it was nothing from the point of view of other people.

Because Paradise Academia was a world where maids were universal like the fantasy genre.

So, the uniform I chose was a suit.

To be honest, if you just kill your clothes, it’s not a suit to be the king of sexiness whether you’re a man or a woman.

And you look like there’s something in the suit.

Even if you’re just serving, if the person serving you is wearing a full suit, you’ll be courteous.

It was just a school festival, but it wasn’t a bad thing to keep dignity.

Bringing the prepared sample like that.

“ah… … .”

Excitement flowed from the mouths of the club members who checked the uniforms.

In the light of the setting sun, the black fabric is glistened with luster.

Decorated with four silver buttons, a white tucked-in shirt, and a fiery red tie.

“How about it, isn’t it bad?”

“It’s really pretty.”

At Camilla’s pure admiration, her shoulders began to rise slowly.

George, who recommended the tailor, nodded with satisfaction.

“Okay, now that we’ve seen the uniforms, let’s start decorating the booth for business tomorrow. Just two hours would be enough, right?”


First of all, I separate the students of the Ortana Faculty.

They were instructed to clean the fire pit and the environment around the booth.

If the wind attribute magic and water attribute magic were used appropriately, cleaning could be easily completed with only beginner magic.

And the rest of the students who can’t use magic carry chairs and tables from the warehouse in the student building.

He and three chefs helped create a kitchen environment.

After all, there were about 40 members, so this kind of small work was done in the blink of an eye.

“I look forward to it.”


It had been a long time since I had such an exciting atmosphere.

The whole of Nakwon Island was shaking with anticipation for the Paradise Festival starting tomorrow.

I also felt better. It feels like something is finally taking a break.

Yeah, I’ve been running really hard all this time.

Now that the festival is over, the long, long first year will come to an end.

From then on, I will be involved in all sorts of incidents, whether I intend to or not.

Even the things that immediately come to mind, five fingers crossed over.

The temple of Canaan in the back alley, of course, should also be monitored to see if Aidan is heading towards the right affair.

Lorna’s case of being imprisoned in the halls of time and space must also be resolved.

In addition, missing or bug fixes cannot be easily passed on.

‘Uh-huh, it’s complicated, it’s complicated.’

So, for me, this paradise festival could be seen as the first and last resting place in this world.

If you’re going to rest, you should rest properly, cancer.

I’ve left the operation to Tae-Hoon, so I’ll just focus on eating, drinking, and having fun.

I will never get caught up in a headache as much as this time.


with such determination.

The long-awaited paradise festival has begun.

* * *

A port in the Far East of Paradise Island, three provinces.

pu- pu-

Originally, it was an area where large crowds gathered, but today, when the Paradise Festival is held, it is bound to get more crowded.

“This is Paradise Island!”

“Wow, it’s really pretty as the rumors say.”

With countless spectators exhaling exclamations as if possessed.

“Please keep order!!!”

“You need to register your entry proof here. The temporary paradise card issuance is over there!”

The guards and officials of Paradise Island to control the spectators.

“The next ship has to come in, so leave quickly!”

“Let’s load it up and leave!!”

And the chaos of unpaid expenditures is a collaboration of sailors entering and exiting the port.

Despite the fact that only hundreds of troops were sent in for control, the situation showed no sign of improving.

Among the guards who were bewildered saying that there seems to be more than the previous year.

As if that was a big deal, there were two people taking light steps.

A middle-aged man and a young man who clearly radiate their colors even in the midst of a large crowd.

But the clothes they wore were not something to be taken lightly.

A suit made of black fabric.

A golden thread from the end blooms a beautiful chrysanthemum on the waist.

If you have any interest in martial arts, you must have heard the name.


Because it was also the hometown’s attire.

“Senior, are you planning to go see the head of the family right away?”

“okay. You go first and unpack your luggage. I will only come to see your daughter’s face for a moment.”

“All right.”

The attendant nodded his head in response to the profound answer.

The 16th head of Hwagwon-ryu, Ismail Lilly.

There is only one reason why he came to Nakwon Island, who retired this year after giving up his office as head of the party.

It was to meet Ismail’s daughter and current head, Camilla Lilly.

I was also planning to personally meet the boy who helped his daughter last time and say thank you.

Ismail remembered her daughter who visited her home last summer.

During the half year spent on Paradise Island, Camila had grown tremendously.

Not only was it not enough to make his own flowers, he even stood proudly in front of the elders and members of the branch.

It was the opposite of what it had been before, engulfed in a sense of pressure and swayed to and fro.

As a result, he was able to earn the honor of being the first female head of the family in the history of the family.

Of course, as a father, I do not intend to disparage my daughter’s efforts.

I thought that it must have been the boy’s influence that she was able to grow up like that.


‘He said that he didn’t have any particular feelings… … It was the expression of falling in love without fail.’

Daughter Camilla has never been good at lying.

Even if he denied it with words, there was nothing he could do about his red-red face.

Ismail burst into laughter as she thought of that.

It’s a flowery age.

Now it’s time to get a guy you’re interested in.

However, she is a daughter who has been raised so dearly, and has now become the head of the famous Hwagwon-ryu, a famous sect on the continent.

I had no intention of handing it over to Eojung.

“Then, shall we go see the future son-in-law?”

* * *

“Isn’t Table 56 Steak!!”

“Isn’t that a steak!? What the hell!”

“Number 34! 41 times! 50 times! Add 1 serving of long bath each!”

“Which table food is this? Why haven’t you left yet???”

It was impossible to understand exactly what it was because of the constant roar of shouts and the noisy voices of the guests.

But it wasn’t Iliana’s part. Because his mission was always ‘waiting for the entrance’.

-Listen to me, Illyana, you don’t have to do anything else. You just need to sit down. Occasionally, he greets guests when they make eye contact.

all you need to do is sit down

And then there’s hello, isn’t it just a matter of shaking your head?

simplicity itself.

Since Illiana was not very active from the beginning, this job was perfect for her.

Except that the suit called ‘suit’ is a bit cramped.

For Illyana, who always had only sky-high clothes, it was almost like trying on clothes that fit along her body line for the first time.

The pressure on my back was a bit annoying though.

I didn’t say anything because it was tolerable.

‘The mountain cows may be disappointed.’

This is the costume that Sanwoo prepared at the most. Even if you look at the sincerity, it would have been better to wear it at least until the booth was over.

As I was about to sit still, Marily, who suddenly approached me, hugged Illyana tightly.


“… … town. stuffy.”

“Oh, sorry! it’s okay?”

As she hurriedly released her arms, Illyana floundered and escaped.

I’ve been with Marily for two years.

It was an extremely short time from Artel’s point of view, but it was enough time to get used to her behavior patterns.

Therefore, Illyana did not dislike it, and passed it on without much consideration.

“Yes, Marily. work?”

“done. Today is an early deadline. They said we should leave work first, because the rest of the guests will see them.”


The Artels, including Illyana and Marily, were not given much work.

Did I say face madam?

It was a bizarre logic that customers would gather if you just wander around or just stand still.

It was surprising that the method actually worked.

I don’t really do anything, but people are starting to gather.

Each of them showed great interest in them and approached the booth.

“Wow, that’s the real Artel… … .”

“See me first.”

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Most of them said they were pretty and handsome, and passed without showing an overreaction.

There were times when it was impossible to get over it easily.

“there… … .”

Illiana and Marily’s heads turned at the same time at the sound of a voice coming from the side.

There were two men with beautiful ornaments draped in them.

“Are you leaving work now?”

was not a student.

It must have been a spectator who came from outside, as he was wearing an orange belt around his wrist.


When Marily answered with a lively voice, their faces brightened.

“Ah, it’s no different. If there is no special schedule, may I ask for a guide to Nakwon Island?”


What bizarre request is this?

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Marily was very confused, but Illyana was able to figure out the secret intentions of the two men at once.

‘It’s a hunting thing I’ve only heard of.’

I heard that there is a culture in which humans go directly to the ‘solo’ sex they like and apply for after-sales even though it’s the first time they’ve seen it.

It was the first time for Iliana to have lived a life cut off from the outside world.

Aside from that, I didn’t like the situation at all.

“We are spectators. A relative is attending school here, so I came here to visit. Apparently, he said he has a schedule today.”

Illyana’s expression is starting to get colder.

But the men seemed to be ignorant of it, but he was hesitant and hesitant to say something useless.

“So, I was wondering if you could go out with us today, eat delicious food, and give us some guidance!”


The desire to refuse is like a chimney.

The problem was that Ishtar didn’t tell me how to turn down the ‘hunting’.

I was hunted, but how do I turn down?

The same goes for Marily, who has no knowledge in this direction.

The two didn’t answer anything and just hesitated.

When the will of refusal does not return, the offensive begins to become even more tenacious.

“Are you two Artel? Where are we from, we’re not from lowly commoners? I heard that Artel people like formal and wise conversations. what do you think?”

“Illiana, what about this?”

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Marily asked the question with a troubled expression on her face, but Illyana couldn’t come up with an appropriate response.

In times like these, it would be better to ask for help from those around you than to be silent.

Illyana’s eyes scan the environment quickly.

At the same time, I saw a mountain cow controlling the personnel close by.

But can’t we just depend on the Sanwoo?

So she came up with a pretty good excuse.

‘If hunting is for a solo opposite sex you like. Can’t it be solo?’

Illyana got up from her seat without saying a word, and dragged the mountain cow.

“… … ???????? What is it all of a sudden?”

Then, naturally, I crossed my arms and answered like this.

“It’s my boyfriend.”

Except for Illyana with a triumphant expression on her face.

It was only an instant that the faces of everyone who had gathered there were dyed with astonishment.

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