Episode 139

40. Preparing for the Festival (2)

“Isn’t it okay?”

“Yes, really.”


“…? Yes, I swear.”

“I swear?”

‘What, what?’

The figure of Illyana who grabbed the horse’s tail and asked the same question was somehow cold.

“Why all of a sudden?”

“Sanwoo, you’re lying again.”

I clearly sensed the distrust in Hafartel’s eyes.

“…it really doesn’t matter. It’s kind of like an artifact. Come on, touch it. Illiana doesn’t know, right?”

As I retaliate without backing down, Illyana gently grabs my hand.

She kept her face straight and looked carefully at the ring inlaid with space-time stones.

Then soon.

“It’s definitely a strange energy. It’s an artifact.”

He nodded and agreed.

“That’s right, why don’t you believe me?”

“Artifacts are important.”

“It’s not a big deal if you have little ability, well. I’m just wearing it because I’m bored.”

“That’s right, but…”

Of course, this space-time stone had tremendous abilities, but in practical terms, it had no magical effect.

It was simply a kind of protective gear made to fight against the magic of Heukrona, that is, the magic of time.

Even Illyana, who has magical knowledge, will not find anything particularly unusual.

‘Besides, there’s nothing good to tell you right now, right?’

A ‘bug’ is also a phenomenon that cannot be simply explained. It’s also a ‘secret association’.

No matter how much Illiana is, it is impossible to blindly reveal it.


Illyana looked at me suspiciously, then got up.

Then, with a gunshot, he moved to the alchemy workbench installed in the corner.

Apparently, he was practicing alchemy before I came.

“Are you still making potions today?”


“Then what?”

“Would you like to see a mountain cow?”

I was a little curious about the fact that it wasn’t potion making.

In fact, while living with Illyana, a master level alchemist, it was the first time I’d ever seen Illyana make something other than a potion.

Could it be that I can craft something like a golem?

To be honest, if it’s at the level of Illyana, even if it’s not even the crystal golem that Heukrona caused.

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Most of the dungeon mobs would be able to synthetize even a chewable golem.

‘It would be the best if I could.’

I approached Illyana with high expectations.

However, what was placed on the workbench was not the material for the golem’s ductility, but the usual test tubes.

“Huh? They say they don’t make potions.”

“It’s not a potion.”

Saying so, Illyana patted the test tube on the white paper.

Then red powder poured out of rainwater.

“What is this? Magma dust? Flame crystals?”

“Ding. Not both.”

The Hafartel girl said, waving her fingers from side to side.

“This is the red powder I made myself.”

red gunpowder?

Of course, gunpowder items exist in Paradise Academia.

Even if it was just me right now, didn’t I manufacture sleep paralysis bombs using gunpowder in the last time I wanted to go underground?

But that’s it.

The items that could be made using gunpowder were extremely limited.

The firepower was also completely different from the gunpowder I knew, so to be honest, it was only at the level of soybean pellets.

It is said to have the same firepower as the gunpowder gunpowder sold at the stationery store as a child.

How are you going to use it in battle?

I can’t catch a single cave wolf.

Anyway, thanks to this reason, the main story players as well.

I also had no reason to use gunpowder unless it was a special situation.

So it was very odd.

“Gunpowder? Where do you use gunpowder?”

“It’s not just gunpowder. Red gunpowder.”

Saying so, Illyana placed a spoonful of powder in the steel flask lying beside her.

“Look. Defensive Membrane.”

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Mana stretched out of her hand and wrapped around the flask.

Intermediate protection magic. It was a magic that did not cover the whole, but protected the precise part with high density.

I don’t know why the shield was formed, but that wasn’t enough, so I lit the match next to it.

I could roughly imagine what she would do.

“no way…….”

“Sanwoo. Be careful of shocks.”


just as expected.

As soon as Illyana dropped a match into the flask, flames soared with a roar.

Its power was so strong that the steel flask containing the powder shrank like a crumpled piece of paper.

The protective shield that was in contact with the entrance could not withstand the shock wave and even broke.


overwhelming firepower.

You only put a spoonful, and you think it causes an explosion like this?

I can’t hide my surprise, let’s look at Iliana without a word.


Our Hafartel-senpai shrugged lightly, as if proud.

* * *

“Inspired by the ballista.”


no wonder.

Now that I think about it, I think Illyana was particularly obsessed with Ballista’s arrows back then.

It was because I was observing the arrow the whole time until I entered the reward room.

“Now, once the arrowheads are complete, you’re done.”

“You’re trying to make explosive arrows.”


Illyana looked at me and smiled softly.

Since he is such a rare person to express his emotions, that expression only appears when he is really enjoying himself.

“I’m too tired to give elements. I need strong firepower. More powerful firepower…”

As she said, there were quite a few ways to enchant arrows.

From fire arrows using fire properties, there are ways to increase the speed and power of arrows by giving them wind properties.

Rather, people who don’t use it that way are foolish enough to be pointed at.

But until now, explosive arrows did not exist.

As I said before, it was because the limitations of gunpowder were clear.

But did you make a gunpowder that can produce this level of firepower?

This was not groundbreaking, it was an innovative invention.

“Illiana. How many more of these can you make?”

“Ummm… the base material is not common, but a special one is needed.”

“what is that?”

“The tail of a fire lizard.”


As soon as I heard the name, I let out a sigh involuntarily.

The fire lizard’s tail was a very rare alchemy material that was sometimes harder to obtain than dragon-related materials.

If you catch a fire lizard, which is said to only live in volcanic areas, it will cut off its tail and run away.

If you don’t use conservation magic or potions right away then, there was a characteristic that the embers would fade away in an instant.

In other words, it is difficult to obtain, but the difficulty of gathering is close to the extreme.

It can’t be expensive

“Mass production would be difficult.”

“Yeah. So only mine.”

Illyana answered in a more determined voice than usual.

If it was easy to produce, I tried to commercialize it and deliver it to various parts of Nakwon Island… … .

As long as the tail of the fire lizard is included, the production cost will never be light.


As I regained my appetite, Illyana stepped forward lightly.


“I’m sorry.”

“Then, can you make some of the mountain cows?”

“Is that okay?”

It was a nice suggestion while listening to it.

“The fire lizard has a little tail. Not a lot. It’s okay for a mountain cow.”

I was in trouble for a while.

Of course, it was never a loss-making business, but rather a situation where it was a big profit.

I didn’t want to end up with simply making a few arrows.

‘Last time against the Crystal Golem, Keter’s performance didn’t come out as expected.’

Of course, it had just been remodeled, and he hadn’t fully received Hawkeye from Professor Helen.

Even considering all of that, it was a deal that was not worthy of a unique item.

No matter how much projectile resistance there is, if there is no effective hit… … .

Isn’t that a figure of an archer in its own way?

However, if you encounter an enemy with an overwhelming defense like a golem, you don’t just run away.

The more years you get, the more likely you are to encounter such an enemy.

Even in case of such a situation, at least he had to be able to hit the mark.

In that sense, the red gunpowder was a new product that perfectly met my needs.

“Illiana, can you teach me how to make this?”

“Sanwoo, it’s too difficult to learn.”

“Then I’ll pay you every time, so whenever you make Illyana, please make mine.”

Saying so, I activated the Keter I was wearing.

The decorations on the armband are deployed on both sides and change into a crossbow shape.


At the sight of the first sight, Illiana’s eyes lit up with curiosity.

“The crossbow I got last time was modified by Hamel. Now I can carry both Aradwar and Keter without having to carry them separately.”

“It looks convenient. Good.”

Even from a woman who is serious about archery, it doesn’t look bad.

“But the weakness of the crossbow was still not overcome. Rather, it weakened.”

I activated the arm again and put Keter in.


The crossbow that was unfolded with a cheerful sound disappears whenever you listen to it.

“That’s why I need Illyana’s skills. Explosive arrows can replace the lack of attack power to some extent.”

“Ugh. Good idea.”

“Then how much do you think the price is?”

Illyana stared into the air for a moment and pondered, then showed her six fingers.

“Six hundred Kelly?”


“Isn’t it supposed to be each? How many in a bundle?”


I really didn’t know, but did Illyana have the qualities of a colossus?

Shamelessly slashing the price made me tingle in the back of my head.

Six hundred Kelly is more than the combined cost of two tails of a fire lizard, a raw material.

Even in the winter, when fire lizards go into hibernation and the quantity is drastically reduced, it does not go above 300 Kelly each.

“Sanwoo told me to receive a lot of unconditionally. Monopoly on the market.”

“No, that’s right, but…”

I felt my vision blur for a moment.

Last time, while opening a deal to deliver Illyana’s special potion to the private sector, he gave me some economic terms.

They are using it to rob me.

The speed of learning is certainly commendable, but… … .

“This is tyranny! It’s a monopoly!”


“Yes! Of course! No matter how much, six hundred Kelly for twenty…”

“At that time, what did Sanwoo say?”

Illyana made a worried expression for a moment, then hesitated for a moment before uttering a word.

“Kkou? Noodles, you know? Joe?”

It was very dizzy.

* * *

“Four hundred Kelly.”

“Okay, thanks! Okay! Four hundred Kelly!”

The fierce battle between me and Hafartel was finally settled dramatically when Illyana took a step back.

No matter how much you learn from me, you can’t keep up with the original restaurants.

I grabbed Iliana’s hand, waved it lightly, and smiled.

“Then how long does it take?”

“Well. Still a prototype. We need to test it a bit more.”

“Actually, you can’t use things that haven’t been verified blindly.”

Whether it is a factory or a domestic handicraft industry, quality inspection should be carried out of course.

“Explosive arrow test. You can’t do it near the dormitory. You have to go far.”

“It is.”

Even if it looks like the breath of the World Tree, the entire dormitory is a building made of a single tree.

Of course, as it is a real world tree, it won’t be as simple as a fire.

Still, it was reasonable to keep the distance as much as possible.

It’s a human thing, because it’s something you don’t know until you experience it.

“But Sanwoo.”


“Why did you come to Ishtar?”

“I have a few questions about the festival. Oh, right! Illiana’s role is really important too, right?”

The concept of the paradise festival of the Flex club has been firmly grasped.

aka ‘Artel Restaurant’.

Because the food I ate when Ishtar invited me last time remained in my memory.

I thought it would be a huge boom if we set up a booth for artel traditional food at this festival.

What if Artel even cooks for you?

The residents and students of Paradise Island, as well as tourists from outside, will never be able to stand it, right?

Doesn’t it just smell like money?

“Illiana is the solicitor.”

“Together? I can’t.”

“There’s nothing special to do as a solicitor, all you need to do is sit with an owl on your shoulder. That’s it!”


Illiana is annoyed if she is not interested in whatever it is.

It’s better to put it somewhere like a totem than to wander around all of a sudden.

“Anyway, I was going to have a conversation with Ishtar-sama about that…”


As I continued to speak, the door swung open.

I turn my head in surprise.

‘I can’t be a yangban man.’

Dressed in a dress, Ishtar stood there, breathing heavily.

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