Episode 120

36. Final weapon crossbow (2)

back street.

It was one of the forces on Paradise Island that people in this world called oncology and avoided.

Although Nakwon Island is an educational institution, it possesses a land equivalent to that of an island nation, and its administrative capabilities are at the level of a normal nation.

A kind of special autonomous state recognized around the world.

Because students and professors. It could not be said that these two factions were the only thing on Paradise Island.

First of all, the Faculty is divided into three faculties, and both the academic department and the management side are balancing their respective powers.

Even among students, it was common to form specific forces according to race, origin, and inclination.

It was the same with the Artel community to which Illyana and Ishtar belonged.

Also, forces from outside cannot be ignored.

The Heretical Judgment Bureau, led by the Redeemer Elijah, and the Temple of Canaan, the predecessor of such a heretical Judgment Office.

‘Alejandro’ at the top of the continent, which continuously supplies food and outside goods to Paradise Island.

Exploring the unexplored areas of the southern part of the island, even the personnel of the Adventurers Guild of the whole country dispatched as an investigation team.

Everyone forms their own forces and actively interacts by checking or cooperating with other forces.

‘So it was very well-received. The confrontation between each faction is very realistic.’

I was reminded of reviews from Paradise Academia, which heated up the internet at the time of its release.

But among the many factions, let’s take a look at the most popular ones.

It was also an alleyway.

Where there is light, there must also be darkness.

As I said before, the alley is a force that corresponds to the ‘Rogue’ faction in Paradise Academia.

Where to buy the gimmicky gloves that were used to control the game during the Triad.

And during the last semester exam, all the places that were remodeled for pickpockets in regular gloves were all in the back alleys.

From simple information requests such as obtaining information or conducting background investigations.

A secret window where you can send smuggling or smuggling requests through the black market.

In particular, the information-related ‘information guild’ was the force that had the most contact with the player even in the back alleys.

As soon as they check the item that looks like money right away, they come in contact like this.

“…well, why didn’t you care?”

I looked at the butterfly pattern that was clearly left on the note.

The glyph of the information guild.

“Seeing that I didn’t hide it properly, it seems like they know who I am.”

In the back alleys, there is an unwritten rule that everyone must follow.

Just anonymity.

When entering the back alleys, you must wear a mask or bandana to cover your identity.

But to be honest, there is no way the information guild doesn’t know.

As a retired player who enjoyed Paradise Academia as much as I did, I already know how great the informational power of the Information Guild is.

“Hmm… Now that this has happened, let’s open up the information trade in earnest.”

After all, from Act 8 onwards, it is a force that has no choice but to be tied to it, whether you like it or not.

There’s nothing wrong with making connections like Yelia and the Heretic Judgment Bureau.

‘It’s not that I didn’t think about taking over the back alley, but… … It would be impossible with my own strength right now.’

“Ugh, but suddenly it’s incredibly cold!? The weather changes so drastically.”

In the cold autumn wind that began to blow, I hurriedly closed the window.

* * *

“Then today’s class will end here.”

“thank you for your effort!!”

While my classmates greeted the disappearing professor, I quickly packed up my things.

It was safe to say that if I was dragged by the Tarkans while procrastinating for nothing, the other work that day would have completely crossed the water.

Of course, I wasn’t the only one suffering from the beasts.

George, who sat next to me, was also tidy and quick to tidy up.

We barely managed to have a conversation until we got out of the classroom and arrived at the main building lobby.


I breathe a sigh of relief, and George looks at me very puzzled.

“Are the kids still clinging to you?”

“Oh, it’s because we won vaguely.”

In fact, there was a time when I ran into Dalian once a few days ago because the tarkans were swearing at me.

It was because I thought that if I gave the result, whether I win or lose, it would bother me less next time.

The result was a mistake in Gyeonggi-do, but… … .

“So, are you training with Professor Arin today?”

“No, I have to go somewhere else today. At first, Professor Helen said no today.”


“What are you doing these days?”

At my question, George confidently flicked my finger.

Then a cool breeze blew and climbed up on his fingers.

“These days, I’ve been walking around the Spirit Forest to increase my rapport with Ceylon. I’m going to double major from next year.”

“Huh? Really?”

I didn’t expect it. George is applying for a double major.

There wasn’t a lot of volume in the main story, but I don’t think he did a double major or anything like that.

“For now, I’m thinking of Ortana. The three swords alone are still lacking in destructive power.”

“Wouldn’t it be better for Arin to get better? Since you’re the three prosecutors, I think you’ll be a good fit.”

“It’s not that I haven’t thought of that… but I’m still trying to learn magic.”

George was quite serious.

As it was with Doris Fortress last time, he seems to have a lot of trouble with his growth recently.

‘Well, a change as long as it doesn’t harm the main scenario would be fine.’

As for me, there was no reason to stop my acquaintances from becoming stronger when they became stronger.

Wouldn’t it be nice to be able to use force in the right place?

“Then I’ll go too. See you tomorrow.”

“Yeah, work hard.”

I watched as George assimilated with the wind spirit and quickly exited the school grounds.

‘Certainly, the atmosphere of the children has changed a lot compared to the beginning of the semester.’

Not to mention Camilla, who has been in the express class since the second semester of her first year.

In the case of Soyoung and Taehoon, it was felt that they were growing in many ways.

‘Illiana… … I don’t know.’

The bizarre Hafartel was originally a master-class alchemist.

If you look at it, it’s like a complete character, so it can be considered out of scope.

‘Anyway, I have to make sure I don’t fall behind.’

I made a club because I liked it, and I was promoted to the position of manager.

However, in terms of pure growth, my body now was in a fixed state.

Wouldn’t it be displayed in numbers right now?

‘At least, so that the same members can depend on it, and so that even my own person can take care of it.’

With that thought in mind, I entered the small hole-in-the-wall shop in the corner of Arslon Street.

“No business today.”

As soon as you enter, you hear a muffled voice.

“Of course it is. You don’t do business all year, right?”

I looked at the back alley gatekeeper ‘Verdon’ and smiled. In order to go to the back alley from Arslonga, he was a person that he had to go through.

They give me back money, and I do my requests within an appropriate line, and I have built up friendships in advance.

He answered by scratching his shiny, combed hair.

“I haven’t seen you for a while. Looks like you’ve been quite busy with your studies?”

“Well, it’s because I even majored in double major. Also, take a look at this crossbow.”

As I take Keter out of the bag, Verdon’s eyes widen.

“Where else did you get that?”

“Isn’t the information guild quite a bit of shit?”

“It’s information, I’m not interested. Are you selling it?”

As a rough estimate, whether it seems expensive, Verdon asked with interest.

“No. How did I get it?”

But I had no intention of selling it.

When I resolutely spoke, he didn’t urge me to sell any more, although he had a taste for it.

After all, he is also a member of the back alley.

In a group that lives only on trust between people, everything could collapse with just one crack.

“The warp gate is ready. Let’s go in.”


I waved my hand to the gatekeeper and put on a mask that was on the shelf.

He’s smiling, but he’s a handsome-looking Pierrot.

He also wears the brown robe he has had since school.

Even if you run into someone you know, you’ll never know that it’s me.

After getting ready to enter the back alley.

I slowly walked into the warp gate.

* * *

The back alley is called ‘alley’, but it’s actually more like a dungeon.

The poor and criminal groups flowed into the dungeon in the basement of the East Terrier in the Far East of Paradise Island, forming the current ‘back alley’.

Of course, the core of the dungeon has already been destroyed, and the monsters have been completely eradicated for over 300 years.

For now, it was hardened like the ‘necessary evil’ of Paradise Island.

As if to prove that word, as soon as they exited the warp gate, the smell of cigarette smoke stung my nose.

First of all, since it is an educational institution, Paradise Island, students are of course illegal, and even professors are not encouraged to smoke or drink.

So this smell from the entrance is the symbol of the back alley.

‘The information guild was in Area B.’

I headed to the place where the information guild was.

I had visited a few times before, fearing that there might be rumors about missing machines.

I skillfully roamed the tangled streets of people.

First of all, it was a slum, so the lack of proper maintenance also played a part.

The moment I turned around the alley with the sign to the information guild.



I didn’t even notice the person coming out in front of me, so I just bumped into it.

Likewise, he was wearing a robe and a mask, so he had no idea who he was.

The voice I heard was that of a young woman.

“Are you okay?”

“Yes, yes!”

She reached out to her, who had fallen to the floor, but she hurriedly got up without holding her hand.

In the process, something like a green marble comes out of the robe and rolls on the floor of Degururu.


An unidentified girl who quickly picks up marbles in surprise.

It was something like a crystal ball with a pretty color. The information guild here sometimes handled precious items, so it was like that kind of thing.

‘But I think I’ve seen that a lot… … .’

Feeling a bit uncomfortable, I looked back, but the person had already disappeared through the crowd.

‘Actually, I’ve been to Paradise Academia a few episodes, but I’m sure I’ve seen it somewhere.’

If you can’t really remember the details, it’s probably not that important.

“And now it’s more important.”

I opened the door of the information guild without hesitation.

Although it is called an information guild with a fancy name, it is a small tavern-like shop that was eventually formed underground.

Upon entering, a man in a well-groomed suit bowed his head as if he had been waiting.

Blond hair gleaming through the soft lights.

The golden monocle worn around the right eye added weight to the old-fashioned atmosphere.

It wasn’t a tavern in the back alley, but even as an assistant or librarian in the Ortana Faculty, there was no sense of incongruity.

That guy is the master of the intelligence guild’s headquarters, Swallows and Rats.

“I was waiting for you, Baek San-woo.”

Swallow Byway.

It was a source of information that served as the player’s precious ears and eyes until the 8th chapter scenario.

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