Episode 118

35. Siege of Doris (4)


In the grayish dust that filled the commander’s room, I coughed continuously.

‘What the hell happened? Did you shoot the ballista?’

There was no other way to explain it, but this was too much.

A ballista is a giant arrow at best. There is no such thing as breaking down walls.

Even when attacking using the ballista in the main story, there was no directing that the walls were broken.

At best, the window was smashed… … .

‘It’s almost like firing a cannon.’

There are often dungeons that use installed cannons. Right now, in the final chapter of the main scenario, we use Arthur’s fortification guns to defeat the Liberation Front.

However, there were no cannons in Doris Citadel.

‘What did you do?’

As the hazy pile of dust settled, the blurred outline became clear.

Empersia was laid on the crumbling wall. Between the gray bricks, the red hairs characteristic of the Mwape tribe protrude nakedly.

The next thing that caught my eye was the arrow of a ballista the size of me.

An arrow that pierced precisely below the Aradwa I threw.

“Instant death without a doubt.”

I tapped Empersia’s droopy arm. He didn’t feel a single sign of his presence.

As I approached the collapsed wall, I saw Soyoung and George waving from the ballista battery.

“Really, how did you do it? Did the ballista attack power improvement become a submarine patch?”

For a moment, I thought it might be a bug, but it wasn’t.

Because the console window was silent.

‘But anyway, it’s because I caught it at once… … .’

Don’t think too hard. After all, it’s not like you broke the boss.

As if to prove that fact, Mwafes start pouring out from the entrance to the central fortress.

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Mwafes who have lost their monarch and are disintegrating.

It was an event that occurred the moment they attacked Doris Fortress.

When I checked the event, I felt like my Mac was going to explode.

‘It’s hard to clear advanced dungeons with 4 people.’

I judged that there was a sufficient chance of winning, and I actually cleared it.

The rushing fatigue was unavoidable.

How many times have you experienced an immediate crisis?

To be honest, the timing of launching the ballista was also really close.

I beckoned to the two men who were watching the Mwape’s great escape with curious eyes.

George nodded his head when he heard the hand signal telling him to go upstairs because he had caught the boss.

Soyoung, who was on the Mercury Weapon, jumps down.

‘You’re trolling and laughing innocently. Both of you must be very upset!’

With that determination, Illyana scatters the arrows that defeated Empersia in one single blow.


“Yes? Did you find anything?”

“It’s gunpowder.”

When Illyana held out her finger, a black bullet was clearly left behind.

“Why is the gunpowder here?”

When I asked, pulling out Aradwa from Empersia’s back, Illyana shrugged her chin in thought.

She pushed away the fragments full of her feet, and pulled out a small fragment from between them.

And when I looked closely, the shape of the ballista arrow was different.

Even if it was originally long, the thickness of the arrowhead was thinner than expected.

If it is too thick, wind resistance will inevitably increase, and the range will be lowered.

However, this arrow was almost like a log.

Even the tail feathers on the back were close to modern missiles.

Wings attached to rocket propellants.

Right now, the shape isn’t a normal ballista arrow, right?

‘Perhaps this.’

It was a primitive missile projecting explosives suspended from arrows.

“Crazy, did something like this happen?”

“You’ve worked hard!”

At that moment, Soyoung and George arrived at the commander’s office.

They looked at the messy interior and shook their heads contentedly, as if feeling new.

“It’s amazing. If you break the wall, this is what happens.”

“Where did you guys find that?”

When I point my finger at Empersia’s corpse, Soyoung responds by clapping her hands.

“George-sama found it in the supply depot!”

“Supply depot?”

“Before taking the battery, there was a room right next to it. When I broke the door and went in, there were a lot of old artillery arrows.”

“The sense of this body was just right.”

… … How did you really find it?

A hidden arsenal of unknowns to the deceased. I couldn’t help but be frustrated.

I pondered over the time when I attacked Doris Fortress in the main story.

hidden arsenal.

I certainly remember that at the time, there was a door next to the battery.

‘Is that a supply depot?’

No such information was posted on the forum in the first place. This is information that even the rotten bastards do not know.

Something felt wrong.

As I stand there blankly, George is by my side.

“But come to think of it, I didn’t get a message from you to shoot an arrow. You are fighting through the window, and the Mwape main force is flocking to you… So I told you to just shoot with the heaviest one.”

“That, was it?”

But there was nothing to say.

Ultimately, the decision was right.

“But I didn’t know that it would destroy the wall. I thought it was even a bomb.”

That’s right, there was a bomb on it, you asshole.

I wanted to say something like that, but I kept my mouth shut.

‘Yes, I always craved, but sometimes I need to raise my self-esteem.’

However, seeing George’s nose soaring high in the sky, he couldn’t help but feel pain in his migraine.

It was Soyoung who actually launched the ballista.

“Okay for now. We’ve conquered the dungeon, so let’s get some rewards and magic stones and leave.

It was a difficult time from the beginning. Now, it was not the sunset that illuminated the Doris Citadel, but the soft moonlight.

“The reward room is over here. Follow me.”

* * *

Unlike the underground dungeon where a separate reward room was prepared behind the boss room, outdoor dungeons such as Doris Fortress often had a separate reward room outside.

Of course, just because it’s outside doesn’t mean you can just go inside.

You could only enter by using the key that came out after defeating the boss monster.

“So, is the reward room here?”

“I never dreamed it would be at the entrance.”

As if in disbelief, Soyoung shook her head.

The reward room of Doric Citadel was a small room connected to the corridor of the central citadel.

300 years ago, when this fortress was built, the external vault where funds were kept secretly.

When we opened the door using the key recovered from Empersia, 4 treasure chests greeted us.

‘I really don’t know what kind of system this is.’

Even if the auto-replay dungeon is because of the ‘dungeon core’, they give rewards according to the number of players they attack.

Even from a fantasy point of view, it was a ridiculous setting.

‘But where is the reward? If there was nothing, no one would have tried to attack the dungeon.’

From large amounts of manastones, to rare items, to unlucky japtems.

The rewards that can be obtained from the dungeon’s reward room were very diverse.

“I’m on the far right!”

“Then I left.”

The personnel who have already turned their eyes are running in front of the treasure chest that has been assigned to them.

Only Illyana, who did not put much importance on rewards, stood holding my sleeve.

“What will Sanwoo choose?”

“Me? I…”

Among the many dungeons, there was only one reason why I had to choose Doris Fortress.

Farming of a unique grade crossbow required for Helen Merces’ intensive course.

I passed the placed treasure chest and approached the stone statue left in the corner.

“I’m here for this.”

It is the ‘real reward’ of Doris Citadel, which can only be obtained by giving up the random reward box.


When the statue was smashed, debris poured onto the floor of the rainwater, revealing another box hidden inside.


Perhaps it was unexpected, Soyoung opened her mouth wide and was surprised.

“He knows all those things. Is this dungeon here because of that?”


“That’s right. After being together for half a year, I knew all the patterns.”

As George shrugged and said, I gave him a smirk.

“It is said that in three years of Seodang-gae, a bountiful moon is recited.”

“But what’s in it?”

“Wait, you’ll be surprised.”

As it is definitely a special reward, the eyes of the members are focused on me.


The hinges that had been tightly closed were turned, and white dust proving that they had been left unattended for many years rose up.

I waved my hands to blow the dust away, then pulled out the crossbow from inside.

A crazy grip feeling that sticks to your finger as soon as you grab it.

The body made of pure white metal has a distinctive swirl pattern drawn along the grain.

A unique-class crossbow that was made by the great land fairy blacksmith after the Great War to commemorate ‘Jingung Lee Arin’.

“Great! This is it!!”

It was ‘Keter’.

* * *

After spending the weekend like that, I visited Professor Helen Merses’s office.

“Where did you get this…?”

“Received as a dungeon reward.”

Over the weekend, while cleaning out the messy office again, Helen looked at Keter in disbelief.

“I should have thought I’d buy it from Arsronga… but bring a unique-class crossbow? You’re amazing too.”

Is a professor a professor?

Helen picked up Keter and poked around, exhaling admiration over and over again.

“Okay. It’s been cleaned. Let’s go straight to the exam room.”

Wherever the look that always looked troublesome goes, Helen smiles cheerfully.

The characteristic dark circles and frizzy hair remained the same, although it turned into a very sinister-looking smile.

“Huh? But aren’t you going down to the basement today?”

“You really don’t know anything about archery. But how did you find such a crossbow?”

“There is such a thing.”

After I mumbled around, Helen continued clapping her fingers.

“Um… it’s not important. So, follow me.”


Helen led me to the large open training ground. As expected of the best archery training center on Nakwon Island, many students continued to practice hard.

Some of our club members were among them, but I continued to follow Helen without pretending to know.

That’s how we arrived, a corner empty lot.

Unlike the archery where targets up to 100m and 250m were prepared, it was a place where there was really nothing.

“Are you here?”

“Yeah. You don’t even need to go to the archer. You don’t even have the basics yet.”

Helen said so and set up a wooden target that was lying next to it, about 5 meters away.

It looks like it should be placed in a place like a bathroom.

‘this is right?’

Absolutely disgusting treatment.

Even though I don’t have the basics, maybe this is a bit too much.

I stared at Helen and applied silent pressure, but she didn’t seem to care at all.

“Shoot now. Aim properly.”

“Now? I don’t even have an arrow…”

“I’m by your side.”

When Helen turned her gaze to where her finger was pointing, there were only branches full of them.

“You want to shoot a branch?”

“After all, the arrows are also made of wood, how about it?”

Now it was so ridiculous that I couldn’t even make sense of it.

“Doesn’t even the professor know. No matter how good a crossbow this is, there’s no way a crude twig like that will hit the target.”

The mechanism of the crossbow is simple.

A string pulled to the limit is fixed to a hinge and an arrow is hung there.

If you pull the trigger in that state, the hinge is released, and the arrow goes out.

You don’t even need to position yourself.

Grip it with both hands like a modern gun, then put the target in the scope and you’re done.

Therefore, there was no problem in shooting the branch itself, but it was uncertain whether it would hit a target 5m away.


Helen’s expression hardened as I blatantly made the mark of incomprehension.

“Give me that.”

The atmosphere changed in an instant, and I handed Keter over to the professor.

She picked the strangest branch among the branches and the blunt tip, and aimed it at the bow of the crossbow.

‘I think it’s too much for a user of Hawkeye.’

Hawkeye does not increase or decrease the destructive power of arrows.

No matter how much accuracy was corrected by 100%, there was no way he could hit the target with a crude twig.

Whether I’m thinking like this or not.

Helen looked at the target quietly, and pulled the trigger without hesitation.

The bowstring, which came out of the hinge, pushes hard against a branch that was not aimed properly.


The branch that flew out was not enough to accurately hit the wooden target, so it shattered the target itself.


Literally smashed.

A target made of rather thick plywood is scattered as powder on one foot of a branch that was roughly picked up.

It was an unbelievable sight even though I had seen it with my own two eyes.

A momentary glimmer of light flickered from her eyes, and Helen turned her head toward me and said.

“Hawkeye writes like this.”

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