"Of course not. We will discuss the research later. Before that, let the people in the paradise receive the supplies I just sent." Void Manzang said to Chen Luo with a calm face.

Chen Luo snapped his fingers, and a space crack suddenly expanded in front of Chen Luo. Dozens of figures filed out of the space crack, and then walked towards the piles of goods placed on the platform.

Logically speaking, it is a stupid thing to put cargo on the platform, because the space station spacecraft needs to use the platform to come and go. What if the spacecraft is occupied by cargo?

But fortunately, the Black Tower Space Station has just been attacked by the Antimatter Legion. Except for the Interstellar Peace Company, which wants money rather than life, no one else should dare to come here.

There is nothing else on the platform except a star train.

After those Fire Chasing Moth members came to the goods, they disappeared, but they took away a large amount of supplies before disappearing.

A total of 36 people took away 36 piles of supplies. They took away almost all the supplies. The speed was staggering.

"Are these supplies all for the paradise?" Esta looked at Void Manzang and then at Chen Luo.

Esta doesn’t know that Void Manzang is still related to Chen Luo

Esta's family is an executive of the Interstellar Peace Company, so Esta knows quite a lot about Void Manzo, a successful man who is the head of the game department of the Interstellar Peace Company.

Esta's attitude towards Kudos Manzo could not be called admiration, but at least there was a kind of admiration generated by the celebrity effect.

Seeing that Void Manzo and Chen Luo seemed to have reached a deal at some point, Esta was also very curious.

"You two really have an affair." Heita's expression didn't change much.

"Haven't you ever played Honkai Impact 3? Don't you know... No, it's nothing." Walter paused and shook his head.

Walter believed that Black Tower had played Honkai Impact III, because Black Tower was interested in void Manzo and had already ruined the game of void manzo, just to get more information about void manzo from that game. information.

Walter doesn’t play that game because it feels weird.

After all, I know all the protagonists and important supporting characters, and they all have a good relationship with me.

Kiana, Bronya, and Mei are both the daughters of their friends and their students, not to mention Teresa, who was also her immediate boss when she was a teacher at St. Freya Academy.

It’s hard to imagine that when Walter saw the game Honkai Impact 3 coming out, how many middle fingers did Walter give to Hollow Manzo in his heart?

However, this Honkai Impact Sanli seems to be very secretive about pre-civilization matters, and doesn’t seem to be very willing to mention them.

Of course, the most important thing is that there is no Chen Luo in this game, as if Chen Luo was deliberately hidden.

Or is it that what the protagonist group experienced in that game was actually a world line without Chen Luo?

In that game, Void Manzo has always been Otto's weapon, so it is normal for Black Tower to not know the relationship between Chen Luo and Void Manzo.

"Just say what you want to say, and don't stop mid-sentence?" Heita looked at Walter with some displeasure.

"I always feel that these matters have to be left to Chen Luo." Walter shook his head and looked at Chen Luo.

"I feel like this is not a place to talk. How about going to a quieter place?" Chen Luo said and pointed to the Star Dome Train parked on the platform.

"Okay, but it's hard to say whether Pam on the train will welcome you." Walter nodded.

If you just want to invite guests to visit the planet train, there is no problem without Himeko, the navigator, agreeing.

The most important thing is that the conductor of the train, Pam, must agree.

"Welcome to be our guest." To Walter's surprise, Pam seemed to like Chen Luo quite a bit.

Among everyone here, except Chen Luo, this is not the first time to meet Pam.

Needless to say, Void Manzo was the first member to board the star train together with Walter.

The Star Dome Train often stops at the Black Tower Space Station, so Pam also knows about the Black Tower and Esta, and naturally it is Chen Luo's first time here.

Seeing Pam being so enthusiastic, Chen Luo was flattered, and then gave him a lollipop.

"Few people receive such a warm welcome from Pam." Walter pushed up his glasses.

"Maybe it's because I'm more popular with people, especially inhuman things." Chen Luo smiled sheepishly.

"Chen Luo, do you want to join the Star Train?" Pam asked curiously, holding the lollipop.

Walter was even more surprised this time.

This is the first time Walter has seen Pam actively inviting people to join the Star Dome Train.

"Maybe, but we need to finish talking first. Here, this is an armament box. It can be used to repair items, or even the entire train. Even some small scratches can be repaired. I'll give this to you as a meeting gift. Great. Train conductor, go and repair your star train!”

"Well, Pam likes your gift very much." Pam nodded with satisfaction, then ran to the other end of the train holding the weapons box.

"So after that little thing is gone, can we talk about you? You came to my Black Tower space station, but you don't want to be studied by me, and you don't want to pay anything. This makes me very embarrassed." Black Tower He snapped his fingers, attracting everyone's attention.

"..." Even Esta on the side was quite curious.

In order to listen to the gossip, Esta even temporarily asked Alan to help her with the job of the webmaster, but it couldn't last long, so Esta planned to make a quick decision.

Leave after hearing the gossip!

"Ms. Black Tower, if you plan to study me, it's useless to tell me." Void Manzang shook his head.

"Huh? Do you still want me to find the Happy Star God?" Black Tower's eyes became unkind.

"Of course not, the Star God is just a trading partner of mine. No more talking, in 5 seconds, my energy will be exhausted, I should shut down, bye." Void Manzang looked towards the Black Tower and those present here Everyone bowed slightly, and then turned into a golden regular hexahedron.

"Huh?" Seeing Void Manzo showing his true form, Heita was delighted, and then he pounced towards him.

Although I don’t know what happened, it seems that the power of Void Manzo is out of power...

Grab it!

"Wow..." A sound of water flow sounded

The golden hexahedron that was thrown by the Black Tower suddenly turned into flowing golden liquid and flew behind the Black Tower.

Heita turned around and saw the liquid Void Manzo flying away and Chen Luo holding another golden hexahedron.

"Two... Void Manzo???"

"Ahem, maybe you don't know, but in fact... when I left, the owner of Void Wanzang was Chen Luo. The Genius Club #85 you saw has always been a sub-body of Void Wanzang. At least. That’s what Void Manzang said,” Walter said after coughing dryly.


Chapter 1490 Black Tower: Void Wanzang, you don’t want anything to happen to Chen Luo, right? Ha ha!

"Huh? This guy Chen Luo is the master of Void Wanzang?" The surprise on Heita's face was not fake.

And Esta next to her was even more shaken by the impact of this shocking giant melon.

There is a master in the void. If this news is spread, others will be no less shocked than Esta.

If you calculate it, this is equivalent to saying that the 83rd seat of the Genius Club, the great Black Tower lady, can actually shock many people's jaws like a romantic brother.

This is Void Manzo who carries all the heritage of a civilization. This is the messenger of joy and the 85th seat of the Genius Club. This may be Void Manzo, the sole person in charge of the game department of Interstellar Peace Company.

Now you tell me that he has an owner?

What kind of interstellar joke is this?

But as they watched the golden liquid originally transformed from Void Manzo slowly gather into another golden hexahedron, Esta Heita and others had to accept this.

Only Walter, who was sitting aside, breathed a sigh of relief.

Fortunately, the fight between Chen Luo and Void Manzang that he imagined at the beginning did not happen.

"Look, you know that many people will be surprised if you tell this kind of thing, so you won't make it public on the platform." Chen Luo said before some people asked "Why didn't you tell me before?" , and gave the reason.

If word spreads that Ms. Black Tower suddenly has a lover brother, and she feels that her faith has been tarnished, the staff of the Black Tower Space Station and the followers of the Black Tower will definitely be angry and crazy, and the same will be true for Void Manzo.

There is a lot of emptiness, but now it has the burden of idols.

Just when others thought that the golden liquid transformed by Void Manzo was going to be assimilated with the golden hexahedron in Chen Luo's hand, the Void Manzo wrapped in the golden liquid shook slightly, and the golden liquid transformed into another void again. Manzo then reappears as Otto.

There is no place for you in this family!

The Genius Club Void Manzo sub-body was separated from Void Manzo by Chen Luo after a long time. The current Void Manzo does not have this gap.

You can’t melt it without a gap, right?

Therefore, there is indeed no place for Genius Club Kyou Manzo in this family. What we have just done is to extend the set sleep time for Kyou Manzo backwards, and on the other hand, it is also to assimilate the knowledge possessed by Genius Club Kyou Manzo. .

Watching this scene, Heita rolled his eyes and suddenly had a plan in mind.

"Hey, Void Manzang, you don't want the news that Chen Luo is your master to spread, right?" Heita said to Void Manzang with a villain's face.

Heita, you are really despicable now.

"It's up to you, provided someone believes it." Void Wanzang said indifferently.

This sub-body of mine cannot be taken back, on the one hand, because there is indeed no gap in the current body of Void Manzo, and on the other hand, it is also because such a huge family fortune as the sole person in charge of the game classification of Interstellar Peace Company cannot be handed over to others.

"Hey." Heita curled his lips in displeasure.

Indeed, this news is indeed fatal to Void Manzang, but only if someone believes it.

Now Black Tower finally understands why Void Manzang insists on appearing in this image of Otto?

Laughing to death, I am already Otto, do I still care about my image?

And if a house collapses, you must first have a house. How can a house collapse in ruins?

"Since Chen Luo, you are the master of Mr. Void Manzo, then why do you still do business with me... and the Black Tower Space Station? Wouldn't it be better if you go directly to Mr. Void Manzo?" Esta responded to this matter Puzzled

Now Chen Luo's initial character design has been torn to pieces in Esta's mind.

If he doesn't work hard, he will go back home and inherit hundreds of millions of wealth. Chen Luo is different. Even if Chen Luo doesn't work, he will still be supported by Mr. Kong Manzang.


Isn’t this a rich second generation who is richer than himself?

"Of course it's because of fate. You may not believe it, but the first time I saw the image of Kōra Manzo in this world was at the Black Tower Space Station. Moreover, Kōra Manzo's main business is the game business, and I need scientific research equipment more. . If you don’t cooperate with the Black Tower Space Station, who will you cooperate with?” Chen Luo said matter-of-factly.

Of course, Chen Luo knew from the beginning that Void Manzang had made a name for himself in this world.

"Yes, it makes sense. And when we first started working together, Chen Luo, you probably didn't know that Mr. Void Manzo had made a name for himself in this world." Esta added in her own mind.

"And Esta, don't forget, I mentioned it to you from the beginning. There is a curse on me. I cannot have any credit points or any legal currency in my hands." Chen Luo rubbed his eyebrows with a headache.

Don’t deceive young people into being poor. If you inherit the wealth of Void, I’m afraid you will be bullied to death...

Okay, at most, the effect of Don’t Bully Young Man is gone. Don’t Bully Young Man is a positive buff, and it won’t become negative no matter what.

Of course, in addition to this, the most important thing is that if Chen Luo continues to act according to the script, Chen Luo can obtain the most rough stones.

"That's really miserable." This time Esta really felt sorry for Chen Luo.

Poor Chen Luo, even though his weapons possess wealth that rivals that of the country, he can only be a pauper.

"So the wealth of Void Manzo can never be recognized by me as my wealth. But Void Manzo can support the construction of the paradise."

"Does this kind of self-deception make sense?" Heita crossed his arms.

"Yes. And this is not self-deception. How dare Shu Zian mess with my Taoist heart?!" Chen Luo was furious

"Well, what do you mean?" Heita was stunned for a moment.

"Ah, illiterate." Chen Luo sneered.

Heita seems to have called himself illiterate...

​​Have you ever...forgot.

Forget it, whatever you forget will be treated as if it happened!

"You are illiterate!"

"Ahem. I should go." Void Manzang said after coughing twice.

"Wait, no, if you just leave as soon as you say, then wouldn't I, Black Tower, be very embarrassed!" Black Tower was the first to disagree.

"Your objection is meaningless, Miss Black Tower." Void Wanzang shook his head, and then looked at Chen Luo.

"How many manpower do you want?" Chen Luo asked, watching Void Manzang look at him.

"I'm afraid it will take tens of thousands of people to gradually transfer the wealth and power I have in Interstellar Peace Company." Void Manzo said.

Before Void Manzang followed Walter to the Star Dome Railway, he received support from Chen Luo—an extremely detailed wealth strategy.

For those who are foresight, it is not difficult to obtain wealth.

​For example...buying Bitcoin in the era when Bitcoin is least valuable.

Who can imagine that when Bitcoin was worthless, someone even bought a box of pizza with thousands of Bitcoins?

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