The Z Gene

Chapter 7:Experiencing being a city lord

Daniel nodded at the guard while Ropego just watched interested what would happen next, Daniel made the guard invite Dabo in, he didn't know how he got revived but if he got the information from him he could stop dead people from reviving in the future.

Dabo was swaggering in the slums watching everyone with cold eyes, he was extremely sure of himself that he could kill Daniel now with the power boost he got from becoming a zombie and eating the flesh of his comrades.

He immediately invited by a guard thinking he got lucky and the city lord took notice of him he followed the guard with an excited look on his face. The guard shook his head inwardly he wasn't sure what the new city lord would do with this guy but if it was the old one he would have surely become an experiment.

After walking towards the new city lord building he left him next to the door of Daniel's office and told him:

"The city lord is expecting you, I have other things to do so you can go in now."

Dabo swaggered in the room with an expression that looked like he needed a beating, he looked very smug right now.

But his eyes immediately turned feral the moment he spotted Daniel in the city lord seat, he tried to throw himself directly at Daniel but before he could do anything Silvester appeared behind him and kicked him in the back.

Daniel caught him by his now shiny bald red head and threw him back at Silvester who caught him in a hold ready to break two of his arms but Dabo used his two other arms to punch Silvester in the gut making him a bit winded and taking him by surprise.

Daniel shook his head and appeared directly in front of Dabo and punched him in the stomach knocking the wind out of him, he then made a saber hand and was ready to decapitate Dabo with one swift motion but Ropego jumped on his shoulder and nibbled at his ear to get his attention then said:

"Use the technique I taught you to make him one of your subordinates, he is pretty strong now and he could be useful for you just like Silvester, having more strong subordinates in one city is good for you as you will not remain in this city forever."

Daniel was pondering Ropego's words then he put his hand over Dabo's face then injected him with the same blood he injected Silvester with. Dabo's face started twitching unlike Silvester things weren't going as easily because he was resiting the infiltration.

He suddenly felt connected with Daniel and knew that his life was now in his hands if he wanted to survive he would need to do as he said.

He sighed then fell to his knees and pledged allegiance to Daniel.

Daniel nodded his head while Ropego was cleaning himself then Ropego said in an even tone of voice:

"I have already taught you what's needed to control the city, I will let you control it for a few days before we should be moving to another city, this city could be considered saved."

Daniel got some communication devices and shared them with both Silvester and Dabo making sure that they didn't need to come to him to report anything, it would be way easier and less time costly, in the future when he also left they could contact him regarding any problems that cropped up and he could come and resolve them or resolve them via the communication device.

Silvester and Dabo walked out of the room then the building, Dabo looked at Silvester with narrowed eyes and asked:

"So how did you become his subordinate?" Silvester grunted but still responded, even though he wanted to devour this guy to get stronger now that he was Daniel's subordinate he couldn't anymore and he had to get along with him as well!

Silvester started to narrate how things happened while Dabo just nodded his head here and there, then Silvester asked Dabo why did he hate Daniel with which he responded:

"Ugh, don't remind me, I kinda offended him back outside the city and after that he let me live but he came back afterward and slaughtered me and my men!" Silvester nodded his head he didn't ask about his men as he already knew what happened to them before a zombie got full awareness of oneself they would eat quite a bit of meat.

They started patrolling the city while Daniel was doing paperwork for the city, it wasn't his strong suit at all but with Ropego's interference here and there he got hang of it after he left the city he would make sure that either Silvester or Dabo did it if he didn't get a subordinate who was good at administrative stuff.

Daniel was sighing inwardly at the amount of paperwork he had to do, he already felt like an old man who wanted to retire, this paperwork was pretty annoying and some forms were pure gibberish!

There was also some paperwork left from the previous city lord which involved asking for permission for some experiments and stuff like that, Daniel immediately routed the scientists with his newly created city guard with Dabo at its head.

The few mutants from the slums made a great team after a bit of training and Dabo as the spearhead of future operations things would be pretty easy, cleaning the city won't take much time at all at maximum a few tens of days.

Ropego narrowed his eyes at Daniel then stood on the table while pondering:

"Things are a bit too easy... but this kid won't have any hard time till he meets again with project number two, I wonder how is his army growing?"

Costil was doing extremely great on his own, his church was growing at alarming paces in City Zeta, every human wanted increased longevity for some reason or another, they thirsted for it they didn't care if they had to eat human meat afterward as long as they got to live longer!

Especially some old monsters at the end of their lifespan they directly went to Costil wanting to extract his secrets out of him but they got beaten back and only the worthy ones were invested with the Z Gene!

Daniel was a little bit more special considering the Z Gene potential in him, he couldn't infect other people with the Z Gene like Costil but his strength would grow a bit faster than Costil's, of course, he wouldn't be able to kill a giant Church of Z Gene empowered by himself right now.

Costil was creating an army that would bring chaos to the world while Daniel was supposed to balance it and bring order. Costil only got subtle hints of brainwashing to get this goal in mind combined with the aftereffects of the Z Gene he became who he was today.

Daniel's brainwashing was special even more so than the one who did it knew. Baidoa made sure that his brainwashing was made to oppose Costil at everything he did while also making him the general superhero, the original Daniel wouldn't have bothered about saving the world or whatever, he would just have wanted a quiet life.

Baidoa chuckled to himself but his chuckle wasn't as mirthful as before, it seemed like something was bothering him, as he watched how things were going on with Daniel and he pondered if things were going well with Costil, he already sent someone similar to Ropego towards Costil so he could observe him as well. He needed to see the growth of both of them and then make them incite war on each other at the opportune moment!

Baidoa's plan was to create the perfect being by fusing the two Z Gene user's at their peak power creating something that couldn't be explained with science!

Earth was unfortunately dying, he already knew that with their technology there was a zero percent chance of reversing this, they also couldn't leave the planet even if they wanted to, they couldn't create spaceships good enough for them to last and find a new habitable planet while the amount of food would also not be enough.

The only way to have humanity survive was to create the perfect being with no needs, and let it search for other planets where he could repopulate, of course in the path of creating the perfect being most of the remaining population would be wiped out, but hopefully, he could find another planet where humans could thrive.

There were some speculations on what the final result would be in the fusion of the two Z Gene users but it wasn't anything sure, Master Litoa didn't have certain data about it even with all the simulations he did.

These things were unknown to both Daniel and Costil they were just pawns in the great scheme of things, they were selected only because of their ability to withstand a full dosage of the Z Gene awakening serum, thus creating the strongest specimens. Of course, the specimens would have problems with their personality and they wouldn't want to hurt each other due to their prior friendship, thus the brainwashing commenced. A little bit for Costil and a lot for Daniel.

Daniel just finished his paperwork when a guard came in with more of it, Daniel smiled stiffly at the guard which scared the man out of his mind then he ran away from Daniel not knowing what would happen to him if he continued to stay in the room.

Daniel banged his head on the table and his head had gone directly through the table breaking it in two, Ropego sighed at the spectacle happening then he instructed someone to bring in a new table for Daniel. This was already the third time this happened today.

After a new table was brought in and Daniel finally finished the paperwork, and no new paperwork came back to haunt him he got up from the table and stretched his joints. He did more out of habit rather than a need as his body was already adapted to staying on a chair the moment more than a few tens of seconds were passed.

Daniel then yawned, it's been quite a few days since he didn't take a nap, even though he didn't need as much sleep as a normal human he still needed it.

Ropego nodded his head at Daniel indicating that he could go to sleep and that he would overview any problems that came while he slept.

Daniel then left the room to go to another nearby room which had a neat and tidy bed in it, near the bed a small table which had some food and refreshments on it.

Even though he wasn't that hungry he still ate everything on the table to store the nutrients in the food in his body, thus increasing the period he didn't need food for a long while.

He changed his outfit into black jeans, grey combat boots and a dark green military coat with a blue undershirt. His skinny frame was already started to change due to the Z Gene his body was already starting to take proportions but unlike his massive strength his muscles didn't increase much in mass, the Z Gene was adapting him to the perfect body type, of course in other situations when there was a different body type needed, his muscles would enlarge as needed.

Daniel started took a nap in his new outfit, he didn't sleep much so he didn't need to change in sleepwear.

Deep inside of him the Z Gene was working at high speeds to convert his other genes and strengthen them. Surprisingly now he didn't dream of the darkness and chains he had always dreamt before.

Now he saw green-yellow circular looking blobs multiply and seemingly strengthen themselves at fast speeds, he wasn't sure what he saw but suddenly he started to depart himself more and more and he saw the helix of the DNA, one of its branches had the green-yellow look on it, It was the Z Gene!

Only one of his genes were imbued with the Z Gene now, his whole helix tree wasn't fully converted to the Z Gene if it was spectacular changes would happen to his body.

After he consumed all of the blood from the zombies he was already halfway towards the next helix branch, in total there were nine branches visible!

Newly infected people would have to awaken the first branch which would take a long time and energy, that's why Daniel could easily stomp and kill the people from that village, they didn't fully unlock the Z Gene wonders.

Daniel was already ahead in the Z Gene awakening so there were almost no people who could catch up to him using conventional means, maybe only Costil could.

After a few hours of sleep, he got up now he wasn't as gloomy as before when he woke up, he had no nightmares this sleep, things were starting to get better for him gradually things were changing inside his body and mind, there were changes that not even Baidoa or Ropego could understand and predict, these changes were something that would change that plan of theirs even if they wanted it to or not.

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