The Z Gene

Chapter 13:The Devil's burning church plans

As Daniel launched himself at the female Devil Lord her grin started to widen as her face morphed and she stuck her pink tongue out and licked her blood-red lips, Ropego hid before he could be seen by her so Daniel's identity wouldn't be known by the woman.

Ropego was a high profile assassin from the bunker which was known by the Iron Bunker's rival organization, he was a secret experiment that succeeded before the third world war happened, he was quite an old feline. The black cat that went to Costil was a newer prototype with less experience than Ropego.

As Daniel was flying over towards Berarizo her smile turned strange and her cheeks flushed and she said:

"I Berarizo Devil Lord of the Devil's burning church won't treat you badly, boy come here and give me a hug with your well-sculpted body!"

Daniel sure as hell didn't want to hug this obese woman, he wanted to give her a good beating before interrogating her, he needed to know the true plans of the Devil's burning church and see if they clashed with his.

Daniel wanted to punch her directly in the stomach but she stuck herself out not trying to dodge at all Daniel's punch hit her stomach head-on but he did no damage to her! His fist got reflected by the layer of fat on her belly and Daniel staggered a few meters backward due to the counterforce.

Daniel looked at his fist then at Berarizo's fat body and shook his head if punching hard didn't work that meant he had to punch harder!

Daniel's muscles bulged as his power increased in a relative decrease to his speed, of course by the looks of Berarizo she didn't seem like a speed type so he didn't care about his speed decrease.

Berarizo's face flushed a lot and she started to moan as her breath turned hot, It seemed this woman had a muscle fetish! That would explain the muscled woman that was guarding the front of the building.

If Daniel observed better most of her subordinates were buff in one way or another, they all had huge muscles!

Daniel thought to himself:

"Don't tell me this woman did it with all of them? even the other women?" Daniel shuddered at the thought not waiting to get a confirmation.

His muscles all over his body bulged and increased in mass and he threw himself like a behemoth towards Berarizo, Berarizo thought that the same outcome as before would be made but she was wrong!

Daniel was practically cutting the air with strength alone as his fist neared her face, Berarizo noticed that there was something wrong but she couldn't dodge the fist was already near her when she noticed it!

She started to sweat intensely but before she could open her mouth to say anything the enlarged fist hit her square on knocking her out instantly with no problem!

Even though her fat was a good shield against physical damage it couldn't contain something that was above its threshold of endurance, Daniel just had to increase his muscle mass to increase his strength with the help of the Z Gene to defeat her, on paper she would have been a tough enemy for Daniel but practice proved otherwise.

Ropego neared the unconscious woman and spat a hairball on her and said afterward:

"This woman is quite a vile one, you should have realized it by looking at the remains of her cronies."

Daniel nodded at Ropego, she um was quite a special one no doubt about it, Daniel decided that he wouldn't comment further than that.

Daniel sent a few slaps towards her face that hit straight on, her fat face started to jiggle like gelatin and she didn't wake up at all! She started snoring like a bear with heavy heart problems.

Daniel scratched his head, he needed to wake her up to get some information from her, she was from the mid echelon of the organization so she should be able to get her hands on some type of important information.

Daniel already reverted from his muscled form when he slapped her face, his clothes besides his pants were already taken off when he entered his muscled form, maybe that was why Berarizo had such a intense reaction when Daniel transformed into his full muscled form. Daniel decided to transform again to wake her up it seemed she didn't even feel anything if the strength threshold wasn't high enough.

Daniel's muscles bulged again as veins appeared on them and he sent two slaps that made a crisp sound when they met with Berarizo's cheeks, the woman woke up groggily and said:

"Am I dreaming of the perfect man again?" Daniel shook his head at her words and remained in his muscled form if he wanted to interrogate her properly he needed the extra power this form gave him.

Daniel tried some of the basic torture techniques on her but her face just flushed up and her breathing became rougher when he started them, he even used some more advanced ones and even asked Ropego to help on some of them but when they reached the peak of the torture session Berarizo started to moan intensely and said:

"Harder please harder!" Daniel immediately stopped afterward and decided he wouldn't touch this woman again, she was a menace!

Daniel didn't know how to extract information out of her besides torture, he wasn't the most social of men and Ropego was a assassin cat, so they both didn't know how to persuade her after a while of thinking Daniel just decided to go with the flow and ask her directly:

"What's the Devil's burning church's main plan and what were you doing in City Silver Forest?"

The woman was still flushed from what she felt was practically haven before thus she decided to entertain Daniel and she said in a slutty tone of voice:

"I might tell you if you continue the session..."

Daniel shuddered both inwardly and outwardly, he didn't want to touch this woman's body anymore, these three disgusting eyes almost made him vomit unfortunately even if he wanted to vomit he couldn't due to the Z Gene.

He didn't want to touch her anymore thus he said:

"If you don't want to tell me that's ok I can still find some other Devil Lord to tell me."

Berarizo pouted, this might have been cute on any normal woman but her pout made her look like a fierce whale who wanted to eat you whole because it couldn't find enough fish to satisfy itself.

She then opened her mouth and said:

"Ok, ok I will tell you, I only joined this church for the pretty boy toys anyways hehe~"

Daniel decided to ignore anything unrelated from the main information he wanted to know that she would say from now on.

Costil was nodding his head as he stopped grasping the black cat's neck and let her go then said:

"So your name's Seraphima and you come from the organization known as Iron Bunker, your organization wants me to join it to bolster their forces? Interesting proposition but what do I get out of this?"

The cat sighed inwardly, she dodged a bullet there! If she didn't give Costil an appropriate response he would have snapped her neck like a twig!

Costil watched the cat with curiosity wandering what it was thinking about, the cat opened her mouth again and then said:

"I can teach you how to control your gene better and give you martial arts that would be helpful to you, if you are needing a certain resource that the Iron Bunker would have in its stock we would make haste to deliver it to you."

Costil nodded at the cats words pondering them slowly then saying with a scary smile on his face:

"How do you know about my powers?" however the cat already had some explanation for him:

"Your power is not anything special, even though it seems you awakened a particularly strong gene we from the Iron Bunker already had people with awakened genes in our midst, thus we know how to strengthen and control the genes better."

Those words made sense to Costil so he didn't make things hard for the cat, since it decided to teach him these things that were very beneficial to him he thought of joining forces with the bunker but then he suddenly remembered that there was no such thing as a free launch in this world and he asked the cat:

"What do I need to do for you to give me these things?" The cat nodded its head at Costils question Seraphima knew that only a few of Costil's memories were erased so she knew he would be harder to control compared to Daniel but she had to take the mission anyway, Baidoa wouldn't take any no's.

Seraphima twitched her ears then said:

"Well.. all you have to do is keep me around you, I have a video recording chip on me which can send data towards the bunkers analists, they want to analyze your gene and your growth along with the growth of your faction."

Costil pondered the cats words, all of his strength would be on display as long as he took the cat along with him everywhere but he could also restrain the cat movements when he wanted and make her unable to see what he didn't want her to.

Costil immediately told her:

"I can let you stay but you won't be able to come with me 24/7 if you agree to this we could be already considered allies."

Seraphima blanked out for a few seconds there before she nodded her head, she got orders from Baidoa to accept his request, it wasn't anything big, Baidoa thought that whatever secrets Costil had it wouldn't be anything that could threaten the bunker.

Costil shook Seraphima's paw and smiled to himself, only he knew what secrets and thoughts he had in his head.

Back with Daniel, Berarizo told him everything about what she knew of the organization:

Berarizo shook her head indicating she didn't know about the thoughts of the leader of the organization then she continued after Daniel confirmed her words:

"As for my installment here.. well it's because its the city with the highest population on Earth and the Devil's burning church needed someone in it, they couldn't install anyone in this position so they choose me! I'm actually quite special as I'm a peak Devil Lord only a few steps away from being a Devil Duke I only needed to guard this city for a few more years before I would have been promoted.. but now you know that won't happen."

Berarizo started sulking after she said those words, it seemed she cared quite a bit about her rank in the Devil's burning church.

However Daniel wasn't sympathethic of her at all, she did quite more than a few felonies in her life, thus unfortunately for her she had to perish here.

Daniel muscled form never reverted from the moment he woke her up till now, his hand took a the saber form and he said slowly:

"I'll have to thank you for the information but now.. you should know what will happen." Berarizo nodded her head, she lost the fight and she failed her post, if the higher-ups from the Devil's burning church knew of this she would end even worse than dying at Daniel's hands.

Daniel wasn't sure if to convert her to him using the enslavement technique or just kill her, she kind of creeped him out but in the end Daniel decided that instead of killing her he needed a strong subordinate instead, with her defensive capabilties and huge frame she could be the beast of burden that could inact the trade between City Silver Forest and City Magenta.

A indigo colored drop of blood entered Berarizo's forehead as she felt the connection between her and Daniel being created, she started to flush up and her breath turned eratic but the order from Daniel immediately stopped her:

"We will have none of that in the future!"

Berarizo pouted but started to control herself, she looked at the knocked out muscle woman who did poses with Daniel at the entrance then said in surprise:

"Eh? little Bai-Bai is still alive! Great great, master use your technique on her as well she is one of my closer aides." Daniel knew that she wanted the woman for other reasons but now since she was his subordinate he decided to humour her and woke the muscled woman up and used the technique on her.

After he cleaned up the rest of the black district he called over Maroof so he could help the poor people who refuged in this district, Maroof was quick to help as he wanted to dismantle the black district the moment it was created.

The mayor was twirling his mustache in his office as he saw the report of the dark district being uprooted then he chuckled to himself.

It seemed he did a good job by allowing Daniel to destroy the black district, now his image as mayor would be enforced even more and he could win his next mandate.

Daniel sent Berarizo to City Magenta with her muscled maid known as Little Bai-Bai so these two beasts of burden could start the trading between City Magenta and City Silver Forest.

It was time to go to the mayor's office and seal the deal with the alliance.

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