Boom boom! Boom boom!

"and Jean took the collection of his poems out of the clutches of Bubar and tore them horizontally and vertically." A pretty thick book was torn like a thin chin.

"You should get hit.”


Bubar opened his eyes wide and looked up at the camp. He said he did not know why Jin was reacting like this.

The expression that you don't know.

Jean was even angrier because of it.

'It's not enough to mention your name recklessly, what about your brother-in-law?'

Had it not been for the banquet hall, I would have immediately taken the crime out.

Bubar's words and deeds were not just insulting an individual named Luna Looncandel, but belittling the whole Looncandel. Even the Beacon royal couldn't talk to herself that way.

Of course, Bubar didn't mean to ignore Looncandel, but he just wasn't awfully tactful.

"Haha, wife, brother-in-law. No, it's not. Confucius! What's wrong with you all of a sudden!"

He almost punched Bubar, who said he was his brother-in-law again. Jin, who closed his eyes for a moment and calmed his anger, raised his hand to call out the guards.

"Take the interest to the duel."

"Yes, young master."

Two guardian knights standing on the edge of the banquet hall grabbed Bubar by the shoulder. Until then, Bubar did not know why Jean was angry.

Was my joke a problem? What the hell, that makes you so embarrassed? You scumbag!'

Bubar was a rather amazing owner of the mental world.

He was also far from being polite or cultured, and would have been killed in the street if he had not had the unique ability of "transformation."

The uproar drew keen attention. People looked curious when they saw Jin's first duel match (most of them don't know the duel between Siris and Jin).

" Confucius! Don't do this! I just expressed love, didn't I? Everyone has the right to express love!"

Throughout the drag, Bubar shouted, but Jean didn't answer back any more. This is because not a single word worth replying to has been said.

"Ahh! Prince Jean! How could you treat a guest like this? Let me go!"

As the duel approached, Bubar felt like a livestock brought to the slaughterhouse.

'Damn it! The Zipple followers should have killed this bastard five years ago!’

Five years ago, the day Jean left Storm Castle. Zipple's extreme followers had attempted to assassinate Jean after disguising themselves as a guardian knight.

It was this Bubar Gaston who transformed them. He is a member of the Kinselo, but he has often helped his followers as well.

If anything could cause confusion in the world, it is his personality to help whoever he is. Of course not to the extent that you are not in danger.

'He couldn't know I was the one who transformed the assassins, so why are you doing this to me? I can't even tell you my sister is pretty!’

It is not only Jin, but also anyone else knows except himself. I've heard that even the men who asked for transformation failed to plan and were killed.

"I will proceed with a bare-handed fight."

Just before entering the duel, Jean said in a cold voice. When Bubar did not answer, the guardian knights grabbed his head and forced him to nod.

'Boo, Bubar?’

And Vishkel, who had just returned from the sight of Margiela and the banquet hall, grabbed him by the back of his neck as soon as he saw it.

"Come on, what's going on? Wow! It's a duel. Mr. Bubar and Prince Jean must be dueling!"

"That stupid bastard...…!”

You couldn't resist the bird and caused an accident!

He would have approached Jin and asked her to introduce Luna to him while he was not confident, or said that he loved her. Otherwise, Jean and Bubar have no reason to fight.

Vishkel grated his teeth. If it weren't for metamorphosis, he wouldn't be worth saving. When he completes the task of Kinselo, he will surely.

"Huuu, we'll have to follow you first, Margiela.”

"Okay, brother! I've been wanting to see Mr. Boubar fighting for a long time.”

Meanwhile, Siris, holding Murakhan in his arms, was also moving to the duel.

'I was going to ask for a duel one more time, but what's going on? Why is Jean fighting with him?’

The situation is bound to be annoying for her. She didn't expect to win again, but it was her plan to continue to duel with Jin until the end of the banquet.

"Oh! I'm so glad I could attend this banquet. I never thought I could meet the successor of Sigung at such a short distance! Nice to meet you. Siris Endorma, right? I'm Veradin...….”

"Get out of here."

"Oh, old times"

Veradin, who pretended to know for no reason and was cursed, followed her with a sullen look.

"Be careful of the cat, by the way. He's been slapping me in the face before, haha. He's very fierce."

Siris completely ignored the white-haired man who kept pretending to know and entered the duel. Even if he knew he was a hopeful for the Gipple, he would have reacted no differently.

The duel was full of heat, unlike yesterday's match between Jean and Siris.

The duel of prominent fighters continued ceaselessly, and onlookers burst into cheers and jeers.

Originally, to fight a duel, one had to tell the host and take a waiting turn, but Jean didn't have to. The duel calmed down as the camp entered.

The guardian knight approached the host and whispered Jin's duel.

"Next is the star of this banquet! There will be a duel of Master Chin, the rising divinity of Looncandel!"


Jean warmed up and rose to the center of the circular duel to point to Boubar.

"Come up."

People didn't seem to know who Bubar was.

But no one ignored Bubar because his name was unknown. It was because he thought that whoever he was, he was a great man enough to come to the Looncandel banquet hall.

"Are you a hidden master?"

"I hear you're here as a member of the Ivliano family. Still, you must be an extraordinary person."

Now Boubar could not back down, and anger was rising.

All this time he protested his innocence, but that little bastard ignored and insulted himself to the end. It was time to show off my skills.

"Okay! I'll accept the duel. Don't regret it!"

Bubar rose to the duel and faced Jean.

"Prince Jean of Looncandel. Please introduce me formally before the duel. You can do that. My name is Bu...….”

"Shut up. I don't want to know your little name. Let's get started."

Before the host even announced the start, Jean rushed in first. The audience could guess from Jean's attitude that Boubar had made a great mistake.


Bubar, who had never expected the surprise, was hit by a cheekbone and backed away. Tears welled up and slurred reflexively.

But Bubar isn't just a rag. Nor was he known, but he was a six-star unmanned man.



It's an incredibly fast fist to swing that heavy weight with its right body. It looks quite ridiculous, but Bubar's fists were covered with a voluminous oracle.

A fierce counterattack. Jean, indifferently, avoided fists.

Even in Chuck's eyes, Bubar was ahead of Orr. The audience was a little disappointed because Bubar was "weak than they thought," but still weighed on the fact that the achievement was higher than Jean.

"The Duke of Qin has chosen a stronger opponent than he is.”

"And that fat guy seems to be focused on fighting. It would be a disgrace if it broke, why?"

As the audience evaluated, Bubar did quite a good fighting trick. If this was not a banquet hall in Looncandel, but an ordinary duel, it would have drawn considerable attention.

On the other hand, Jean is a knight who uses a sword. With Orejoza Bubar ahead, it is no wonder that people are predicting a weak spot in the camp.


The ensuing hook of Bubar was placed on Jean's chin. I could feel Jean's legs loosening slightly, and Bubar smiled with remorse.

With this skill, how dare you touch this Bubar? I'll make you beg, little man.’

But the smile didn't last long.


It was because Jin, who had to stumble for a while, had to fall down again with a deadly look.

'I hit him on the chin exactly. How the hell?’

I also felt that my legs were loosened.

It was acting. Luncandel's blessed body does not easily collapse even if its jaw turns. If Bubar had ever fought against Looncandel, he would not have been so careless.


The sound of a heavy blow came as Jean's palm struck Bubar's face-to-face. My nose was half-nosed and blood spattered.

There was no time to scream. Looncandel's most basic form of battle is that the more the opponent collapses, the more mercy he loses.

Bam! Bam! Bam, bam!

One more time on the broken nose, left cheekbone, right rib, Myungchi. Jean's two fists, shining with an oracle, were ironing Bumargh!

When it didn't end there and the kick began to add to it, Bubar was covered in blood in just a few seconds, floating like a buoy all over the duel.

"It's over."

"Fast speed after letting him off guard. It's the most efficient way to deal with the strong."

The audience was sorry not to see Jin's sword, but thought it was enough to see. Above all, the biggest harvest was that Jin was able to confirm the fight he was pursuing.

'The lost Confucius is not a kind of useless scolding in a fight. If you think your opponent is stronger than you are, you immediately find a number and solve it.’

When five and six stars are joined, the outcome of five wins is often the case. However, it was extremely rare for the five provinces to be crushed like the present Qin.

Literally a beating. After his first hit, Bubar was dragged around without using his hands properly and beaten.

'Shall we stop digging now? Anyway, my weakness is the problem.’

If it was another Looncandel, not no, he would have torn his limbs the moment Bubar said "chirnam." Even if it's a banquet hall


Jean picked her breath, shaking the blood from her fist on the floor. The fallen Bubar was barely flinching and shedding tears.

As soon as I turned around and tried to get out, a woman screamed from the audience.

"Vishkel Oravany! I can understand the behavior of Confucius Jin. Didn't we win earlier? How dare you trample on someone who's already lost his fighting spirit!"

"Ma, Margiela?”

Vishkel looked at his brother in a fright.

"Prince Qin went too far against the weak. The fallen person over there is our friend. Are you going to just sit there and watch? My brother is very disappointed."

Bubar Gaston. Not only is that disgusting fellow weaker than Jean, but our friend is even more...….

Vishkel wanted to answer that, but his only sister's "disappointment" was on his mind.

" you want me to duel with Confucius who lost?"

"Yes, I'd like you to teach Confucius a lesson. In a more honorable way than Confucius, who just lost."

"Oh, hot lady!"

"Vish! Listen to your sister's request. Haha, it's going to be an interesting match.”

In the end, Vishkel was forced into a duel by Marziela and the audience.

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