But what is this thank you, if he is really a corpse slave.

  What a powerful existence that body should be!

  Thinking of this, he suddenly felt a rush of cold air rushing directly to Tianling Gai'er from his heels.

  Looking at the coffin on Fengchan Platform, he shivered uncontrollably.

  The strength of the corpse slave is completely followed by the corpse owner.

  To be able to turn Xie Xie into a corpse slave of this level, I am afraid that the corpse owner in the coffin can already be compared to the one in the zombie mausoleum!

  Seeing Wu Laogou's discolored face, Bai Luoti finally chose to shut up.

  No matter what they say at this time, it will only increase the pressure on the two people in the tomb.

  Since this is the case, it is better to choose to shut up and not add pressure to Wu Laogou and the others.

  The body couldn't help but step back. At this moment, Wu Laogou had a stronger sense of that invisible crisis.

  As if thank you could escape from the corpse at any time.

  Get chills all over!

  "The new tomb door has been found."

  Huo Xiachao, who was dispatched, had never returned from not far away, but he could see from his face.

  There was no joy at all, but rather an incomprehensible solemnity.

  "what happened?"

  Looking at her dusty face, Wu Laogou frowned slightly.

  A bad premonition rose from the bottom of his heart.

  Finally, he locked his eyes on the five-color Fengchan platform.

  "It's not on that one, is it?!"

  An unbelievable voice sounded in Huo Xiachao's ears, and Wu Laogou's face turned blue at the moment.

  In his eyes, the Five-color Fengchan Platform was tantamount to a hell-like existence.

  If the tomb door is really hidden above, then the vitality of the two is completely cut off.

  Although the current five-color Fengchan platform does not have the slightest vision.

  But that doesn't mean everything is over, there may be another beginning.

  In their hearts, one hundred and two percent are unwilling to have any contact with the Five-color Fengchan Platform.

  But now, even if I don't like it, I have to go.

  Because behind this tomb gate, it is not only their vitality.

  Likewise, it may also be the final location of the entire tomb.

  That was the main tomb they were thinking about!

  With a heavy heart, Wu Laogou stood up from the ground.

  The pain in his spine made him frown slightly.

  But he knew now was not the time to rest.

  Turning his head to look at thank you, who had been very quiet, his mood became heavier.

  According to his understanding, this thank you today is definitely not as simple as imagined.

  As the so-called abnormal, there must be demons.

  Better to get out of this tomb first.

  The moment they left Xie Xie's side, their tightly closed eyes suddenly opened.

  The abdomen is still floating slightly, just like a living person!

  Wu Laogou, who had just walked a few steps, turned his head suddenly, and in his eyes, thank you, there was no change at all.

  A pair of phoenix eyes still stick together tightly.

  "Am I being too careful?"

  Looking at the thank you, who had not changed in the slightest, Wu Laogou's brows slowly wrinkled.

  He always had an ominous hunch, but that hunch didn't give him any useful answers.

  "what happened?"

  Huo Xiachao was startled by Wu Laogou who suddenly turned around.

  When she saw thank you as if she was asleep, she frowned slightly.

  Wu Laogou, who didn't know, was wrong about that miracle, and he was still worried about the thank you, who had already been bundled into zongzi.

  Although she didn't know what the method of bundling thank you was.

  But from the details, she still sees a taste of a Taoist who moves mountains.

  As the most mysterious existence in the tomb robbery, as long as the techniques they spread out, they will be regarded as treasures by various tomb robber families.

  Especially the way they deal with the dumplings, it leaves people speechless.

  Shaking his head gently, Wu Laogou was also full of puzzlement at this time.

  He had followed the family elders to the grave when he was very young.

  In just [-] short years, I have seen things I have seen, things I haven't seen, things I should have seen, and things I shouldn't have seen.

  However, since he entered the grave, everything has changed.

  Let him have to be careful to change.

  The thought was fleeting, and Wu Laogou, who had recovered from his contemplation, looked at the Five-color Fengchan Platform.

  Now they don't have much time to think about things.

  Better get out now!

  The two and one dog slowly approached the edge of the Five-color Fengchan Platform.

  As they went along, they always felt as if someone was watching them.

  But when they turned around, there was just a thank you with eyes closed.

  "Don't scare yourself."

  Seeing Huo Xiachao turning back with him, Wu Laogou said.

  I don't know if this was said to Huo Xiachao or himself.

  With the slow movement of the two, they finally reached the position of the Five-color Fengchan Platform.

  Looking at the tall altar in front of them, the two immediately began to beat drums in their hearts.

  The Baidi Fengchan that happened before has become their nightmare.

  I guess it will never be forgotten.

  In their eyes, the simple altar has become a moat.

  It's an insurmountable gulf!

  "let's go."

  Standing in front of the five-color Fengchan platform for a long time, Huo Xiachao finally spoke.

  No one knows what will happen the moment they go up.

  But what they know is that if they stand here all the time, it is tantamount to waiting to die!

  The two looked at each other and nodded slightly.

  At this time, the soles of the feet also slowly lifted up and landed behind the stone steps of the Five-color Fengchan Platform.


  deathly silence...

  Just as the soles of their feet landed on the Fengchan Platform, their breathing suddenly stopped.

  As if waiting for God's judgment.

  The fear in their hearts made them close their eyes tightly, but when they opened them, nothing abnormal happened.

  It's like the Baidi Fengchan just now was just an illusion, a scene imagined by themselves in their hearts.


  Seeing that no accident happened, Wu Laogou let out a long sigh of relief.

  Put all your attention on Fengchantai's coffin and start to move forward slowly.

  According to Huo Xiachao's analysis, the location of the tomb door should be under the coffin.

  It might even be inside.

  On the surrounding walls, except for various murals, there is no exit.

  Even the door of the tomb where they came in seemed to have disappeared, and its location could no longer be found.

  All the back roads are blocked, so they can only choose the road ahead!

  Cautiously ascending the Fengchan Platform, the five-color Fengchan Platform has lost its previous prestige...  

  It was as if Baidi Fengchan had exhausted all its energy, so it finally quieted down.

  Looking at the coffin in front of him, Old Gou Wu hesitated again.

  But the coffin is right in front of them. If they don't open the coffin, it will be a great torture for them.


  "open it!"

  The conversation between the two was resolved in just four simple words.

  His eyes were locked on the coffin, and the tools for opening the coffin had already appeared in Wu Laogou's hands.

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