The wretched heir of the main god

The Insignificant Heir of the Lord God Chapter 767

In the past, Orb had to develop mobile suits sneakily. Now the war is over. After the fall of the old overlord, in the era of coexistence, governments of all countries need to show the world their muscles to warn their surroundings in this jungle world. Those unkind neighbors.The Republic of East Asia first launched its own newly developed MS to show the world. The Eurasian League also announced last month that their first-generation combat MS, Hyperion Gundam, has completed preliminary tests.

Aub's Murakami has stolen the transformation technology of the Aegis Gundam that was being developed in Helipolis by the Atlantic Alliance.It deliberately carried out demonstration training in front of the public, and also took the opportunity to show muscles to the world.

"That's the technology of our Atlantic Alliance! General Halbaton actually traded with Orb privately!"

Looking at the MS flying outside, Natal said to Maru angrily.

After Mina Sahak got the MS design and development technology from Zaft, he turned around and made a deal with the Atlantic Alliance, and the person with whom she had dealt with was Halbarton, Maru's mentor.

Maru belongs to the Halbaton family, but Natal Bakiruru is another faction in the military, and is closely related to Gamitov Hyman.Halbaton and Ober hooked up to secretly develop MS in space. Of course, it could not be his personal behavior. In fact, it was approved by the president.It’s just that the Atlantic Alliance is now split. In Bucky Lulu’s view, his past behavior is suspected of being an enemy-and indeed an enemy. The G Gundam that Orb is testing in space, its full set of design results , Has long been flowing into Zaft through Akafir's dark hands.Natal thought of the plan that Akafiel had prepared, and understood in her heart that the Orb who thought she had eaten Zaft and the Atlantic Alliance and ate both sides had actually fallen into the trap dug by the "dangerous boy". .

When leaving Zaft and seeing the information given by Akafir, Natal originally had sympathy for Orb.But now, seeing Ober "misappropriating" the technology of the Atlantic Alliance to develop his own private goods, and learning that Ober has frozen a large number of Atlantic Alliance's domestic assets during this period, the disgust in his heart is even deeper.

She remembered the plan Akafil gave her.

"Although the Atlantic Alliance is weak, it is not something that a small country like you can bully!"

Natal was bitter in her heart.Maru clearly felt the hatred of her comrades-in-arms towards Orb, she didn't say anything, just sighed in her heart.

The passengers on the spacecraft they took were all prisoners of the Atlantic Alliance.Maru and Natal were also the last prisoners of the Atlantic Alliance that were released back to Earth by Zaft-they could have been released early, but because everyone knew, they stayed in the sky for seven more days.

When the two got off the ship and walked out of the space port, they were surprised by the scene outside the port.

Outside the port, the "welcome" crowd was divided into two camps on the left and the right.

The camp on the left is under the banner of the North Atlantic Titans, and on the right is the South Atlantic Alliance.The representatives of the two sides seemed to have returned to the presidential election. They each sent a group of people to shout slogans and hold placards. The purpose was to draw these soldiers with actual combat experience into their own camp to serve in the future war. "Cannon fodder" in China.

In wooing these prisoners of war, Titans was much more active than his opponents.But the people in the South Atlantic Alliance are not stupid. Of course, they don’t trust the soldiers who have received Zaft’s dangerous ideological education in space, but even if they don’t want to use it, they can’t just watch them being dragged away by the enemy. Pretending to send a large number of people here to do their ideological work.

The raiding operation of the two major forces actually started in space.During the peace talks, both families sent special personnel to visit the captured soldiers in Zaft’s prison camp under the name of "humanitarianism" and take the opportunity to do their ideological work.Maru was recruited by her teacher during this period.Halbaton assured her that he would guarantee that she would not be disturbed and discriminated against when she returned to serve in the South Atlantic Alliance. He, the commander of the fleet, still has the energy to keep his students.

And Natal also received the call of Titans. The other party’s statement is similar to Halbaton. The difference is only that there is an extra copy of the "black material" that the South Atlantic Alliance people used to "dislike prisoners of war"-the South Atlantic Alliance inherited Given the legacy of the previous government, the former government abandoned these prisoners of war as if they were walking on their feet, and they naturally have to bear it.

Although the new president of the current South Atlantic Alliance took office and was busy wiping the stinky butt left by the various mistakes of the former president, his successor still has to continue to bear the evil consequences planted by his predecessor.

Seeing the people in the South Atlantic soliciting there, Maru hesitated.

Natal Bucky Lulu reminded her from the side:

"Maru, you learned a lot in space. If you really want to change anything, you can only go to the north. The group of people in the south are just lonely ghosts left behind by the previous government. Follow them. This country does not There will be any hope."

Maru looked at her friend with an unusual look. After a while, she said, "I don't think Akafil has such a deep influence on you."

Natal lowered her head and admitted: "Yes, I actually agreed with his views and ideas earlier than you. Because of this, I was afraid and escaped. I was afraid of being controlled by him unconsciously. Even now, after leaving there, I can still feel that the bad guy is still controlling me far away...I want to deny those things he said very much, but I still have Can’t find a negative way...If we choose the south and look at the old and decadent things, I think I will identify with him more. Only when we go to the north, we find more dark sides of Titans, To help me escape his curse."

Natal talked about the crowd walking towards the northern camp. Maru looked at her hesitantly and stomped her foot. In the end, she didn't go south, but followed her.

She said: "I won't join the army right away, I want to take a look below. And I am a northerner."

"Then you'd better decide quickly. That plan can't be delayed. We only have less than four months or less at most."

Three days later, Mario and Natal returned to the Atlantic Alliance after a long absence.Both Maru and Natal have been subject to military "loyalty" scrutiny.To evaluate whether they betrayed national intelligence and defected to the enemy during their capture.

Fortunately, Akafil had foreseen this situation a long time ago, and before letting them leave, he gave them some targeted training sessions.Natal passed the review easily. The main reason was that she was originally from the Gamitov Hyman line, and the upper class was protected.

In contrast, Maru encountered a lot of trouble.The relationship with her mentor Halbaton became the biggest obstacle to her return to the army in the north.She was "vacated" indefinitely by the military. Fortunately, Mario herself wanted to investigate more about the status quo in the north, and her mentality was calm.

Natal returned to the army soon after passing the review and was under the direct command of Major General Sullivan.

The former Colonel Sullivan joined the Knights of Concern after being demoted to a lieutenant colonel and forced to retire.The Knights of Worry is actually the predecessor of Titans, because he "made" a perfect coup plan. Afterwards, Gamitov Hyman praised his merits, promoted him to major general, and finally became a "general."

Although he is very much used by Gamitov Hyman now, Major General Sullivan still knows what level he is.He may be an excellent destroyer captain, but he is only a destroyer captain.Being promoted to general, occupying a higher position, engaging in some unfamiliar occupations before, and performing unfamiliar tasks, is really beyond his personal ability.

Out of a subtle mentality, after becoming a general, Sullivan's favorite men now are those who have been Zaft prisoners of war like him.Because everyone has been prisoners of war, and each other has taints, which makes him feel much better psychologically.

Natal, who was also a prisoner of war, was favored by him under such circumstances and actively recruited under his command.

Now that the North-South confrontation, the two sides pretend to be in peace talks, but in fact they are all recruiting troops.

The re-recruitment of a large number of captured soldiers and officers who had received "special education" in Zaft to the army, and the arrival of the opposing Atlantic Alliance is a far-reaching move.

Many of these people became instructors for newly recruited soldiers after being re-employed.Titans, who is in the process of frantically expanding the army, is currently a bit chaotic in the recruitment and training of soldiers. Many audacious officers are "playing" the recruits indiscriminately according to their own ideas when the emperor is far away.

Many people instinctively want to apply this set to the army after the corresponding "political commissar education" by Zaft soldiers in the sky.

Natal is also an advocate of this set, and he “accidentally” got the support of his boss, Major General Sullivan, in this matter.Then, based on his experience and learning on Zaft in the past few months, he also strongly advocated to imitate Zaft to establish a related military and political commissar system.

In this matter, Sullivan gave Natal full support.

Time just passed by day by day. In the middle of forty, one day Major General Sullivan called Natal over and asked her if she could quickly end the war.

At that moment, Natal remembered what Akafir had said: "Guan Jian is on Orb, to be precise, on Orb, the colony of Helipolis in space."

She gave Akafiel to her plan, chose the ones that were most beneficial to her, and handed them to Sullivan.Major General Sullivan took a look and was overjoyed.

Three days later, Natal, who was picking up sole blisters for recruits in the barracks, suddenly received a call from the top of the military, saying that the president wanted to see her.

Soon, Bucky Lulu was taken to the White House by a plane.Sullivan, who was also a prisoner of war, passed by with her.

Today's Major General Sullivan hates and loves Zaft in his heart, but now he can't help it.

His abilities were not enough to meet the demands of the upper echelons, and did not match his position, but behind him stood the elite conspirators of the entire Zaft Intelligence Agency.

It is because they continue to advise Major General Sullivan that he can continue to climb smoothly and smoothly.

Today's Major General Sullivan is actually a hidden son controlled by Illidan.

Chapter 88

The Great Lakes in the North of the Atlantic Alliance was originally a heavy industrial zone. However, due to the impact of hammering in the early stages, the Atlantic Alliance evacuated part of its factories to the south.Nevertheless, the industrial strength of the North is still three times that of the South.

As for the issue of power shortages, the upcoming full-scale civil war has made the two leaders naturally choose wartime policies, and all tilt towards the military industry.

After the disintegration of the Atlantic Alliance, the two regimes of the North and South Atlantic Alliance divided the country's property.One of the most precious legacy is the "enhanced man" technology that the Atlantic Alliance has been secretly researching, and there are many enhanced man-machines on both sides.If the war continues and there is no hammer blow, the Atlantic Alliance can dispatch at least a few hundreds of enhanced man-machine divisions-just like in the animation, when a giant of the earth is engaged in a war of annihilation, there are only a few. An enhanced man-machine engineer is supporting the scene, which is extremely funny and impossible in reality.

Although the MS handed over by Zaft still only installed the OS for the adjuster for the time being, it was more than enough for these enhancers.Moreover, the Zaft army itself has not been idle this year, and has also developed an OS suitable for natural persons.As long as the North Atlantic Alliance is at a disadvantage on the battlefield and there are not enough pilots, they will immediately upgrade their MS.

The South Atlantic Alliance has received support from the Eurasian League and the East Asian Republic, as well as a large number of MS produced by the East Asian Republic.

And Zaft in the sky, after the North Atlantic Alliance paid for hard currency with gold and grain, he also handed over a batch of active Jean and Xigu to each other.The Atlantic Alliance, which is about to civil war, has helped the Zaft Army to upgrade its equipment.

Selling precious mobile suits to the Atlantic Alliance, Akafir originally thought it was not easy to explain Zaft’s parliament, but in fact it easily got a majority when voting.After the big victory, Zaft's self-confidence was unprecedentedly swelled, and the patrons behind the congressmen were unable to oppose the glittering gold.After selling the old equipment, the army can accept the new MS.The military is very satisfied, and the military salary is also very satisfied.

In the process, Shigel voted against it, but it was useless.

Zaft’s upper-class military salaries all had this dream at this time: The Atlantic Alliance’s war was fought for many years, and then they took the opportunity to drain and drain the Atlantic Alliance’s blood through the arms trade.

The countries with the same idea include the Eurasian League and the East Asian Republic.

The ugly attitude of Zaft's upper echelon, the greedy face of the domestic army's wages, Lax sees everything in her eyes, she sadly said to Akafel:

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