The wretched heir of the main god

The Insignificant Heir of the Lord God Chapter 509

In the past 25 years, huge military expenditures have been reduced, and financial capital has been severely damaged and forced to re-industrialize again. After more than two decades of hard work, the United States has shown signs of "re-greatness"— —At least the current industrial GDP is 60% of that of a large country in the East. Finally, it is able to build its own bridges, build rockets, and build various equipment that used to be built but could not be built 25 years ago.. ....

Not only the United States, but a large country in the East is also a beneficiary.

A large number of corrupt officials who fled abroad, under the intimidation of Kina, honestly took the money they had taken away, returned home and surrendered, helping a big country to save a lot of losses.Similar situations have also occurred in many countries.Those huge greed who had eaten their brains and fled to foreign countries to become rich, all honestly returned home and surrendered to jail under the threat of death from Kina.

No matter how the people who hate him accuse him, they have to admit that the masked man on the stage has used whips, bayonets, and death in the past two decades to force governments to do a lot of Do but dare not do, don’t want to do, and cannot do” things.

"High-pressure dictatorship and cleanliness" can probably explain the way he created this world in this way.

In the past twenty-five years, under the persecution of Kinah, the world got rid of decay and began to become better.

More and more people identify with Kena.

However, the man praised as "closest to God" by his admirers has reached the end of his life after twenty-five years.

He is dying.

And today is his death date.

When Ye Shenyue walked into the lobby, someone in the lobby played the Internationale.

Under the guidance of Takada Kiyomi and Mei Shangzhao, Ye Shenyue walked towards the high platform step by step.

The masked Guardian was sitting there. In front of him, there was a table with a red book on the table. The cover of the book was Guardian Shiro's favorite reading, an anthology of Li Desheng.

Just a few days ago, the dying Shiro Shiro announced to the world that he himself would die and that he would pass on the title of "Kena" to the next successor before he died.

The person he regarded as his successor was Ye Shenyue.

For the past 25 years, he has been training Ye Shenyue as a successor, and he has lived up to his expectations.

The media from all over the world are all gathered at this time. In addition to looking at Kena's heritage, they have to confirm one thing.

The true face of Kena.

For the past twenty-five years, Shiro Weimiya has always concealed his true face under that black and white mask, and never made it public.Only a few senior officials of the Justice League have seen him in his true colors, but this time he announced that he will take off his mask before death.

The black and white Kena mask is an important prop for this inheritance ceremony.

"You came!"

"I'm coming!"

Audiences from all over the world, through the news broadcast, heard the conversation between the old and new generations of Kina when they met up close.

Then, they saw Gina stand up, his hand holding Ye Shenyue's hand, and pressing it on the book in front of him.

The moment the palm touched the book, Ye Shenyue's body suddenly trembled.

He recovered the memory of being Kena.

The red book on the table is not a real red book, but a death note wrapped in a red book after processing.The moment Ye God touched the death note, the memories he had once recovered.

Then he saw the god of death Luc, standing next to Shiro Weigu.

Lucky smiled and said:

"It's been a long time, Yue! Wrong, it should be said that you have not seen me for a long time."

"Yue, you were still immature at that time, but now you have completely relieved me."

In London, England, Niya, who is also a middle-aged man, coldly watched this scene of inheritance, and he said to the people around him:

"In fact, Ye Shenyue was the first Kena, and he and Shiro Wei Gong had colluded long ago."

But it's no use what he said now. In the past 25 years, Kena had already conquered the hearts of this world.

What Niya can do is to act as a spectator, and only as a spectator.

On the TV, in front of the camera, Shiro Weimiya pressed the back of Yagamitsu's hand with his palm on the death note, and began to say the sacred oath in a solemn tone.

"The darkness of ignorance and hypocrisy. Still enveloped the world!"

"The darkness of ignorance and hypocrisy. Still enveloped the world!"

Wei Gong Shilang said, Ye Shenyue followed.

"I swear, starting today, I will fight for the truth!

I will not be religious, delusional, or confused.I will pierce the hypocritical masks of all exploiters, and do my duty faithfully until I die!

I am a planter of civilization and science, and I am a preacher of democracy and progress.

I am the torch to expel superstition.I am the sickle to eradicate ignorance.

I am the hammer that breaks the shackles, I am the guardian of all mankind!

I dedicate my life and glory to the fairness and justice of the world!

This is true today, every day!"

This set of oaths is no stranger to the world.For the past twenty-five years, this has been the oath of the members of the Justice League.

In the presence of people all over the world, Shiro Weimiya slowly took off the black and white mask that he wore on his face, which had made people all over the world look forward to for twenty-five years.

This mask was made 25 years ago.In the past years, he has replaced many new ones, but this time, he took out the original one.Because of the passage of time, it has already faded a bit.

Everyone finally saw the true face of Shiro Wei Gong at this moment.

In front of countless cameras, he slowly put the mask on Ye Shenyue's face.

"Yue, life is like walking. The path of justice I have chosen is no longer able to move forward today. For the rest of the road, I beg you to continue to lead the people of this world..."

The people of the world were surprised to find that Kina under the original mask actually had a handsome face—because of the cultivation of the Mending Art Technique, Shiro Wei Gong’s appearance looks almost Never get old.

However, his time has run out.

He exchanged half of his life for the Eye of Death, and ran out of time early.

The things that should be confessed, he had already talked to Ye Shenyue in the past days, and today it was just a ceremony.

After the ceremony was completed, Shiro Weimiya stepped off the oath stand. When he stepped down, countless cameras were aimed at him.Ye Shenyue bends down and bows, and takes her "life mentor" to the end of her life in an extremely respectful manner.

In the backstage of the auditorium, Shiro Wimiya saw his wife who had been so dreamt of him in the past 25 years.

Nankong Naomi.

Takada Kiyomi was also there.

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