“… What color is he ?”

In response to Soyeon’s question in front of her, I poked my head over her shoulder and checked where she was pointing .

At that place… ,

hang on… hang on…

There was a slime that had a transparent red color, unlike the slime you can see often .

“ Oh. It’s a variant .”

“… Variant ?”

In the case of a normal gate, the types of monsters that occur are fixed .

So, hunters can choose the gate that suits them, and it is good to grow step by step .

However, sometimes, there are monsters that take on a form that is different from the usual appearance .

Usually, such monsters are called ‘variants’, but as they have different shapes, they also have slightly different appendages that can be harvested .

Of course, the values are different .

This is information that the academy has not yet taught, so it is natural that Soyeon does not know .

“ Anyway, after all, it’s a slime, so it won’t be much different .”

“… okay ?”

After explaining the variant like that, I immediately raised my magic and pointed at the variant slime .

“ Let’s do the same .”

“… yes .”

I put ice magic into the condensed magic and threw it at the variant slime .

Shoo -wook –

By the way .

Chii Ik –

The slime, which should have been frozen, endured the magic with its large body trembling .

“… Is n’t it frozen ?”

“ Did you use too little magic ?”

I haven’t received the item I received as a reward before, so I don’t have enough magical power .

It’s a variant, but it’s already a bit of a waste to pour magic into it… .

At that time, I was lost in thought for a while and looking for a way, a good idea suddenly flashed through my mind .

“ Then let’s do this .”

I approached Soyeon, who had an expression on her face that she did not understand English, and grabbed her hand .

“… 👌👌👌👌 .”

Then, after poised to reach out towards the slime, I spit my magic power into her hand and spoke to her .

“ Remember the magic stone I revealed earlier? I’ll put magic on you, so you can just shoot with magic .”

It is a method of shooting magic using Min So-yeon’s magic as a medium .

“… Yes… .”

I left Soyeon’s strangely shy reaction behind and gave a signal by engraving the freezing magic on the back of Soyeon’s hand .

“ Shoot .”

that moment .

Min So-yeon exploded her magic and shot magic .

aa been to have

Great output at a glance .

When the magic from Soyeon’s hand hit the mutant slime, it froze the surrounding area .

“… her… .”

Unintentional admiration .

Obviously I used basic freezing magic, but when Soyeon’s magic was added, the power came out as if she had used intermediate magic .

I was able to realize once again how talented Soyeon is .


“ Where would you like to… .”

After stopping the subjugation for a while, I was wandering around looking for a suitable place to eat .

“… Wow… .”

I happened to find a flower garden hanging over a small vacant lot .

… it

‘s amazing It was a place where not only one type of flower grew, but a variety of colorful flowers .

I glanced around, and it seems to be a pretty decent place with moderately wide rocks .

“ Soyeon-ah. Shall we eat here ?”

“… good .”

She nodded as if waiting .

With Soyeon’s permission, I immediately started setting up the table .

Today’s lunch is sandwiches and ionic drinks .

This is Soyeon’s favorite sandwich with sliced ham and plenty of vegetables .

“… I will eat well .”

“ Don’t pretend, chew it thoroughly .”

Dump – well… well…

I waited for a while until Soyeon tasted the sandwich, and as she swallowed the sandwich, I asked a bit .

“ How about you ?”

“… ok .”

This is commendable enough .

In the midst of eating like that, Soyeon asked me a question while sipping a drink .

“… We’ve collected slime hacks. You said you could sell it to the association, didn’t you?”

“ Yeah. But why ?”

Attachments from the gate may be collected by individuals, but it is common to process them and receive compensation from the association .

This is the part I explained to Soyeon before entering the gate .

“… .”

Soyeon, who spoke up, looked at my hand as if thinking about something for a moment, then turned her gaze away and smirked .

“… nothing .”

… what is it

After eating with such a small question swallowed .

We immediately continued the monster subjugation .

I often meet other hunters in crowded places, but because this is an F-class gate, I didn’t run into anyone .

Just when I find a monster, I cast my magic, blah-

blah blah blah blah…

Soyeon finished .

“… Ha !”

bang !!

The subjugation was continued with a simple but very effective system .

However, at some point, I felt as if the monster was not appearing for some reason .

As if someone had wiped them all away .

“… Do n’t you?”

Maybe I wasn’t the only one who thought so, and Soyeon is also feeling something strange .

“ So… . The time has come to come out .”

At that time, I was slowly moving around while talking with Soyeon .

… Aww !

A faint human voice could be heard from somewhere .

It also sounds like an adult woman screaming sharply .

“ Huh ?”

“… did you hear me?”

It’s not unusual to hear a woman’s voice inside the gate .

As it is a place where monsters that harm people exist, it is a natural place to have accidents anytime, anywhere .

Didn’t I die in an accident ?

However… .

This is an F-class gate .

A place where only monsters with low aggression and very weak exist, so that the same person is more dangerous .

Even a higher-level monster has never been found at an F-class gate .

In other words, the screaming here… .

… ahhh !

A woman’s sharp scream is heard again .

“ Soyeon-ah. Let’s go .”

“… Yes !”

I left the ‘message’ on one side in preparation for an emergency, and headed straight to the place where I heard the screams with Soyeon .

… aww !!

A sound coming closer and closer .

I beckoned Soyeon to stop gently, pointed behind a large tree and whispered softly .

“… It’s over there .”

Then he put his finger to the corner of his mouth and, quelling his footsteps, cautiously approached the large tree .

Behind the tree, I could hear not only the screams of women, but also the voices of some men… .

“ Ugh… !”

squash-! Squeak- !

A burst of plosive sounds and “

… ha ha ha! uh… . Ha ha ha ha !”

“ Ugh !”

The passionate voices of two men and women .

“ Oh, my brother… ! Danger today… .”

“ My, I will take responsibility… !”

… crazy… .

Whoever heard it, they were a simple pervert couple .

While I was relieved to think that this was not what I expected, I felt very unfamiliar .

At least I kept my wife’s mouth shut, but aren’t they shouting like they’re bragging ?

Taking a deep breath, I slowly backed away, beckoning Soyeon who was behind me .

“… Soyeon-ah… . let’s go back … So Yeon-ah ?”

However, Soyeon was unwilling to go, swallowing her saliva and eavesdropping on the sound behind the tree .

… No, he… .

“… Min So-yeon !”

“… uh, huh ?”

She wakes up and looks at me .

Eyes slightly open and face flushed red .

And an exhilarating sigh blew out between the plump lips that were faintly parted .

… I can’t. Let’s go fast .

After examining Soyeon’s condition, I said let’s go back with a face as calm as possible, and then she

finally came to her senses and followed me .


Time passes… .

gate entrance .

“ It was really hard today .”

“… you too .”

We were able to subdue quite a few slimes .

From morning to evening, I went to subjugation, and I think I caught nearly 100 of them .

If this is enough, Soyeon must have adapted to the gate .

I led Soyeon, who was looking forward to her with her arms folded as if exhausted, and slowly stepped out of the gate .

“ Whew… .”

The sky began to darken slightly .

I was careful because I wondered if there would be any reporters, but fortunately there were no reporters .

After boarding the shuttle, we headed to the association to dispose of the appendages collected today .

Beep –

After passing the lobby with the registered information, we finally arrived on the 3rd floor .

Thing –

“… .”

When I got off the elevator with Soyeon, I saw a large number of people gathered over the lobby to dispose of the accessories .

Hooseong-woong-woong-woong- The

line looks quite long… .

“… Let’s go over there .”

It didn’t matter to us, with the association’s executives on our backs .

I led Soyeon through the people and headed to the window with the least lines .

[VIP window ]

A nameplate with a stylishly written name .

As we approached the window, receiving people’s attention, a pretty-looking female employee came to us with a smile and talked to us .

“ Hello. How can I help you ?”

Just as I was about to take out the subspace pocket I had taken out in advance and hand it to the female employee, Soyeon grabbed the pocket and banged it at the window! ‘ he said coldly as he put it down .

“… deal with it .”

Oh no, he… .

I was at a loss for words as I was doing the same thing as Jooyeon-hee when I was young .

Meanwhile, as if surprised by Min So-yeon’s appearance, the female employee retrieved the pocket with a careful hand and said ,

” Ah, yes, yes… . I’ll check things out… .”

After dumping the parts into the collection machine, they returned the bag to us .

“ S, I deposited 500 won per slime hack, 300,000 won a variant slime hack, a total of 384,500 won into Min So-yeon’s account .”

“… yes .”

Min So-yeon grabbed my pocket pocket and pulled me before I could say goodbye, and I quietly followed her and shook my head quietly .

So we arrived at the lobby on the 3rd floor .

I sat on the bench for a while to set the next schedule, and then handed a question to Soyeon, who was sitting next to me .

“ Soyeon-ah. How do you feel about making money for the first time ?”

Then, Soyeon leaned her head on her shoulder and answered .

“… It’s hard .”

Yes .

Today is a monumental day for Soyeon to earn money for the first time !

I thought Soyeon made money for the first time and worked hard all day, so I went out to eat after a long time .

Shouldn’t it be a grand celebration on a day like this ?

By the way… .

Soyeon didn’t want to do that, so she led me to the association’s cooperative store on the 3rd floor .

“… So Yeon-ah. What do you want to buy ?”

But Soyeon didn’t give me any answer, and she just grabbed me tight and moved as if to quietly follow me .

… where are you going to go… .

How far did you walk with Soyeon ?

Soyeon stopped in front of a store .

[ no’pia ]

Luxuriously written signboard .

“… huh ?”

It was an accessory store .

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