The problem is that the FBI's quick response does not mean that the local police will fully cooperate. No matter how strong Jiejie's communication skills are, they can only ensure that the information exchange between each other is smoother. There is no way to whip them to keep an eye on every suspicious vehicle passing on the highway.

"Jack, the video of the doorbell is done." When several people checked the upstairs bedroom, Hannah and Jubal, who stayed downstairs, had just completed the copying of the surveillance data and intercepted the corresponding video clips according to the time of the crime.

The so-called visual doorbell is to install a camera on the doorbell. When someone presses the doorbell, the residents can directly see the person who presses the bell through a small screen in the house.

Nowadays, with the iteration and update of technology, the visual doorbell has also directly become a surveillance camera, connected to the resident's computer, and realize 24-hour uninterrupted surveillance recording.

Unlike Jiejie's upgrade route of taking behavioral analysis courses and becoming a behavioral analyst, Hannah chose the technical route.

She originally liked all kinds of electronic games, and she was no worse than Jack at playing computers, so she simply chose to learn some practical software techniques.

Although it is just the beginning and typing a code is quite strenuous, who made her and Jack know the same hacker expert? Justin threw a bunch of practical tools to her, from simple password cracking to Trojan programs that track IP addresses, with fool-proof operation instructions, most of which can be completed with just a click of the mouse.

This greatly increased Hannah's interest in learning to a certain extent. She often hacked into Jack's computer to check his coding progress, calling it practice.

Fortunately, someone used a dedicated tablet when writing those Mary Sue and Long Ao Tianwen, which was physically isolated from the Internet, otherwise it would have been discovered long ago.

Everyone gathered around Hannah and watched the surveillance video played on the screen. The time was just after nine o'clock in the morning. A man and a woman, like a couple, rode crookedly to the door of Hargrove's house on a bicycle.

The two casually threw the bicycle on the lawn. Ronnie put his hands in his pockets and walked to the door in a sloppy manner. He smiled and pressed the doorbell. The young woman with a slightly dull face limped behind him, giving people a weird feeling.

"Can you rewind and play it again?" Clay suddenly said.

Hannah replayed the video as she said. Clay pointed to the young woman behind Ronnie and said, "Look at the way she walks. I've seen similar situations in military rehabilitation centers. Some people with head injuries behave very similarly to her."

Jubal nodded in agreement. "It seems that the person we are looking for is likely to be a survivor of an accident. Update the video and this information to Alice and ask her to use the facial recognition program to search the relevant database. In addition, did the surveillance camera capture the situation when they left?"

"Yes, but only Ronnie was captured." After that, Hannah fast-forwarded the video until Ronnie's back appeared in front of the camera again. Jack noticed that the video time was almost noon.

Ronnie appeared in the picture leisurely with a key ring on his finger. He suddenly stopped, turned around and showed a weird smile, then leaned in front of the camera and licked it with his tongue, then stepped back and waved at the camera.

"It's disgusting." Clay subconsciously stretched his fingers, opened them and clenched them again, as if he was about to touch his pistol the next moment.

Jack felt a little bit itchy, "Ronnie knew he was being filmed, so his behavior was not impulsive or unplanned. This bastard knew what he was doing, and he left so many clues just because he didn't care, as if he was playing a game."

"Is there a navigation system on the missing Chevrolet Malibu?" Jiejie asked Agent Dodd, who was also standing next to him watching the video.

"No, but the license plate information has been sent to the state police. I hope they can find something." Agent Dodd replied.

Jubal didn't have a pencil in his hand today, and he always felt a little uncomfortable. He cleared his throat helplessly and ordered, "OK, then Jack, Clay and Hannah will stay for the time being, Jiejie will go to the state police to coordinate and follow up, and I will meet up with Aubrey and Alice, they should be here soon."

There is no need for the base car to stop at the crime scene. The FBI does not have an office in such a small place, but the parking lot of the local police station is a good choice. They brought enough supplies this time, and they can just connect a water pipe to refill the water tank on the car.

After all, this is not a wilderness, so there is no need for everyone to sleep in the car overnight. One or two people can stay with Alice, and the others can just find a hotel to spend the night.

Jack and his two companions stayed at the scene for another two hours, and left only after receiving Jubal's message.

There is a saying that if you are full of flaws, you will have no flaws. This crime scene is similar. Too many clues sometimes simply increase the workload of forensics.

The identity of the murderer has been confirmed and the wanted order has been issued. The chaotic clues at the scene are actually useless for the time being, but forensics cannot stop working because they are all evidence needed in the court in the future.

For the wanted team, what they need now is clues that can point out the whereabouts of the two people. Jack and his two companions searched back and forth at the scene several times, but ultimately found nothing.

Of course, this is also expected. After all, the two people came empty-handed on bicycles, and they didn't even prepare the murder weapon in advance. Now they can only hope that the state police will be more powerful and find the missing car as soon as possible.

In the evening, everyone found a steakhouse in the city center for dinner. Except for Jack and Aubrey, who still had a big appetite, everyone else seemed to have little appetite. The steak knife in Hannah's hand cut the plate with a squeaking sound, but she didn't take a bite for a long time. .

After Alice called her daughter, she looked at the crowd with some confusion. All these guys looked serious, completely different from the energetic look they had when they went out.

Especially Clay, whose tender face after shaving and a body of tendons had always attracted the attention of ladies, but now his whole body exuded an aura of keeping strangers away, his eyes were fierce and selective. The taste of human beings.

"Mom is not here, is your daughter okay?" It was Jack who suggested that Alice follow the car, so he naturally had to be concerned.

"Of course, my parents have been helping to take care of her since she was a child, and they are very close." After explaining, Alice glanced at Jack and asked in a low voice, "Why does everyone seem to be angry?"

"Because the guy we have to deal with this time is a beast, inhumane, and a young adult girl fell into his hands. She still doesn't know whether she is alive or dead, so everyone is very angry, but there is nothing they can do for the time being. "

Jack has killed several similar perverts. Aubrey should be used to it after seeing too many capitalists on Wall Street who eat people without spitting out their bones. Moreover, this guy is a bit heartless. The last time he saw a rotten corpse by the lake, he vomited it. There was a commotion, so I turned around and had a meal of hamburger and milk tea to make up for it.

However, Alice's behavior was a bit strange. Although she was not at the scene before, she must have looked at all the photos and videos sent back. She seemed a little too calm.

"Perhaps it's because I was previously responsible for working with the wanted criminal group and other task forces, so I have seen too many similar cases."

Alice explained in a low voice, "Although there are many criminals on the wanted list, chasing them requires a lot of time and money. One case after another is shelved, restarted, and shelved again until the other party is finally arrested due to mistakes or various reasons. ”

Jack suddenly realized that although they seemed to be frequently exposed to cases as field agents, the people who really came into contact with a large number of cases were actually back-office technicians like Alice.

When the operations center is not in use, they have to serve multiple task forces at the same time, and are exposed to new cases almost every day, sometimes even several cases a day. No matter how emotional people are, they will have to become numb after working for several years.

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