This guy's acting skills are not very good. Jack actually saw a bit of curiosity in Pete DeLeon's eyes. He looked more innocent than Kenneth Sigbee, who opened the cafe before.

If the basic evidence hadn't been solid at this moment, even he would have thought that this guy was really innocent.

"Do you remember this person?" Jubal pulled out a photo and put it in front of him. "Kerry McMay, at that time, he had not become addicted to drugs. He was just a young man who had just reached 20 years old and was enthusiastic. Kind and dedicated, I want to help this unfortunate sick child of yours.”

You must know that bone marrow donation is much higher risk than blood donation, and local anesthesia is required during the process. Considering that Kerry McMay is addicted to drugs, it is difficult not to suspect that there is a connection between the two. Some kind of connection.

In a large Eastern country on the other side of the Pacific Ocean, most healthy people will never be exposed to narcotic drugs in their lives. Even if a considerable proportion of people are born with a physical constitution that is sensitive to such things, they can survive with the closest drugs available through general channels. Just some cough syrup.

In the United States, after a person has experienced the sensation caused by narcotic drugs, driven by curiosity, it is as easy to get similar drugs to experience it again as to go out and buy a pack of cigarettes.

Of course, this was just Jack's speculation without evidence. At the same time, the conversation in the interrogation room continued, and Aubrey was showing the document that Jack printed out and brought back from CSI in front of Pete DeLeon.

"It is this bone marrow transplant that allows you to have Kerry McMay's DNA in your body. This phenomenon is called genetic chimerism, and the process is gradual.

Three years ago, it was your first time committing a crime, so you didn’t have much experience, right? You left your semen inside the victim, but DNA testing told us the killer was Kerry McMay, and he ended up in jail. "

Jubal placed a photo of the victim in front of him, "Remember her? Kathy Seton, Kerry McMay was convicted of killing her."

Pete DeLeon opened his mouth, but before he could say anything, Jubal threw out four more photos of the victim, "If you stop from now on, we may never find out that there is a problem.

But you couldn't help it. You didn't commit a crime for three years, just because you injured your back at work. It was very hard to endure it for three years, right? "

Jubal tapped his fingers on the photos, "You must have known about McMay's imprisonment and that you had a lucky escape, so you learned your lesson and became more careful after your injury improved.

You thought of tying heavy objects to the body and sinking it into the lake. You would even dispose of the clothes beforehand and clean the traces on the body, because you knew you could not make another mistake. "

"But you don't know that in addition to your blood and semen, the cells on your skin are also gradually occupied by McMay's DNA, and we still found DNA evidence.

Dragging a body through the woods late at night must be tough for you with a bruised back, right? Or maybe the sound of a garter snake frightened you, causing you to leave the body in the creek and run away. "

Jubal's voice was emotionless, but every word that came out of his mouth was like a hammer blow to Pete de Leon's heart.

He struggled to maintain a smile on his face, but his eyes were full of panic, because every guess Jubal made was accurate, as if he had seen it with his own eyes.

"We found the same DNA as three years ago, but McMay has been locked up in prison. It is impossible for him to kill these women, so there is only one person left in the world who might do such a thing, and that is you ”

After Jubal finished speaking, he put his hands on the table and stared directly into Pete de Leon's eyes.

After a moment of silence, Pete DeLeon smiled again on his face, "This is ridiculous. I don't understand what you are talking about at all. Why should I kill these women."

Aubrey sat down opposite him, picked up a piece of paper and read expressionlessly, "Your father has been arrested many times for physical assault and domestic violence. According to this police report, when you were ten years old, he Beat your mother unconscious in front of you.

Among the police evidence was a roll of 14-gauge wire, which was used to bind your mother. As we speak, there is a psychologist next door watching all this. He can use a lot of professional terms to connect the two who are related. "

The smile gradually disappeared from Pete DeLeon's face, and the words in his mouth became stuttering, "I, I haven't. I have never killed anyone, I can't, I can't. In short, this is all nonsense.

I mean, you guys are slandering, it's so offensive, that's it, I think I need it."

At this time, there was a knock on the door of the interrogation room, and then it was pushed open, and Jiejie and Hannah walked in.

Hannah held an evidence bag in her hand. "I think you need to see these before calling a lawyer. We just searched your apartment and found these." She handed the evidence bag to Jubal.

"There are a total of five rings inside. We haven't had time to find the family members to identify them, but the wedding dates on four of them are the same as the wedding dates of the four deceased people, and one has the last name, Sidon, engraved on it."

"Kathy Seton, your first victim." Jubal threw the evidence bag in front of Pete De Leon, with a coldness in his voice.

The evidence was conclusive, and it no longer mattered whether Pete de Leon admitted it. As soon as he left the interrogation room, Jubal couldn't wait to contact the prosecutor.

Not to prosecute the guy immediately, but to reverse the case for Kerry McMay. The judicial process takes time, especially when it involves the retrial of an old case like this.

It will be at least a few weeks before McMay wants to leave prison, but the outcome has been determined. Whether he will get some compensation through prosecution or negotiation is another story.

The next night, Jack officially opened the kitchen in his new office and cooked several special dishes. A group of FBI and two NYPD detectives, plus a well-known writer and his daughter, gathered together for a small celebration party. .

Aubrey is also a wealthy man with a net worth no less than Cassell, but neither the appearance nor the amount of food he eats matches his status. Most people stay away from the preserved egg and tofu, but he ate half a plate of it by himself, leaving someone behind. The vanity of being a chef is greatly satisfied.

Jubal looked at the slightly turbid liquid in the cup with a frown, and the faint smell of alcohol in it made him feel a little heady.

This is fermented glutinous rice made by Jack himself. After the steamed glutinous rice is fermented, some osmanthus essence is added and then simply filtered. The remaining solid part is fermented glutinous rice. As an after-dinner dessert, the sweet-scented osmanthus fermented glutinous rice dumplings are very popular among these old beauties.

As a by-product of fermented rice wine, the sweet rice wine with the scent of osmanthus and hints of wine in the cup became someone's test.

"Don't worry, the alcohol content here is even less than 1%. You can't find similar drinks in New York except here."

This is really not Jack's bragging. You can indeed find fermented glutinous rice balls in Chinese restaurants, but this kind of sweet rice wine will turn sour if it has a shelf life of no more than two days. I have never seen anyone specifically selling it.

"What I'm most fortunate about is that I didn't ruin my partner's career." Jubal hesitated again and again, picked up the wine glass and took a sip, smacking his lips and then breathed a sigh of relief, as if he had let go of a knot in his heart.

"You know what? When I saw Mike May in prison again today, he actually cried and said thank you to me. He said he never thought that the person who would eventually come to save him would be me."

Jack shrugged and gave Aubrey a large piece of rock candy elbow. It felt so good to feed this guy. It felt like he was filling the trough of the pig pen with his front feet, and then the inside of his back feet was licked clean. .

"From a good point of view, he has at least successfully given up his drug addiction after three years in prison, right?" Jack resisted the urge to pat the pig's head, trying to relieve Jubal's guilt from another angle.

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