The world of American TV series: Starting with the L.A. Patrol

Chapter 759 Jack and Hannah’s Investigation

However, the husband turned a deaf ear to Jack's question, "I heard that you also found the bodies of two other women. Do you know who they are?"

"Sorry, no comment, we can't mention other victims." Hannah replied businesslikely.

They can reveal some details to the other party only after confirming that the other party's suspicion is eliminated and that the cooperation or cooperation of the family members is needed. The current situation obviously does not fall into this category.

Not only in the United States, but also around the world, husbands and boyfriends are always the first suspects in the murder of married or partnered women.

Although the current case looks like a serial killer crime, it is not advisable to preconception. Before the truth is revealed, any possibility exists.

"So where is the suspect? You must have a suspect, right?" The husband continued to ask.

Jack looked at the time and said, "Sorry, not yet. It's only been less than 6 hours since your wife's body was found. I hope you can understand."

As expected, the grieving husband burst out with emotion, "It's been ten days, it's been ten days since Beatrice disappeared, and you, the police, would only say one word of no comment. Now that she's dead, you still have the same tone." , I have to know what happened to my wife!"

Faced with his angry roar, Hannah did not retreat but advanced. She stepped forward and looked at him sternly, "Mr. Santos, my colleagues and I understand your current situation. We are here to provide help. This This is also the reason why we rushed here in the first place.

For you, the most important thing to do now is to control your emotions, carefully recall the situation at that time, and answer Agent Tavole's questions. "

The biggest difference between reality and some YY novels is that in addition to the protagonist, other people will gradually grow up with time and experience, and no one must be an accessory to others.

When Hannah was in the LAPD, her fighting skills and marksmanship were always among the best among the police officers. She never slacked off after joining the FBI. She didn't have to play games when she was busy, but her daily training never stopped.

Whether Jack's mentality is a salty one or not is not discussed for the time being, but in the eyes of others, the speed of his growth and progress is quite amazing and rapid. As Hannah, who has been with him the longest, she also has the deepest experience of this.

If Hannah's goal when she chose to join the FBI was to avenge her parents, then after the Margrave incident, her goal became to be like Aunt Didi, becoming her lover's most reliable partner, whether in life or work. middle.

As her lover continues to grow and improve, she must also keep up with him. Just like Jiejie was not satisfied with her previous back-office position and took the initiative to participate in the training of a behavioral profiler, Hannah has never set her goals aside. Only one senior agent.

So despite being with Jack in private, Hannah always looks like a silly little sweet girl, but at work, as a partner, she and Jack are always the most tacit couple, because she also In rapid progress.

At this time, if Jack opened his mouth again, it would be easy for the two parties to conflict. As a female agent, Hannah's slightly harsh scolding actually calmed the other party down.

"Sorry, I may have been a little too much." Santos found a small sofa in the living room and sat down. He held his head and was silent for a moment before speaking again.

"Beatrice worked in a high-end hotel in North Salem. She was the person in charge of the bar area. The restaurant closed at midnight, so she usually didn't get home until one in the morning.

My working hours were relatively free, so I would wait for her at home every night. She sent me a message that night, saying she would be home in twenty minutes at most. "

He choked up at this point, "This is the last time I heard from her."

Seeing that he had calmed down, Jack and Hannah looked at each other and sat down opposite him. Jack lowered his tone and asked, "So, you two have always had a good relationship?"

"Yes, we have been married for two years and have almost never quarreled. There may be some disputes, but usually after one night, we will make up soon." Santos wiped the corners of his eyes with the back of his hand.

"Then has she ever mentioned that she has been harassed by anyone? You said that she is in charge of the bar of the restaurant, so she should often meet some drunk guys, right?"

Jack asked while writing something on the notepad. Sometimes it was not really to record important information, but to give the other party a serious and responsible professional attitude, which was also a form of respect.

"Yes, but only occasionally, there will be some pretentious guy trying to strike up a conversation, Beatrice usually just laughs it off, she said she is very good at dealing with those kind of guys."

Judging from Santos's reaction, he probably wasn't lying on this point. Neither he nor his wife seemed to regard this matter as any trouble.

But maybe Beatrice is hiding something and simply doesn't want her husband to worry, so the investigation needs to continue.

Jack asked some more questions, and after arriving at the address of the restaurant where Beatrice worked, he said goodbye to Hannah and left.

Throughout the conversation, the husband behaved normally. Whether it was his micro-expressions or overall emotional changes when speaking, they were all in line with the normal behavior of an ordinary person who has lost his lover.

Jack has temporarily ruled out the other party's suspicion in his mind, so if he wants to know more about the situation, he can only go to Beatrice's place of work to continue the investigation.

It has nothing to do with the town of North Salem where the restaurant is located, also known as Witch Town. The latter is located northeast of Boston and belongs to Massachusetts. It is famous for the horrific Salem Witch Trials in 1692. , often appears in fantasy TV series and fantasy games.

North Salem is located near Titicus Reservoir, less than 30 kilometers away from Stanford. It has a pleasant climate and is surrounded by manors and private horse farms. It is a typical gathering area for the rich.

The hotel Santos mentioned does look very high-end, and the restaurant is also magnificently decorated. The bar area has a full 12 display wine cabinets. The long bar is enough to hold thirty or forty chairs, and can accommodate seven or eight bartenders to serve guests at the same time. Bartending service.

Jack and Hannah found the restaurant manager, a middle-aged white man who looked ordinary and was shorter than Hannah.

"I don't remember anyone harassing her. Our customers here are all high-end people. You know, this is not a street bar." After hearing the purpose of the two FBI's visit, the restaurant manager's attitude seemed a little casual.

Jack and Hannah looked at each other. Beatrice was the bartender. In other words, this should be her direct superior. This was not the normal reaction of a normal person after hearing that his subordinate was murdered.

Jack glanced at the five small black spots tattooed on the back of this guy's hand, took out his cell phone and sent a message to Jubal, while Hannah continued to ask questions calmly.

"But her husband said that she was often accosted by guests. Are you sure there were no suspicious people hanging around Beatrice in the days before she disappeared? Even if it was just a small conflict."

There was a sarcastic expression on the restaurant manager's face, "I'm not surprised by this."

He paused and seemed to feel that his attitude was a bit too much. He readjusted his expression and said, "Beatrice sometimes seems a little too sensitive. A beautiful lady like you must understand that sometimes others praising you does not mean that you are too sensitive." I have some plans for you, don’t I?”

"But his husband's statement seems to be somewhat different from yours. He said that Beatrice was very good at dealing with guests who harassed her." Hannah continued.

The restaurant manager smiled back subconsciously, "That may be because he is her husband and not a colleague."

Jack put away his phone and winked at Hannah, "OK, thank you for your cooperation. Oh, by the way, that tattoo on your hand is cool."

The restaurant manager's smile suddenly disappeared, and he forced himself to respond calmly with a thank you.

"Where did you get the tattoo?" Jack continued to ask. This tattoo has nothing to do with coolness. It is a typical prison tattoo, with five black dots in a plum blossom shape, which means that this guy has served five years in prison.

"Well, at a tattoo shop in Kingston, the tattoo artist said it was a Buddhist symbol."

Knowing that this guy was talking nonsense, Jack didn't expose him. He just praised him again in a long tone, "Oh, Kingston, this is really cool."

The restaurant manager became a little restless and forced a smile, "If there is nothing else, I have to leave for now. There are some things in the kitchen that need to be arranged immediately."

"Of course, thank you for your cooperation."


Jack and Hannah both had the same smiles and watched him turn around and leave as if to flee.

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