
Is that the direction of the DHS New York office? Jack's heart tightened, and he subconsciously called Hotchner, but there was only a busy tone. Then he continued to call Joyner, but it was still busy. An ominous premonition rose in his heart.

"Call Joyner and Hotchner through the radio! Uh, and others, tell them to stay where they are, and don't go back to Federal Plaza yet, Garcia! Check all the surveillance cameras near the explosion site, 5 minutes, I want to know what happened there within 5 minutes!"

"Check it immediately." Garcia's face was pale. She was not familiar with the real terrain of New York. If Jack hadn't spoken, she wouldn't even have reacted at the first time that something might have happened to Hotchner.

The explosion site was too close to Federal Plaza, and the BAU's previous profiling was conducted directly in the large office of the Operations Center. Many analysts and technicians saw and heard it with their own eyes and ears.

What a large-scale terrorist attack, continuous bomb attacks, plus the speeches of several bigwigs, many people subconsciously thought that another 911 had come. These staff members were just like Alice Taylor's single mother. Without the identity of federal employees, they were just ordinary people.

For a while, most people's first reaction was to pick up their phones and call their relatives. In fact, not only was the operations center in a mess, but Jack was also a little panicked. Could it be that their profiles were all wrong? The location of the explosion was far from the 8 attack sites, and the time was wrong.

Or maybe he was too confident. In fact, the other party was targeting the BAU team? But why was the alarm set by Justin not triggered? Where did the other party get the information about the BAU team?

No, no, Jack forced himself to calm down. The scale of the explosion didn't look big. At most, it was the level of a roadside bomb. The purpose was to create chaos, which was in line with their previous profiles.

Moreover, everyone's itinerary today was arranged temporarily, and the other party couldn't have predicted it in advance, unless... Jack looked around and immediately ruled out the possibility of a traitor.

If there is a traitor who wants to blow up, it won't be Hotchner and Joyner. Wouldn't Dana Moger and Rossi be more valuable?

"Hey! Everyone! Calm down! This is not the end of the world!" Jubal's loud voice came into play at this time. He raised his right hand and snapped his fingers several times in a row, attracting the attention of everyone in the operations center.

"Put down your phones. It's just a roadside bomb. We expected this, didn't we? It just happened in advance.

Now, I need everyone to calm down. The mobile network has been paralyzed. Put down your phones. Your family will be fine. Pick up the intercom on your table and contact the agents outside to confirm their safety.

Hey, contact NYPD immediately. I need to know the situation on the scene as soon as possible!"

The brief chaos was quickly ended. Jubal's prestige as a commander in the operations center was not lost because of his upcoming transfer. Everyone quickly returned to their seats and got busy again. For a while, various calls came one after another.

"Jack, I found the live video! It's Hotchner and Joyner." Garcia's voice was crying.

Jack stepped forward and put his hand on her shoulder to calm her down. "Don't worry, let's see what's going on first."

The camera was facing a row of cars parked on the roadside. The farthest car in the picture was the one temporarily assigned to Hotchner by the New York office. Soon, two figures, a man and a woman, walked into the camera range.

Hochner and Joyner were easy to identify. One was always in a suit and the other was in an office lady's professional attire. They walked and talked until they came to the side of the Saab bus.

When Jack was in Los Angeles, he often wore T-shirts and jeans, and had no image of an FBI agent. After arriving in New York, he went out in formal clothes every day, and even had a wardrobe of black suits and white shirts.

Hochner opened the door of the Saab bus first and sat in the driver's seat. On the other side, Joyner had just opened the passenger door, and before she could get in the car, a black car parked in front of the Saab bus suddenly exploded.

The flames instantly covered the screen, and the figures of the two disappeared in the camera, and the body of the Saab bus could not even be seen clearly.

"I have to see them. Change the angle." Garcia cried out loudly, her hands trembling on the keyboard, and she even forgot how to operate for a while.

"Calm down, this is a video, you can't change the angle." Jack grabbed her hand and asked her to look directly into his eyes, "It's not their car that exploded. Switch to the real-time picture. Are there other surveillance cameras nearby?"

"Yes, there should be several more. What should I do now? They, they..." Garcia was so panicked that she didn't know what to say.

"I'm going to the scene now. According to the plan, emergency personnel can only enter after eliminating the danger at the scene. Now I'm the only one who can help them."

Jack was about to leave with his assault rifle on his back. Suddenly he thought of something and turned to Garcia and said, "Continue to trace the video. I want to know when the car that exploded was parked there. This is very important."

"It's fine." Perhaps infected by Jack's calm attitude, Garcia swallowed hard and forced himself to concentrate.

"Take these with you." Jubal stuffed a first aid kit and a portable shield into Jack's hands, and followed him as he whispered, "The explosion happened nearby. According to the plan, the entire building needs to be evacuated. Do you think it's necessary?"

Jack paused for a moment, then shook his head, "The possibility of the Federal Building becoming the target of an attack is extremely low. The other party must have some other purpose. The explosion just now was just to cause chaos. There must be a real target, and what can stop them now?" there's only us."

Jubal apparently agreed with him, "I will evacuate other federal departments in the building. You should pay attention to safety on site and maintain communication."

The explosion site was just two intersections away. When Jack's Dodge Hellcat rushed to the scene with its siren roaring, faster than him was the NYPD's emergency unit. It was also not far from their headquarters building. ESU special police wearing helmets were rushing to the scene. Use simple roadblocks to block intersections.

Seeing Jack getting out of the car carrying a Noveske N4 assault rifle and a first aid kit like a thug in a suit, several ESU SWAT officers subconsciously raised their guns.

"Put down the gun, idiot, he is one of our own." An ESU commander who had cooperated with Jack yelled and cursed.

"Captain Warner, my people are inside!" Jack took out his ID and waved it to the people around him, "I have to go in."

"According to the order, no traffic is allowed here until the safety of the scene is confirmed. The first responders should arrive immediately, but the bomb disposal team will take some time. When they arrive, they will immediately investigate the explosion point." Captain Warner whispered. explained.

"I know that the order was issued at our suggestion to Director Regan, because the target of the attack may be the follow-up ambulance personnel. Continue to implement your orders. I will go there alone."

Without further ado, Jack squeezed past the SWAT officers blocking the roadblock, climbed over the roadblock with one hand, and ran towards the scene of flames blazing into the sky.

He had already seen Hotchner, who was squatting on the roadside and shouting for help. The person lying next to him seemed to be Joyner, but strangely, there seemed to be a civilian at the scene.

Just as he was running at full speed, Garcia's loud call came from the headset, "Jack! Jack! Are you there?"

"Yes, I saw Hotchner, he should be fine." Jack slowed down slightly.

"Be careful of that bastard at the scene. He is the murderer. He parked the car with the bomb in front of Sababan. He has been watching all this!" Garcia reminded loudly.

"Are you sure?" Jack had already run halfway and was only forty or fifty meters away from them, so he stopped immediately.

Garcia's voice was full of anger, "I'm 100% sure, I'm looking at you right now. He just walked up to Hotchner, pretending to be an innocent passerby."

Jack suddenly stopped, reached into his pocket, pressed the signal jammer, and then squatted down on the spot. With a shake of his shoulder, the assault rifle was already in his hand.


The two people squatting on the side of the road looked up at the same time when they heard his yelling. The next second, gunshots rang out.

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