After finishing speaking, Rossi turned to look at Danny, "Detective Reagan, I hope that the NYPD and FBI will jointly hold a press conference to announce to the public as soon as possible that the murderer who has been attacking passers-by on the streets recently has been killed by the police on the spot."

Danny nodded and turned around to leave. He didn't even bother to ask the ambulance paramedics to check his body. After all, he was an experienced police detective. How could he not see that something fishy was going on right now.

Today, the streets are full of patrolling police officers and FBI agents wearing body armor, especially FBI agents. The three conspicuous yellow letters on the body armor clearly indicate their identities.

But yesterday, the murderer who was able to avoid the surveillance of the police and continue to kill people under the surveillance camera with confidence, today foolishly launched an attack less than two intersections away from them, and was then killed naturally. If there is nothing fishy in this No fool would believe it.

Although the BAU's profiling has not been officially announced to the public before, Danny was almost fully involved in the profiling process. It was a multi-person operation, organized, and almost always committed crimes in the surveillance area, and he could always avoid being directly captured by the camera. Looking at the guy who apparently committed suicide at the hands of the police today, some answers are on the horizon.

"They understand the FBI's response to different levels of threats, have counter-surveillance skills, are extremely organized and hierarchical, and can even make people willing to die. What does this mean?"

In the afternoon, everyone gathered in the Federal Building Operations Center. Dana Moger and Frank Regan, who had just returned from the press conference, had expressions that could not be described as ugly after listening to Rossi's analysis.

"Terrorists." Mr. Director said coldly.

If Frank Reagan regards the city of New York as the territory he protects, then terrorists are the most threatening destroyers of this territory. Although the damage caused to the city by "911" has long been cleaned up, it remains with people. The scars in my heart can never be erased.

"What is their purpose for doing this?" Dana Moger cast her sights on her old lover Rosie.

Rosie tilted her head slightly, motioning for Red to speak.

"If you think of a random shooting on the street as a bomb attack, it becomes clear that the other party is observing and estimating the speed of the police response, and then they know when to detonate another bomb.

The goal is to first cause panic and onlookers, and then wait for an opportunity to attack the second group of emergency responders who arrive. "

"Just like the first police officers and rescue workers who rushed into the Twin Towers, no one expected that the building would suddenly collapse and bury everyone inside."

Frank said this with a look of pain on his face. He was also one of the first police officers to rush into the scene. Just as he was escorting several civilians out of the scene, the building collapsed behind him, killing him. All his colleagues were buried in it.

Reed, as always, was unemotional in his analysis and only used a neutral tone, "It sounds crazy, but it is also very smart. Attacking passers-by again and again is just a practice again and again.

Even if there hadn't been this suicide attack, and we had caught the murderer before, we would have only thought it was a serial murder case and would not have exposed their true purpose. They even studied past cases carefully and worked hard. imitate. "

"So the terrorist organization we are facing has at least eight operatives, and they are all dead soldiers?" Hannah's beautiful eyes widened. The situation changed so fast that she couldn't react.

"There are seven left now, but this is just a conservative estimate. They are training these people's mobility through street attacks to ensure that they are willing to kill or commit suicide for the ultimate goal, and at the same time confuse us. It really kills two birds with one stone." Jiejie replied.

As the first person to discover the problem and invite the BAU to solve the case, Joyner made a small mistake because she did not know Jack's identity, but she is also the person who has made the greatest contribution to this case so far.

But she didn't feel proud at the moment, because a bigger threat was right in front of them, and they had no clue about it.

"It does sound like the most clever way to plan a terrorist attack while minimizing the risk of exposure. But the question is what is their ultimate goal?"

No one can answer Joyner's question, because there are too many targets for terrorist attacks in the New York area. Still taking "911" as an example, the direct economic losses that could be calculated at that time included insurance compensation, casualties, reconstruction, etc. Up to hundreds of billions of dollars.

The New York Stock Exchange was shut down for nearly a week, and the stock market plummeted after reopening. The economic losses caused by it are simply incalculable.

Especially Manhattan, the most central area in New York, is an isolated island in itself, connected to the outside world through a limited number of tunnels and bridges.

The bomb attack that Jack encountered on his first day in New York only destroyed an old apartment. Dana Moger directly ordered the closure of all bridges, tunnels and stations in the city in accordance with the emergency plan.

Imagine if there were one after another bombings, especially if all the subsequent attacks were IEDs or even suicide bombs targeting emergency and rescue personnel, how long would Manhattan Island be shut down?

Thinking of this, almost everyone's backs suddenly felt chilly, and beads of sweat appeared on their foreheads.

Among the few people at the scene who could still keep their composure, apart from Jack, who always had a "good attitude", they were probably only Rosie, Dana Moger and Frank Regan. Although Hotchner was still expressionless, it was ugly His face said it all.

"Is there still no information from DHS (Department of Homeland Security), NSA (National Security Agency) and CIA about the threat of domestic terrorist attacks?"

Rosie looked at Dana Moger. He and Jack had called her before after analyzing. Half a day had passed.

The latter shook his head, "The CIA's feedback is that, except for a few major forces under key surveillance, there have not been any new noteworthy organizations recently. DHS (Department of Homeland Security) and NSA (National Security Agency) are still doing their best to investigate domestic of terrorist organizations.”

Jack suddenly thought of a possibility that he had ruled out before, "The NSA had previously traced the whereabouts of the unknown funds of the Durange drug cartel. It was nearly 10 million US dollars, which was enough to launch a large-scale attack. So far, there has been no Result?"

The answer this time was Jubal. He has been paying attention to and following up on this information. After all, those guys almost blew up the federal building before. "I only know that it flowed into the country, but its final destination is unknown. I will contact you immediately." Friends from NSA, please check if there is any latest progress.”

At this time, there was a sudden commotion behind the operations center. Everyone looked up and saw Garcia appearing there at some point. Surrounded by several nerds from the IT technology department, they were arguing fiercely about something.

"Did you find anything else, Garcia?" Hotchner asked with a frown.

Garcia stood up from his seat nervously, "Yes, I think we are in trouble. We re-checked the NYPD surveillance system and found that the system had been hacked. Someone copied all the crime scenes. Video.

The other party has been watching everything happening on the scene from the beginning. "

"I remember that the bureau only spent a special amount of funds this year to update the system and upgrade the firewall. They assured me that the money would not be wasted."

No matter how calm Mr. Director was, his face now became a little uneasy.

Garcia quickly explained, "They were very smart and did not directly use hacking methods to invade the system. Instead, they used 'credential stuffing' to crack the accounts and passwords of some police officers who had access rights, and then used the Wi-Fi of each NYPD branch to log in. The police system downloaded the videos.

If we hadn't noticed that the number of downloads of these recording data in the system was abnormal, we probably wouldn't have been able to find it at all. "

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