A standard flexible explosion-proof tank can completely withstand the energy generated by 1.5 kilograms of TNT-equivalent explosives, and effectively control the shock waves and fragments produced by 3 kilograms of TNT-equivalent explosives. Although the collar bomb Jack threw in was a bit excessive, it was still within the controllable range. within.

The power of 4 pounds of C4 is almost as powerful as nearly 2.5 kilograms of TNT. The leaked air wave cracked several pieces of curtain wall glass near the door, but that was all.

Before the water column of the fire truck could suppress the black smoke produced by the explosion, the crowd of onlookers had already given out enthusiastic cheers. The reporters and photographers at the scene were all overjoyed. The big news on the news channel tonight and the big news in tomorrow's newspapers The headlines are there.

Vargas was sent to the hospital, and he should be fine. When Jubal led two detectives to remove his handcuffs, the previously seemingly ruthless drug lord's legs were so weak that he couldn't stand up. In the end, He was carried away by two people, one on the left and one on the right, holding his arms directly with his feet off the ground.

"You told me this job was a lot safer than being in the war, which makes it hard for me to imagine the hell you go through every time you go on a mission overseas."

Stella hugged her man tightly, crying until she was out of breath. Clay couldn't help but hugged her back, "In fact, such exciting scenes are rare in my military career."

Hannah seemed much stronger than an emotional pregnant woman. Only Jack noticed the nail-pierced palms and the bite marks on her lips.

Dana Moger, as the person with the highest position at the scene and the one who seemed the calmest, was directing the agents in the public relations department to communicate with the media one by one. It seemed that she was planning to hold an impromptu press conference directly at the scene.

It took the FBI less than two hours to kill the murderer of the NYPD police officer during the raid, seize a staggering number of drug lords, and unexpectedly arrest drug lord Anthony Vargas, and of course 26 Federal Plaza No. 1 received a bomb threat, any of these news would make the headlines of the major media in New York that day.

While the media was in a frenzy, no one noticed that certain parties quietly disappeared from the scene under the cover of a group of FBI agents and NYPD police officers.

A week later, Jack personally drove Clay Spencer and Alice Taylor to Quantico. Two or three months later, when the two returned to New York, the new wanted group was officially established. hour.

Originally, Jack was worried that Stella would object to Clay joining the FBI because she witnessed her husband risking his life. Fortunately, he was just overly worried.

After all, not every pregnant woman will fall into some unreasonable and hysterical emotions and cannot extricate herself. Only film and television works will deliberately and repeatedly depict certain stereotypes.

Of course, rather than saying that Stella, who was once a member of the military, has a big heart, it is better to say that Jack's move of asking Clay to leave first at the last moment moved her very much and made her feel that Clay had not seen the wrong person.

After Anthony Vargas was discharged from the hospital, he was sent directly to the highest-level federal prison in New York State. Although this guy's performance was a bit miserable in the end, the bomb threat caused by him still made the FBI anxious for a long time.

Fortunately, the Durange drug cartel only has considerable power in Bolivia. As an upstream supplier, these guys have no territory in the United States. They were quickly cleaned up by the FBI, DEA and CIA. Fan.

However, there are rumors that Anthony Vargas once had contact with some terrorist organizations in the United States, but this is the work of DHS (Department of Homeland Security) and NSA (National Security Agency), and there is nothing the FBI can do before obtaining precise information. many.

Soon after the formal appointments were issued, Jubal and Jack were successfully promoted. The former became the official Special Agent-in-Charge (SAC-Special Agent-in-Charge), and the other was promoted to Supervisory Special Agent.

However, Jack was still in charge of the preparations for the new team, because Jubal also had to hand over work to the new commander of the operations center, a British beauty who spoke with a pure old Union Jack accent.

Kate Joyner, a British and American dual national, once worked for Scotland Yard (Metropolitan Police Department, England). She joined the FBI a few years ago and was promoted at the speed of light. In just a few years, she became an assistant detective in charge.

Speaking of this, even Jubal couldn't help but feel a bit sour in his tone. You must know that it took him ten years to climb to the position of assistant detective supervisor.

However, the person who is really unhappy with this British beauty is not within the FBI, but Detective Danny Regan from NYPD headquarters.

He didn't know whether the two had a natural conflict of temperament or whether as an Irish descendant he instinctively rejected the British. In short, he had complained about Kate Joyner in front of Jack more than once.

Jack could only express his helplessness at this. As far as he knew, the British beauty belonged to the airborne troops and was not among Dana Moir's favorite candidates. Instead, she was appointed by the director himself. It was said that she came from a suggestion from a certain senator. .

To be fair, this person's ability is actually quite good. Apart from being a bit incompatible with Danny and a little unsociable in his way of life, he is completely competent at his job.

From Jack's somewhat shady point of view, it would be a pleasure to watch Danny bicker with her occasionally.

Seeing that spring is coming to an end and entering early summer, the decoration work of the new office has basically come to an end. Jack can finally relax for a while. After all, driving from Manhattan to Long Beach in the heavy traffic every day is quite a test of one's patience.

Jack felt extremely irritated when he thought about the time wasted on the road every day and how many words he could code. The most important thing was that he hated taking the subway, especially the old subway in New York that was so smelly that it was called a rat's nest. .

As a result, early that morning, as soon as he hid in his office and turned on his computer, the sound of Danny and Joyner arguing could be heard outside the door.

"I thought you were used to the joint handling of cases by the NYPD and FBI, what? Is your pride so strong that you don't want to be called around by a woman with a British accent?"

"I didn't refuse the FBI's intervention. In fact, it's a good thing to have someone to help, but don't expect you to really be able to call me and my men around. Don't ever think about it!"

Jack opened the office door and waved to the two of them, "Hey guys, would you mind coming to my office for a cup of tea?"

Seeing two guys who were almost 80 years old together arguing like kids in a kindergarten, Jack rubbed his eyebrows with a headache and made a cup of jasmine tea for each of them to calm down, "I said, can't you two just calm down for a day?" ?”

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