The world of American TV series: Starting with the L.A. Patrol

Chapter 700 The NYPD Director’s “Brave” Killing of the Enemy

The good news is that the Beretta BU9Nano that Jack gave to Erin is not in the bag, so the situation should not be the worst yet.

Frank gently pushed open Erin's office door and walked in. No one was inside. The phone on the desk was put aside, and he was still talking to his cell phone.

Jack watched Frank hang up the phone again with a solemn expression, and whispered, "She must have realized something was wrong, so she took off her shoes and found a place to hide."

Frank did not answer, but nodded slightly. The two left the office, walked lightly, and continued searching along the corridor toward the internal office area.

Turning a corner again, Jack suddenly reached out and patted Frank on the shoulder, pointing to his ear to tell him to listen carefully. Then, not far away, there was the pinging sound of the office door being opened and closed, and then a greasy and disgusting sound. The sound echoed in the corridor.

"Irene, Irene, beauty, you can't escape my grasp. Don't worry, Ms. Prosecutor, we have a whole night to kill it slowly.

I was thinking about you all the time when I was in jail. Where are you? Come out, baby, no matter where you are, I will find you. Are you in this room?

Oh, what a shame, what about this room? Oh, what a pity. Do you like playing hide and seek with me so much? Where are you hiding? "

Jack couldn't stand it anymore and wanted to turn around the corridor and shoot this disgusting thing directly.

However, it seems that the protagonist today is not him. Didn't he see the father of the person involved holding a small pistol with an angry look on his face and carefully moving towards the corner of the corridor?

Thinking of Frank's intention behind refusing to be followed by a full-time guard, Jack made up his mind to only play a supporting role today. If he hadn't been worried that the director had been in a high position for so many years, he didn't know how much of the marksmanship he had left when he was a police detective. This would have been You might as well just stand and watch the show from a distance.

The disgusting sound in the corridor continued, and Jack could clearly see that Frank's hands holding the small revolver were still steady and not trembling at all, but the veins on the back of his hands were bulging, and he was obviously extremely angry.

"Do you know how I spent these days in prison? God, I think about what happened in the court every day.

My dear, those words you said were really hurtful, but it doesn't matter, just thinking about the way you said them makes me excited.

Oh, by the way, there are also those slender legs of yours, which are elegantly crossed under the table, and sometimes the toes are naughty and slightly tilted up. Hey, they are so alluring. "

Jack quickly peeked his head from the far corner of the corridor. Dick Reed, wearing a janitor uniform, was facing away from himself and Frank. He opened the doors slowly and checked the offices on both sides.

He only had a dagger in his hand, and he looked confident and kept talking trash. Seeing this person made him feel more at ease, and he was convinced that nothing would happen to him later.

Another office door opened, and Jack didn't know what he saw, but the smile on Dick Reed's face suddenly solidified.

At the same time, Frank stepped out and pointed his gun at the opponent, "Stand there and don't move! You disgusting bedbug!"

However, before he could shoot, or even before he finished speaking, a scream suddenly sounded out between the two gunshots. Dick Reed, who was standing at the door, instantly had two bloody holes in his abdomen and chest, and he retreated. He took two weak steps and collapsed in the corridor.

"Baby! It's me!" Frank ran forward and kicked away the dagger in Dick Reed's hand. Irene, who was hiding in the office, also heard her old father's voice and ran out with the Beretta BU9Nano. out.

Seeing her old father, the eldest daughter of the Reagan family burst out with nervousness, panic, and worry in an instant, and burst into tears.

"Honey, are you okay?" Frank hugged his daughter nervously, holding her cheek with one hand to wipe her tears.

Irene nodded desperately, crying until she was out of breath, as if she had returned to her childhood in an instant, and became the little girl who hid in her father's arms and cried after being wronged.

Jack put away his gun, walked over to Dick Reed, who was lying on the ground spitting blood, and sighed softly.

It's not that he wanted to deliberately destroy the tender scene between father and daughter. It was actually that Irene's shooting skills were a bit too accurate. One shot was shot in the lower abdomen and the other in the stomach, all on the torso. However, the power of the 9mm Parabellum bullet was only In this case, if we really need to call an ambulance in time, we might be able to save him.

"Do you need me to call 911?" Of course the person Jack asked was not Dick Reed.

"Leave it to me." Frank took the Beretta BU9Nano from his daughter's hand, a stern look flashed in his eyes, "Remember to stay away from anyone named Reagan in the next life."



New York Police Commissioner Frank Regan personally shot and killed the assailant who attempted to attack his daughter. This explosive news made headlines in major newspapers the next day.

Mr. Mayor smiled from ear to ear at the press conference. Of course, he was happy about something else. The FBI and DOI (New York City Department of Investigation) had just announced the establishment of a joint investigation team to investigate the biggest stumbling block on his re-election road. The case of a female city councilwoman with a deep campaign fund who misappropriated municipal funds.

Jack saw this scene through TV news, and he was already in New Jersey at this time.

The case Hannah was involved in this time was progressing slowly. He came here specially to visit the sweet girl. He planned to stay here for a few days, make two delicious meals to comfort her and comfort her, and then set off for Virginia Beach.

Of course, by the way, I took a look at this task force to see if there was an FBI special adviser named Neil who was particularly handsome and liked to wear a Chili-style bonnet. He would not tell anyone about this kind of thing.

(Note 1, Neil Caffrey, from the American TV series "Pop", also known as "Cat and Mouse Game")

There is always a sense of crisis in life. You must be wary of those scumbag men who are particularly fond of women and are very carefree, and be sure to keep your women away from such guys.

The reason for going to Virginia Beach is that Jack just received good news from Jason Hayes of SEAL Team B that their Bravo6-Clay Spencer plans to change his career plan.

Clay's girlfriend Stella is pregnant, which makes him have the idea of ​​temporarily quitting Team B. Although Jason is a little regretful, after all, he has always had the idea of ​​​​training him to be his successor, but he is also worried about his Decide to be happy.

After all, this is the United States, and logging is the most tiring thing in the world. Although Clay’s original idea was to temporarily retreat to the green team, which is equivalent to the position of the reserve team, Jason Hayes thought about it and still put the phone Called Jack.

After all, understanding is understanding. Whether it is Jason or the other teammates of Team B, they will send their sincere blessings to Clay's withdrawal. However, such a record of actively requesting to be transferred to the second-line unit will not look good on the military resume.

Although Jason, as the chief sergeant, can make decisions with one word on certain matters, and it would only be a matter of one word to transfer Clay back to Team B in the future, but having such an addition in the file is not a good thing after all.

At the very least, it’s hard to say how many twists and turns there will be if Jason can’t do anything anymore before letting Clay take over.

Of course, he couldn't help Clay make such a major life decision. Jason had been in the army all his life and didn't know much about the FBI. He just happened to have promised Jack to help keep an eye on it, and he could also provide Clay with information. an option.

After all, Jack is his wife's savior, and in the eyes of the seals, this guy can fight, kill, and has some Lucky Cat attributes, making him someone they can trust.

Therefore, the final success of this matter still depends on Jack's ability to draw the pie, so he decided to make a trip in person to show his sincerity. Even if he failed in the end, he would treat it as a visit to a friend.

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