Because of what he had seen and heard in Mexico several times before, he had a clear understanding of the living environment there and of ordinary people in South America. Jack distinguished these illegal immigrants who just wanted to find a way out in the United States from those "Run people" Very open.

Moreover, he strongly agrees with the saying "Too far from heaven, too close to America", so although he is not a white leftist with "great love", he has reached the same goal as them in some points of view.

Since the United States has to rely on the continuous import of low-end labor from abroad to maintain its hegemonic position, it will naturally have to pay a corresponding price. There is no good thing in the world that can take advantage of everything.

Of course, Jack doesn't have much ill will toward "Run Ren". After all, everyone has the right to pursue their own "happiness" and "freedom," right?

At least a certain big Eastern country did not package hundreds of thousands of mentally ill, violent criminals and lumpen proletarians and send them all to Miami Beach in one go, like Cuba did back then.

As for the hellish detention center described by Lacroix, in Jack's opinion, it was just like that. At least it looked normal, and even men and women were detained separately.

In recent years, countless scandals have broken out in illegal immigration shelters on the border. Compared with the crimes exposed in the reports, the situation here in New York is considered good.

After walking out of the shelter, Lacroix, who was still angry, picked up his cell phone and was about to make a call, but was stopped by Jack, "If you plan to call that supervisor Austin Stevens, I suggest you never mind.

He will only use a bunch of process issues to stall you and continue to delay time. What we need now is to stop him through other means before he really plans to do something irreparable, rather than following their rules. Program goes. "

Lacroix's eyes flickered, "Then what should I do, drag him out of that damn office and stuff a gun barrel into his stinky mouth?"

Jack shrugged, "You probably don't need to be so radical. You can at least get a search warrant to come to the door. You might as well go back to the operations center and have a look first."


Naturally, there were gains. Several red-eyed analysts and technical nerds found a lot of messages containing hell jokes from the private webpage that Jack had provided before, all about illegal immigration.

Examples include "We should fill the Rio Grande with alligators and let wetbacks make their lunch" and "One of Texas' specialties is child mummies."

The Rio Grande is the river on the U.S.-Mexico border that Jack once crossed with the little girl Isabel on his back. He also had his back wet by the water of the Rio Grande.

In the Gobi desert of Texas, it is common to find stowaways who have collapsed on the road due to high temperatures and dehydration after crossing the border on foot. The majority of them are frail children and the elderly.

When Jack and Lacroix stepped into the combat center, someone had already put these website messages and some malicious pictures on the big screen.

"I feel humiliated when I think of people like this who are federal police officers like us, and there are more than one such bastards. I don't know how you feel, but these people have completely pissed me off."

Jubal pointed at the big screen, the pencil in his hand shaking with anger, and the female boss Dana Moger beside him also looked ugly.

How bad other departments are has nothing to do with the FBI, but if the scum inside dare to use the department's background and use official means to hinder her people, then don't blame them for killing them. You know, 1401 Constitution Avenue, Washington, D.C. The Hoover Building has not yet changed its name.

"Make a list of the real names of the users of these websites and I will upload it to the Office of Inspector General and the Department of Homeland Security! I want everyone to know that there is such a group of scum within them!"

It seems that the female boss is really angry this time. The Department of Homeland Security has jurisdiction over 22 federal agencies including the Coast Guard, Secret Service, and Customs Service, and ICE is one of them.

Seeing Jack and Lacroix, Jubal's expression softened slightly, "The name of the director of the Immigration Bureau you mentioned before is Austin, right?"

"That's right, Austin Stevens, have you discovered anything?" Lacroix's eyes lit up and he asked quickly.

"We found a picture on this website." Jubal waved to an analyst, and two half-naked white men with shirtless bodies and fishing rods in their hands appeared on the screen. One of them was the two That Director Stevens whom I met last night.

"The title of the picture is 'Me and my good buddy Austin at Lake Seminole.' The uploader is also an ICE officer named Michael Reese. Pay attention to the hand gestures the two of them are making."

It took Jack a while to realize that the OK gesture the two made in front of the photo has now become a taboo in old America. Some white supremacists have given it a new meaning in recent years, "WP", " Abbreviation for "White Power", meaning white power.

"It's of no use. It's impossible to issue an arrest warrant just because of a gesture. Maybe my method will be more effective." Although Lacroix was forced back by Jack, he felt restless when he thought of his daughter who didn't know where she was. .

At this time, Jack's cell phone rang, and the caller ID was Jane Banner. He quickly answered the phone, "Hi, Jane, what do you say?"

"A friend of mine at the Department of Homeland Security found something in the system and thought it might be helpful to your investigation."

While Jane was talking, she sent him a picture taken against the computer screen. Jack switched directly to hands-free, and then opened the picture. He saw that it was an authorization document from the internal system of the Department of Homeland Security.

Judging by the headline, that's exactly what was authorized and last night's raid on the Island Gardens Food Bank.

Jane's voice came from the speaker, "Note that the signing date of this document was two weeks ago, and the signature was also the electronic signature of the former supervisor Walden. However, my friend noticed that the creation date of the document was three weeks ago." Days ago, I don’t think I need to explain too much about what this means.”

Jack said he understood, "Someone forged this document, using the computer of former supervisor Walden, so the identity of this person will be revealed, the current supervisor who just took office, Austin Stevens.

I owe you a huge favor, Jane. Thank you very much. "

Everyone watching also looked happy. With this evidence in hand, a search warrant would definitely not escape. At least, Austin Stevens could be brought back for a proper "interrogation" first.

Unexpectedly, Jane had a bigger surprise, "Don't worry, we also found a strange transfer record in the ERO (Enforcement and Deportation Operations Group under ICE) system, which said that an anonymous person would be transferred this morning. Children going to detention centers in Ashburn, Georgia.”

Suddenly an idea flashed in Jack's mind, and he turned to Jubal and asked, "Where is Lake Seminole?"

"The junction of Georgia and Florida." Lacroix quickly answered.

"That 'good buddy' Michael Reese is the person in charge of an illegal immigration detention center run by ICE in Ashburn, Georgia." A clever analyst had quickly retrieved the information of another person in the previous photo.

"Jubal is going to get the search warrant, and let Hannah bring Austin Stevens back. I'm going to make a call and find out the current location of the ERO vehicle." Dana Moger turned around after saying that. Went to the office.

"Uh, Miss Banner, I'm really, really grateful to you. You saved my daughter." Lacroix quickly went to Jack's phone to express his gratitude to Jane.

"I'm glad I could help you, especially Agent Jack Tavole." Jane's voice on the phone was somewhat teasing.

"Uh, let's talk later." Jack hung up the phone with a guilty conscience. Fortunately, Hannah hadn't come back yet.

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