"Last two grenades!" yelled Brock Reynolds from the second floor, using up the last of his inventory.

Amid the two huge explosions, more than half of the half-man-high low wall in front of the church, which was originally just for decoration, including the small iron door, collapsed in an instant.

There was originally a row of people hiding behind the low wall. They were killed or maimed by the explosion on the spot. Jack took the opportunity to shoot with his head, emptying the remaining bullets in the magazine and killing the heads. However, in the next second, he was attacked by several guns. Rifle focus fire.

There was no way to guard the window. There were more and more people on the other side. Almost every shooting port was attacked by four or five automatic weapons at the same time. There was no way to probe anymore.

Jack changed the magazine, threw the last smoke bomb out the window, and retreated behind the pillars in the chapel with Clay on the other side. This was their preset second line of defense.

"Team B, QRF will arrive in five minutes, hold on a little longer."

But now no one bothered to reply to the call from the combat center. As soon as Jack and Clay retreated, several shock bombs were thrown in. The equipment of these guys was quite complete.

The expensive equipment of Team B played a huge role at this time. The sound-isolating headphones effectively reduced the incapacitating explosions to an acceptable level, as long as you lowered your head in time to avoid those flashes.

After several loud roars, Jason saw that the enemy had rushed outside the gate and was trying to pull down the two rickety gates. Regardless of the heavy feeling in his chest, Jason yelled, "Sonny!"

"Da da da da da da." At this moment, Sonny was really like Rambo in the movie. He held the MK46 Mod 1 light machine gun directly at the door and squeezed the trigger. A torrent of metal composed of bullets spurted out, one or two The hundred-round ammunition box was half empty in an instant.

The gunshots outside the door stopped, and the four or five companions on the steps who were close to the door were instantly transformed into leaked blood bags, and the militants behind them retreated in embarrassment.

As the people at the second-floor window withdrew into the first-floor chapel, the situation on both sides reversed. From time to time, armed men showed their heads outside the window, or simply stretched out a gun and fired blindly inside.

The gunfire in the church became sparse. It was not that the seals were short of ammunition, but that they no longer needed to suppress fire. Everyone relied on their own bunkers, like whack-a-mole, and only needed to be responsible for a few positions within their own shooting range. Can.

For a time, the drug cartel suffered a huge increase in casualties. Anyone who tried to break into the church, or even dared to peek inside, fell to the precise shooting skills of the seals.

After the opposite party organized three or four consecutive waves of attacks without success, the battle between the two sides fell into a state of anxiety for a while.

The church was surrounded by drug gangs. It was almost impossible for people inside to get out, but it was also extremely difficult for people outside to get in. The nearly 30 corpses beside the door and window proved this.

Just when Jack was hesitant to suggest that Jason follow the original plan of retreating another line of defense, letting people in, and launching a counterattack, gunfire suddenly broke out again outside.

The M2 "Laoganma" announced the arrival of reinforcements with its unique muffled sound. There was a sudden loud noise outside the church, and the gunshots like fried beans were accompanied by shouts in Spanish. In just two or three minutes, everything It fell into silence.

As the gunshots outside stopped, there was also no sound inside the church. It was so quiet that you could hear a pin drop. No one cheered, and no one relaxed. They were still vigilantly aiming their guns at any location where the enemy might appear. .

Until a familiar voice sounded in everyone's headphone channel and outside the broken door at the same time.

"Bravo1, this is the operations center commander, requesting entry."

Jason grinned, "Password?"

"The code is your big skin inflammation!" Major Blackburn scolded with a smile, "If you don't open the door, you can walk home."

As Sonny and Clay stepped forward to move the benches blocking the door one by one, two wooden doors that were not very heavy fell down, causing a burst of ash.

The heavily armed Major Blackburn and Lieutenant Lopez walked into the church side by side, followed by a group of Mexican Marines. Both of their faces were stained with gunpowder smoke, and one of the soldiers behind them was dead. color.

"It looks like we got here in time." Seeing that everyone was safe and sound, only Brock's calf and Sonny's arm were covered with some bandages. They didn't look serious. The major breathed a sigh of relief and bumped fists with Jason.

"Where's the Colonel? What happened to Colonel Martinez?" Seeing that everyone was there except his superior, Lieutenant Lopez's eyes suddenly turned red and he grabbed Jack, looking very nervous.

"He was shot. He is in the priest's bedroom upstairs. His life is not in danger, but he may have to lie in the hospital for a while." Jack pointed to the stairs behind him. Lieutenant Lopez said nothing, beckoned and took the two men with him. The soldiers rushed forward like a whirlwind.

"Where's Russo?" Major Blackburn asked in relief after turning around to confirm again that everyone was safe.

"Dead." Jack shrugged, "But we got the location of Doza's safe house, and now we have the last step."

"The last step is to put a bullet in his head!" Lieutenant Lopez said angrily as he and the soldiers carried the weak Colonel Martinez down the stairs.

"Clean up and prepare to evacuate. Our work is not over yet." Jason patted Bullock who was sitting on the ground. "Can you hold on?"

"It feels like we've forgotten something." Jack looked around and suddenly slapped his head, "Father, damn it, I hope he's okay."

"Be careful, can't you guys have some moral integrity in the church?" Ray Perry helped the priest out of the confessional at the back.

"Sorry, Father, it seems that your place needs to be renovated." Jason glanced at the almost smashed chapel and felt quite apologetic.

"It doesn't matter. This place is supposed to be a shelter. The Vatican probably won't mind paying to renovate it." The priest said, crossing himself on his chest.

"Bring the priest with you until everything is settled, otherwise the drug dealers might come back to take revenge." Jack suggested.

The raid on the Doza safe house was scheduled for three hours later, at 4 a.m., and after returning to the military camp, Team B still had two hours of rest time left.

The combat center in the military camp is still a busy scene at this time. Logistics support officer Lisa Davis has completed the reconnaissance of the target location through a drone.

While Jason and the others were planning a surprise attack, Jack went to the interrogation room. Here, Mandy Ellis and Rita Alfaro sat face to face, staring at each other without saying a word. .

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