On the street with dim street lights, 14-year-old Jose, who has just come of age, is holding a rusty AK and chatting absentmindedly with his father Andres, while several of his father's friends are chatting. He was joking on the sidelines.

Yesterday was his first "coming of age ceremony". Andres took him to a home in the Depro slum, restrained the family of three with a gun, and then handed him a sharp dagger.

Jose couldn't remember exactly how he cut himself. He only remembered that when he came to his senses, the man of the house had fallen to the ground. Blood splashed all over his face, and it was warm and tangy. fishy smell.

Before Jose could fully wake up, his father Andres threw a young body that had been skinned into a white sheep into his arms, and he lay on top of the mistress of the family.

Andres said that the family's poster has been put up on the wall with the word "Muerta" on it. This is a rare opportunity to complete his "coming of age ceremony".

After completing all this, he will be a formal member of the gang and will be able to work for Boss Doza in the future.

Jose was a little angry because his father's gang of friends were teasing him and asking him about the details of last night, but he could hardly remember the details.

In his vague memory, the girl was two or three years younger than him. She was very timid and did not even dare to shout for help. She could only endure his clumsy and rough treatment and begged him in a low voice to let her go.

She was really very quiet, and her voice was getting softer and softer, until finally it was indistinguishable. When Jose came back to his senses again, his petite body had become a little cold, and the last bit of color had disappeared from his young face.

The day after the house was set on fire, that is, this evening, his father Andres put a rusty AK into his hand and took him to patrol the intersection.

This is a job that Jose has been looking forward to for a long time. As long as he waits at the intersection until dawn, he can get 20 US dollars, which is US dollars, not Mexican pesos. This is a huge amount of money that he could not earn in a month as an errand boy. .

Jose envied his cousin Danding very much. He drove a luxury car before he was 30 years old. He wore brand-name suits every day and went to well-known local companies to collect money. The women who followed him every day wore brand-name cosmetics and high-end products. perfume.

In the midst of this random thought, a drunk man walked up to the street corner not far away, and he actually dared to yell in this direction. Jose suddenly became alert. He had very good eyesight, and he always felt that the other person's appearance seemed familiar.

"Andres, that man." Jose turned around again, only to find that the man had disappeared.

"What man?" His father Andres also heard the noise, but when he turned around, he saw no one.

Jose became very excited, even a little passionate, "In the alley, I heard a voice. I seem to have seen that person on a poster. He is the person with a reward!"

"Are you sure?" Andres looked suspiciously at the entrance of the alley twenty or thirty meters away. There were almost no street lights there, but there was indeed a faint sound of quarreling, but he couldn't quite understand it because the other party seemed to Spoken in English.

Andres tilted his head, the hideous scars on his face twitching, and called to his friends, "Let's go and take a look."

If the person with the reward really comes to the door, then his recent luck has been really good. He thought to himself, turned off the safety of the AR-15 in his hand, and swaggered towards the entrance of the alley.

At the same time, in the alley, Jason finally "convinced" Lieutenant Lopez and pushed him into the Jeep, and half of Jack's body was exposed from the alley.

Shooting in a standard kneeling position, with the folded butt held firmly against the right shoulder, the 4.6mm×30 high-performance ammunition rushed out of the gun chamber, covering the entire street in a perfect fan shape.

"Click, click, click!" In less than 2 seconds, a 40-round magazine was emptied. Jack changed the magazine and patiently fired another round to ensure that everyone could be evenly distributed, and no one could Will suffer a loss.

Andres fell to the ground without saying a word, and his son Jose fell beside him. Perhaps because of his youth, or perhaps because he had just knocked something down. Although Jose's lower abdomen was beaten to pieces by a bullet, But there is still some vague awareness.

The moment he was shot, Jose felt only burning pain in his lower body, and all the strength in his body was quickly drained. Then his whole body went limp and he fell to the ground.

What happened? Why couldn't he move his body? He couldn't even move a finger. His body was gradually getting colder. Jose inexplicably thought of the little girl last night. Did she feel like this in the end?

"Ho ho." Jose was still breathing hard. Before he could breathe out the last bit of his life, it was his turn to fire a follow-up shot from Jack.

"Juan 'Machete' says hello to you!" he yelled as usual to confuse the audience. Jack continued to beat the five corpses on the ground until the magazine was empty. There were two gunmen in the distance who did not step forward. He jumped into the ditch on the side of the road, not daring to show his head at all.

"Squeak!" The jeep suddenly stopped beside him. Without looking back, Jack opened the door and got into the passenger seat and drove away.


"You bastard, how could you do this? Without you, how are you going to let me and the children survive! You bastard, oooh hoo."

The woman excitedly threw herself into her man's arms, kicked and beat him, and finally cried until her whole body became weak.

"Thank you." Lieutenant Lopez, who had obviously regained his senses, hugged his wife and looked gratefully at the two Americans in front of him. He pursed his lips and uttered one word silently.

Jason sighed and turned towards the stairs, "By the way, who is that 'Juan the Scimitar' you keep shouting about?"

"The boss of the Matamoros Gang, a drug cartel entrenched near Ciudad Juárez."

Jack waved his hand, indicating that it was not important. It was a clumsy provocation with little chance of success. Seeing that he was planning to return to the rooftop, he asked doubtfully, "Are you still planning to continue drinking?"

"What else? The ice cubes in the bucket probably haven't completely melted yet. If you don't drink it, it will be wasted." Jason turned around in surprise, "Aren't you coming?"

"I will only drink two bottles with you. Of course you can drink as much as you want. Mandy won't choose you for her beauty trap anyway. You will definitely not be needed for tomorrow's mission."

Jack curled his lips. He missed Hannah a little. There was no girl around him. He smoked and drank with these guys every day. He missed the peaceful life before.

Tomorrow, I might even be called to seduce the 40-year-old girl. What the hell is this?

"Are you so confident? I think Clay is more likely, or of course it could be Ray. Maybe that Kalra likes dark skin." Jason arranged for his teammates very unscrupulously.

However, to everyone's surprise, at the meeting the next day, Mandy Ellis selected neither Jack, nor Clay Spencer, nor deputy team Ray Perry, but Shorty. Sonny Quinn, a stocky Texan.

"Are you serious?" Before Jack could say anything, Clay Spencer hooked his arms around Sonny's neck with an unconvinced expression, and brought his face together. One was handsome, the other ugly, and the two formed a perfect image. sharp contrast.

"The identity we have chosen is a Texas nouveau riche who accidentally discovered oil on his family farm. Of course, if any of you can speak an authentic Texas accent, I welcome everyone to sign up."

Mandy Ellis showed a hint of slyness on her face, and everyone fell into silence. Jack's understanding of the Texas accent was limited to the word "Howdy", which would look particularly cute every time Hannah said hello.

Of course, this can only be said from Hannah's mouth. If it were Sonny, he wouldn't be able to use the word cute.

According to the CIA's analysis, Carla Reyes has the idea of ​​​​expanding her pimp business to the federal government, and she is especially interested in getting to know some wealthy Texas business owners. It seems that in her opinion, the upstart farmers there are It's a pretty big potential market.

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