"Copy that, all units, the plan has changed, the evacuation vehicles can't get through, we have to walk over."

Before Jason finished speaking, B2 Ray Perry, who was shooting cover next to him, almost received a stray bullet. He emptied the remaining bullets, changed the magazine, and said loudly.

"With those wounded, we can't dodge so many bullets, boss."

Of course there is a way. Lieutenant Lopez is a local who grew up here. It is easy for him to temporarily plan an escape route. This is exactly what Jason used to bully him with words and use provocation tactics to force him to participate. Reason for action.

As two smoke grenades were thrown, Jack and Clay Spencer covered each other and retreated into the house. Team B members began to use "stripping tactics," which is also the so-called "Hellfire Tactics" widely circulated in the outside world.

In PLA, this tactic has a more appropriate name, "Alternating Cover Movement."

Of course, the actual "alternating cover movement" is not only used for evacuation, but can also be used for offense. However, compared with offense, mutual cover and evacuation is more of a test of the tacit understanding and trust between teammates.

When the captain issues a retreat command, the team members at the front will open fire with all their strength, forming a saturated suppressive firepower in a short period of time, just like what Jack and Clay Spencer are doing at this time. After the two retreat into the house, they stick close to each other. A magazine was emptied at the door, and no one on the other side dared to show up.

At the same time, Jason and Ray Perry were already in preparation behind the bunker. Jack and Clay Spencer emptied the magazines in their hands and retreated to the back door of the small building in the middle passage they had specially set aside.

When the two passed by, they lightly kicked each other's military boots. Jason and Ray Perry began to pour firepower towards the outside of the building to prevent the other party from noticing any abnormality and follow up and break into the building. When Jack and the two retreated to the back door, they shouted: When in position, the two men in front happened to empty their magazines, and so on alternately.

It seems very simple, but to achieve this kind of tacit cooperation on a battlefield full of bullets, long-term drills form tactical movements similar to muscle memory, a big heart that can always stay calm, and the judgment to quickly find a suitable bunker. , these conditions are indispensable.

There is no fixed routine for "stripping tactics", it is just a tactical idea. Throwing smoke grenades along the way to block the opponent's sight and even laying booby traps are common methods.

Although this was indeed a military operation, it was in Mexico and not Afghanistan after all. Except for some C4s used for breaking in, Team B did not even carry a single offensive grenade, let alone Jack's favorite 40mm grenade.

However, although the shock bomb is not fatal, it can be hung on the door with tape and used as a booby trap. The effect of detonating it in an open area may be very poor, but it can still be done to temporarily incapacitate people at close range.

When they heard the explosions and screams coming from far behind, Team B had already brought the injured civilians to the public courtyard they first passed through.

The disabled Mexican youth who had previously knocked on the gasoline barrel as a warning was no longer holding a baseball bat, but an AR assault rifle. As soon as he stepped out of the door, he was shot by Jack. The skull fell off.

From time to time, one or two desperadoes rushed out of the narrow alleys with old automatic weapons, trying to cause some trouble on Team B's evacuation route. They were then killed by Ray Perry and Clay Spencer. Two accurate shooters took lives.

But obviously, just less than a kilometer away and just a few minutes are not enough for the gangs in Deprone to gather enough gunmen to stand in front of Team B.

After passing through the last alley, everyone could already see the two SUVs on the corner across the wasteland. In addition, there were also two armed pickup trucks that had just arrived parked on both sides. The machine guns in the truck were pointed at them from a distance. Bian is on guard.

Jack threw out the last smoke bomb, blocking the sight of the back road, and secretly breathed a sigh of relief in his heart. This was probably a vast ocean of people's war in another sense. This damned slum was simply a drug dealer for all the people. .

"dog Dog Dog!"

"Keep going, don't stop!"

Seeing that hope was right in front of them, the injured civilians also sped up and climbed into the SUV. Jack closed the door and sat directly in the bed of the pickup truck with the rest of his teammates. The gun was still pointed at them. Evacuate the direction until you are far away from this hell.


"Your actions are a good reflection of all official declarations from the Joint Special Operations Command to the Pentagon!" In the parking lot, Mandy Ellis greeted the members of Team B who still smelled of gunpowder smoke and said: Satire.

"I hope they will appreciate our actions in saving six innocent civilians from being tortured to death." Jason's answer choked the elder sister and rolled her eyes.

"Your target is Gonzalez." Mandy Ellis was still a little reluctant.

"Are you questioning my order? To spread the troops in that maze full of enemies? How many people do you think should be sent to chase that bastard? Mandy!" Jason was also a little annoyed by her.

Mandy Ellis' tone softened a little, "The problem now is that we can't catch that bastard Gonzalez anymore. This is the only clue to find Doza at the moment. This is what brought us here." The only goal.”

"Not necessarily." Jack flashed the black bag in his hand.

"These are the mobile phones found in Doza's lair. He ran away in a hurry and didn't take anything with him. Then it's your CIA's job to find the useful numbers inside. As Doza's subordinate, he must Will contact other people in the gang.”


Although Jack said that the next step was the CIA's job, in fact he was not idle. You must know that he has the dual identity of an intelligence officer and a combatant.

Others had rested after returning from the war. Jack didn't even bother to take a shower. He sat in front of the computer and worked until dark, reorganizing the existing clues. He kept wondering in his mind whether there was any I missed something, and walked back to the barracks.

In the barracks, Jason had just finished a video call with his family through the military network. He closed the computer and stood up. He nodded to Jack and said, "Want to have a drink?"

Jack opened a walnut cigarette case, took out a cigar and held it to his lips. He threw the rest to him along with the cigarette case. "I won't touch the vodka that has been mixed with water. That's what I use as a cigar." Disinfectant alcohol, did they really drink that stuff?"

Jason shrugged, "We have to abide by Colonel Martinez's rules, right? At least he kept his promise seriously. He didn't say a word during today's battle and completely obeyed my command."

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