The world of American TV series: Starting with the L.A. Patrol

Chapter 600 Arrival and Disturbing First Impressions

Just after 10 a.m., a C130 transport plane landed in Mexico City, Mexico's largest city and the country's capital, at a military base on the outskirts of the city.

Jason Hayes took the lead in getting off the plane from the cargo hatch at the rear of the fuselage, followed by a group of SEALs in plainclothes, members of the logistics support team, and two intelligence officers and liaison officers from the CIA and FBI, Mandy E. Leith and Jack.

Of course, Cerberus the dog is among them.

Mexico City has a temperate grassland climate, and it is located in a valley on the plateau in central and southern Mexico. The climate is extremely comfortable, somewhat similar to Kunming, the famous spring city in southwest China, with year-round temperatures maintained at around 18-20 degrees.

June to October every year is the rainy season in Mexico City. When the plane landed, a shower had just stopped, and the slightly dazzling sunshine penetrated the clouds, coating everything around it with a layer of gold.

Jack pushed up the polarized glasses on the bridge of his nose, and as expected saw two armed pickup trucks with machine guns mounted on them. The impression these things gave him last time was not a good one.

There is no water on the ground. The evaporated water vapor on the airport runway carries an earthy smell, mixed with the smell of burnt rubber left when the aircraft tires hit the ground, the smell of engine oil and various strange smells. There is an indescribable irritation in the nasal cavity.

A Latina lady in her 30s, who looked about the same as Mandy Ellis, but had an extremely hot figure and a curvy figure. She was in her 30s, had slightly messy semi-long black hair, and was also wearing sunglasses.

She only wore a long-sleeved T-shirt, a bulletproof vest on top, and even a bulletproof insert. The reason why she has a hot figure is because when viewed from the side, the buffer layer behind the bulletproof insert is extremely tall and has high performance. It must be excellent.

"Everyone, this is Rita Alfaro, my contact in the Mexican Intelligence Agency. She will be solely responsible for our liaison with Mexico."

"Bienvenidos (Welcome)." Rita Alfaro nodded to everyone, greeted in Spanish, and then switched to fluent English.

"On behalf of CISEN (Mexican Center for Investigations and Security), I welcome you and hope that we will have a pleasant cooperation in the future work."

"Is it necessary to mobilize so many troops? I thought this operation would be very low-key." After introducing each other, Jason Hayes asked. He was confused by the Mexicans' formation as if they were facing a formidable enemy. A little confused.

In addition to the armed pickup truck with a machine gun nearby, there were also two Humvees not far away, as well as two Saberbans that were supposed to be used for them all to ride.

Rita Alfaro took off her sunglasses and followed everyone's gaze and looked back with a matter-of-fact expression, "We don't want any accidents to happen on the road. You'd better bring your sidearms before setting off."

The seals looked at each other in confusion, feeling as if they had been stationed in Afghanistan or Syria again.

"If you knew what I went through last time here, you wouldn't show such an expression." Jack glanced at the armed pickup trucks and said.

The weapon box that had been packed just a few hours ago and had just been pulled out of the cargo hold was reopened. Jack put on his body armor, inserted the bulletproof plate, and took out a HK416D assault rifle with a 10.5-inch barrel.

Perhaps ordinary SEALs still need to spend their own money to buy some customized equipment, but Team B, one of the six SEAL teams, has never needed it. Even if it is a GPNVG18 four-eye night vision device priced at US$65,000, it is only one person. set.

This time Jack was asked to participate in the entire operation, and he naturally enjoyed this kind of treatment. He only had an assault rifle, the Unity TacticalMicro Fusion Hub 2 combination kit with mechanical sights and side mounting accessories, the EOTECH EXPS-3 holographic sight, Common modular components include AN/PEQ15 laser/lighting, Magpul RVG vertical grip, and Surefire SOCOM 2 silencer.

In addition to Sonny's special MK46 Mod 1 light machine gun and the M240B general machine gun assigned according to tasks, the others have their own M110 SASS sniper rifle, AX338 sniper rifle, 14.5-inch full-size barrel HK416 and MP7A1 submachine gun, etc.

Of course, there is no need to be fully armed now. Not long after, everyone had a short-barreled HK416D assault rifle, loaded with a few magazines, and prepared to get into the car.

The members of the logistics support team will set off later. In addition to weapons and ammunition, they also have a complete set of communication equipment that is enough to set up a temporary command center. Two Saberbans will definitely not be able to load it, and these hundreds of large and small equipment can only be transported by trucks. Small box.

"In broad daylight, in one of the largest cities in the world, and they are seriously considering being attacked, why do I feel like this is a bad beginning, man."

Vice team leader Ray Perry opened the door of the Saab shuttle and began to complain seriously.

Before Jason could respond to his partner's complaint, he heard Jack and Rita Alfaro arguing at the side, "No, no, no, don't let those pickup trucks drive in front, just have a Hummer in front and behind."

"What's the problem?" He quickly stepped forward and asked.

"Except for the two Humvees belonging to the Mexican Marine Corps, the rest of these escort teams are from the federal police force. We don't need them to be involved." Jack explained with a straight face.

"Is there any problem with this?" Jason turned to look at CIA intelligence officer Mandy Ellis.

"Well, I'll explain this later." Mandy Ellis's authority was obviously not low, and she seemed to know something. At least she should know how her CIA colleague, Matt Graver, died.

She pulled Rita Alfaro aside, and the two whispered for a while. The latter was quickly convinced, walked quickly towards the armed pickup trucks, said something loudly in Spanish, and waved them all away.

Mexico City is not a single city, but a collective name for a huge urban area including the main city and 17 surrounding towns, totaling 1,525 square kilometers, with a total population of more than 20 million.

After the convoy hit the road, it headed south, bumping along the path and on the shabby asphalt roads in the suburbs.

Rita Alfaro was sitting in the passenger seat, and the driver was a Mexican Marine Lieutenant named Lopez. Jack and Jason and other team members were crowded in the two rows behind. Mandy Ellis and Commander Ari Major G. Blackburn and other team members sat in a car behind.

"Now can you explain what the two of you were arguing about just now?" Jason looked out the window and talked about the previous small dispute in a casual tone.

"According to my previous experience, from the moment we set foot on this land, there was no secret in this secret operation. The drug cartel's eyes and ears are everywhere, including the Mexican Marine Corps, which is known to be the most difficult to penetrate."

"Of course, I don't mean to offend, Lieutenant Lopez." Hearing Jack say this, the lieutenant who was driving looked back, shrugged and said nothing.

Rita Alfaro turned from the passenger seat with a serious expression on her face, also not irritated by Jack's offensive-sounding words.

“It’s hard for me to argue with Agent Tavole’s assertion that police forces in this country, both federal and local, are filled with bad guys who are paid off by drug dealers, and the same is true for the federal government.

But every Marine who participated in this operation was hand-selected by Colonel Martinez, and I trusted him, so I trusted them. "

"Then should we trust you?" Clay Spencer poked his head out of the back row and asked curiously.

"It's best not." Rita Alfaro showed a naughty smile at this baby face. It seems that this eldest sister likes the bearded little fresh meat, not Jack.

Sonny Quinn adjusted the HK416 between his legs to a comfortable position and said lazily, "Okay, can I say that every word in your conversation makes me feel uncomfortable?"

"Then there are too many things here that will make you uncomfortable. Get used to it slowly." Jack tapped the glass window with his index finger knuckle, motioning for them to look out the window.

On the side of the street, a large propaganda poster painted on the wall flashed by. At first glance, it looked like a propaganda poster for some political figures, but everyone had seen Andres Doza's photo before, and it was obvious at a glance. It can be recognized that the painting above is clearly the goal of their trip.

"People here actually regard the leader of the drug cartel as a figure they worship." Sonny Quinn couldn't help but be stunned.

"Doza built schools and hospitals locally, renovated slums, and provided many services that should have been provided by the government. Many people benefited from this." Lieutenant Lopez, who had been concentrating on driving before, replied with a rather sad expression on his face. It’s hard to describe in one word.

"Ha, win people's hearts." Jason snorted disdainfully.

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