The next day, Jane sent Jack an address, which was a hotel in the suburbs of El Paso. Jack drove to the destination, came to a room, and knocked on the door.

Jane hung up the anti-theft chain, opened the door a crack, pouted and said to him, "Password?"

Jack looked around and saw that there was no one around. He leaned forward and gave a pop, "FBI, open the door!"

Jane happily opened the door and briefly told her experience last night.

She took Matt and Alejandro on a trip to Tucson and brought back several Mexicans from an illegal immigration shelter there.

"They are now next door, and they should have almost confirmed it."

Just as he was talking, Matt came over and knocked on the door, with an ambiguous look on his face, "I'm not disturbing you, are I?"

This guy still looked like he was not doing anything right, but he could tell that he was in a very good mood.

"How's the harvest?" Jack ignored his teasing.

Matt suddenly became excited, "What Guillermo said is true. The tunnel entrance has been found. It is near Route 86. The drone will keep an eye on it 24 hours a day."

"Then what's the next plan?" Jack began to compliment him understandingly.

"This tunnel is the fastest way back to Mexico. We need to find a way to force Manuel Diaz to go back to Mexico through here as soon as possible to report to his boss 'Executioner' Fausto Alarcon. Do you have any ideas? ?”

Matt's words were partly a question, and the other half sounded a bit like a test.

"Notify the IRS and touch their wallets. Money is the key to everything. If something goes wrong, it doesn't matter if Manuel Diaz doesn't want to go back and report it. Fausto Alarcon is just his cousin, not his relative. father."

Jack figured out his thoughts on the way here. Since their ultimate target is Fausto Alarcon, there is no need for Manuel Diaz to touch him.

Once they arrest Diaz, Alarcon will definitely get wind of it. As the third-largest figure in the Sonora Group and a local gangster in Mexico, if he wants to hide, he is afraid that it will be more difficult than ever. Doyle is even harder to find.

"I heard that you are very familiar with the IRS?" Matt raised the corner of his mouth, revealing the clues.

"Haha, not bad."


The three men had spent five hours interrogating Guillermo, and of course it couldn't be as simple as just confirming a tunnel.

Guillermo had finally sold Diaz cleanly, clearly explaining the money laundering channels, places he frequented, and his usual hiding places.

Everyone divided the work and cooperated. Jack contacted the old man Ray King of the IRS and mobilized people to come to Phoenix to help. The best candidate was naturally Chris's girlfriend Dana. Those who have merit must give priority to their own people.

Jane went to contact her previous anti-kidnapping team because she wanted to uncover the Sonora Group's entire money laundering channel in Arizona. This operation was not suitable for using SEAL manpower, and Jane's police officers were just right.

Matt and Alejandro are responsible for tracking Diaz's whereabouts, which is what the CIA is good at.

Two days later, everything was ready and everyone was in place. Dana, who was on vacation at the Wolfe Brothers' farm in Los Angeles, hurried over and met Jack in the parking lot of a bank in Phoenix.

"Long time no see, Jack." Dana came up and gave him a warm hug. The small woman stood on tiptoes and took the initiative to touch his cheek.

"This is Dana Cummings from the IRS, who is also the fiancée of my good friend. This is Jane Banner, my current partner." Jack introduced her and Jane next to her.

The latter's original strange expression disappeared immediately, and he shook hands with Dana enthusiastically.

"Let's talk about it after we get in the car." In a van behind him, Matt waved to several people.

This is an FBI surveillance car, and it has been connected to the bank's internal camera. Dana is no longer the petite little accountant who needed Chris' protection.

I have been working as an IRS investigator for two years. Although I can't say that I have experienced life and death, I have seen a lot of big scenes. As soon as I entered the surveillance vehicle, I stepped into the role of the investigator and went straight to the topic.

"Who is our target this time?"

"This one, the one with blond hair and a white bag." Matt pointed at the woman on the screen who was doing business at the counter.

"They have dozens of such downlines who deposit 9,000 US dollars every day. We need to follow these accounts and freeze all transfer accounts related to these accounts. Is that okay?"

Dana nodded, with a confused expression, "It's easy to do, but you know it's a useless effort, right? As long as they find a better lawyer, they can get their money back quickly. Even the IRS can't Do whatever you want.”

As if he heard some joke, Matt burst out laughing. The expressions of others were also a little nervous, and the car was filled with happy air for a moment.

"Don't be like this, I'm serious." Dana kicked Jack to signal that these guys could be more serious.

Matt seemed to be smiling happily, but his eyes couldn't help but glance at Jack, who nodded knowingly, indicating that Dana could be trusted.

"Well, it's like this. Our goal is not Diaz or the money, but the Sonora Group in Mexico. We need them to cause chaos." Matt explained simply.

Jack smiled and followed, "Of course, maybe the money will become ownerless soon."

Dana's eyes lit up, "OK, as long as I dig out those accounts, I can freeze them for at least half a year through normal procedures. That should be enough, right?"

Matt waved his hand nonchalantly, "That's enough. In fact, the money has nothing to do with us. Let's leave it to the big shots to worry about."

Dana nodded and said nothing more. She got out of the surveillance car and went straight to the bank to show her ID. Matt turned to look at Jane.

"Inform your associates to prepare. Catch the suspects as soon as they leave the bank. Be careful not to let the other party swallow the receipt."

Jane picked up the walkie-talkie and whispered a few words of concern.

Soon, the blond woman carrying a white bag in the surveillance video walked out of the bank and walked towards a GMC pickup truck.

Several strong men in plainclothes swooped up and pinned her to the ground. At the same time, several other men pulled out a man from the cab of the pickup truck with guns raised.

Jane jumped out of the car and came back not long after, holding a black sports bag in her hand, which contained rolls of large amounts of cash.

"It's done, do you want to go in and take a look?"

Matt quickly stopped, "No, no, no, we can't show up. This matter can only be handled by the IRS, so that Diaz can't figure out the situation. He has spies all over Phoenix City. Hiding in the dark is our greatest advantage." .”

Jane nodded to express her understanding, handed the sports bag to the police officer below her, got in the car and continued waiting. An hour later, Dana walked out of the bank holding several pieces of copy paper recording the bank's transactions.

"It's all done, these guys are so smart."

"How do you say it?" Jack took the bank statement. The string of numbers made him feel dizzy. Matt, who was leaning over from the side, couldn't help but frown.

"Although I am not proficient in mathematics, I still know mathematical symbols. May I ask why there is a negative sign in front of these numbers?"

Dana was speechless and began to explain to the Muggles, "This is a bank loan account. These transfers are used for repayment, so that cash will not be displayed in the system, but the loan balance will be offset, and it will not be reported to There is no need to worry about being traced by the IRS or DEA.”

"Uh, so, this negative number is the total amount?" Matt pointed to the total negative number of more than 17 million in the upper right corner, "Is it a little less?"

Dana rolled her eyes, "This is just one of the accounts. The total that can be found so far is 150 million. It seems that I will be staying in Phoenix for a while. I estimate that if I dig them all out, the amount may be even higher. Double."

Matt whistled, and the wrinkles on his old face turned into an ugly chrysanthemum, "Then I'll leave it to you, the IRS."

Jack handed him a cigar, "Congratulations on successfully lighting the fuse of a war. I seem to have smelled the smoke and blood."

Please give me a monthly ticket. I’m so tired. I need to go to bed.

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