After resting one night in Washington, D.C., before dawn the next day, Jack and Jane flew to El Paso on BAU's Gulfstream.

Two years ago, when Jack had just resigned from the LAPD, he took a road trip along Interstate 10. Many stories happened along the way, and the silver flask he still carries in his arms is still there. It was a souvenir I got when that trip just started.

In addition to this souvenir, Jack also has a cowboy hat, which he bought when he passed by El Paso later, so he still has some impressions of this city.

A river divides it into two sides, one side is El Paso, which belongs to the United States, and the other half is called Ciudad Juarez, which belongs to Mexico.

In El Paso in the United States, the buildings are neat and orderly. Although the roads are slightly old, they are always maintained and everything seems in order.

On the other side of the river, after crossing the long border wall, is the other half of Ciudad Juárez that looks like a slum, but is actually not much different from a slum.

In this land of only 188 square kilometers, the urban population once reached 1.3 million. When public security was at its worst, more than 7,000 people died in murders every year.

Of course, this is only official data. Given the incompetence of the local police, this number of deaths can be conservatively estimated to be at least doubled, and all this is due to drug addicts.

Since cheap, high-quality agricultural products from the United States destroyed the local planting industry in Mexico, except for drug addicts, Mexican farmers can no longer grow food that can feed their families on their land. It has to be said that the "North American Free Trade Agreement" The merits are immeasurable.”

As the saying goes, every cause must have its effect. After the American agricultural giant easily defeated Mexican farmers and occupied the entire Central American food market, it didn't take long for Mexico to sound the clarion call for a "counterattack."

When the trade of certain special commodities between the two countries was at its peak, the United States consumed 60% of the world's narcotics production, of which 96% of the cocaine, 87% of the caffeine and 90% of the white flour came from Mexico.

In the end, Mexico, a poor country in the Americas, forced the world's most developed country next door to declare the legalization of soybean in every state in the country. Only then was it able to stop this "shameless" dumping behavior.

A few hours later, the Gulfstream landed at a small military airport near El Paso. Jack's Suburban had been waiting on the tarmac early.

"Welcome, how's your journey?" Matt Graver leaned on the front of the car and waved to the two of them leisurely, as if they were old friends he hadn't seen for a long time.

"It's not bad." Jack and Jane shook hands with him respectively. At this time, two more people came out from behind the car, which made someone feel shocked, because these two people had a familiar face.

The one on the left is tall and thin, with a very shabby appearance. At first glance, he looks somewhat similar to a certain Canadian actor who plays the "little bitch", also known as Deadpool.

Although he now wears glasses and a mustache, Jack can still recognize him at a glance. He is the protagonist in the American TV series "Fire Me", also known as "Fire Me", which tells the story of a hapless secret agent.

There is another one who looks even more familiar. Although this person looks haggard now, has a lifeless look on his face, is a little overweight, and is seriously out of shape, the original actor once played Che Guevara on the big screen. It's a pity that the actor's name Jack can no longer be remembered.

It looked like he had almost melted into some unknown movie again. There were three familiar faces in the plot in a row. Jack was a little confused. He knew that he should have spent more time watching American TV series and watching niche movies.

After all, those unit dramas can only retain the impression of the characters after watching one episode. But after watching a movie, you can at least remember the outline of the story.

"This is my bird dog, Alejandro." Matt Graver first introduced the stout middle-aged man.

"He is a consultant hired by DHS and an expert in dealing with drug cartels."

The two parties shook hands. Although Alejandro was wearing a wrinkled cheap suit, with messy hair and unshaven face, his attitude was quite serious, which was completely opposite to Matt Glover's careless virtue.

"This is my old buddy Michael Weston, who just returned from Syria. He will be my second-in-command on this mission."

Matt Graver smiled again and introduced Michael Weston by the shoulder. These two guys looked like the same breed.

After introducing the two, he turned to introduce the two FBI to his side, "This baby-faced lady killer is Jack Tavole, and this is, uh, sorry."

Jane smiled and reached out to the two of them, "Jane Banner, nice to meet you."

"Wait a minute, are you Jack Tavole? That Jack Tavole?" Michael Weston showed the same surprised expression as Matt Glover yesterday.

Jack nodded dumbfounded, feeling that he had truly become a celebrity, at least a celebrity in a certain small circle.

"Haha, that's so interesting. Damn it, Matt, let me explain to my old buddy. It wasn't that he didn't want to save you at the beginning. You know, the tropical rainforest is like his grandma's tutu to him, no. He wouldn't take the initiative to get into that damn place unless he had to.

Don't shoot him in the back just because of that incident. Of course, I can understand even if you do it. After all, I have wanted to do it for a long time. "Michael Weston looked quite gloating.

"Shut up, you bastard, get out and drive." Matt Glover kicked him, and the two middle-aged men were fighting like two teenagers in high school.

Alejandro opened the car door for Jane in a very gentlemanly manner, and Matt Graver got into the passenger seat.

After getting in the car, Matt Glover patted the glove box and turned back to Jack with a slightly teasing tone.

"This car was delivered here by a rookie this morning. I'm sorry that I checked the trunk without permission. Are you planning to go to Juarez and kill everyone in that city?"

Jack was a little speechless. He had just prepared some tactical equipment. There might be one or two small weapons in there that were not very harmonious, but they were not as exaggerated as this guy described.

"It's just a courtesy, Mr. Graver, after all, they shot 6 RPGs at my house."

"Just call me Matt, but I still suggest you use it with caution. After all, we are going to bring back living people this time, not a bunch of corpses that are difficult to piece together." Although Matt Graver still had a joking tone , but there is something in the words.

"Okay Matt, everything is according to your plan, but you may need help finding a place to store it." Jack was as good as his word, and he had no intention of taking such a truckload of arms around at the beginning of the mission.

But he had to drive the car. This was Emily's wish. Through her own connections, or possibly her diplomat mother's connections, she managed to get such a bulletproof version of the Suburban for foreign affairs.

The RPG may not be able to withstand it, but it can definitely hold on for a few seconds under direct fire from the AK, giving Jack enough time to react.

The car drove along the long runway, passed neatly arranged Black Hawk helicopters, passed through a gate, and then entered a building complex surrounded by a tight barbed wire fence.

Thank you book friends for your monthly support. You all have been very kind to me. This activity has attracted many books to the top of the monthly ticket list. As a result, this book has been on the monthly ticket list for many days with everyone's support, although it is only At the end of the first 500, but I really want to stick with it from now on, hehehe~~~

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