"There was no property damage, and the safes were all intact. The murderer's purpose was obvious, which was to exterminate the family. So the question now is, what is the connection between the two families?"

Jack's question was directed at Garcia.

"I have only discovered a very small thing for the time being. Both families have served as football coaches in local middle schools." Garcia looked slightly distressed.

"But don't the Fagans have any children?" Emily asked.

Garcia nodded, "Indeed, but they have a goddaughter and Kelly Fagan is the coach of her team."

Rossi's tone was a little teasing, "Both of the deceased are from Europe and have been football coaches? It's interesting, isn't it?"

Instead, Hotchner said seriously, "Maybe they knew each other before?"

"There is another problem. The media was terribly quiet this time. This is very abnormal. Even after we intervened, no media took the initiative to contact me. This is the least fulfilling time since I entered BAU."

As Jiejie spoke, she took out a few tissues and handed them to Red, whose mouth was full of oil, as if she was taking care of her little brother.

Jack answered, "I have contacted Taylor Kelly. She said that there is indeed a force secretly suppressing the news, but she will have to give her some time for specific information. The results should be available tomorrow at the latest."

Rhett had just been staring at the computer screen without saying a word. It was not until Jiejie handed him a tissue that he woke up from a dream.

"I just looked at the numbers stored in several mobile phones that Garcia sent me to the two families, and found a contact shared by the two families, but I didn't find any call records."

Jiejie turned her head again and looked at him in surprise, "While you were eating just now? You just browsed through it."

Rhett shrugged, "If Garcia tabulated these numbers, the computer would recognize them faster than me."

Everyone was speechless. Garcia opened his laptop and said, "OK, give me your number."

"703-555-0118, the owner of this number is Byron Delaney, 64 years old. His wife Grace Delaney just passed away last year, and the children are not around. Interestingly, he is British."

Jack leaned over and looked at the address, then at the time, "Send me the address, and Emily and I can just take a look around when we get back."


It was said that it was a detour, but in fact the road was not that close. There is a nickname in Los Angeles called "City Traffic". It was around eight o'clock in the evening when the peak period of traffic jam began. "Mammoth" took a long time, and it took half an hour to open. to two kilometers.

There was drizzle outside the window again, which made Jack feel as if he had returned to the water town in the south of the Yangtze River in his previous life.

Listening to Jack humming an unknown tune in a ridiculous tune, Emily was not in a good mood. By counting, she had been living in Jack's house for almost three months.

"Why are you always so optimistic?"

Jack watched her chewing her nails irritably again, and shook her head helplessly, "Where did you hide that woman who has a strong heart and never loses sleep because of any case?"

"Drown in your big bathtub." Emily rolled her eyes and said "vicious" words.

Although she knew that this guy must have been messing around in the big bathtub a lot, and even though she knew that he was very clean, she still felt a little uncomfortable every time she went in to take a bath.

But in this rare cold winter in Los Angeles, Emily really couldn't resist the temptation of comfort. She could soak in it for an hour every day, immersed in the aroma of oak.

It was the only luxury she had these days that could relieve her tense nerves, and it was also one of the reasons she convinced herself to shamelessly continue to stay at Jack's house.

"Any news from your friends in the 'JTF-12' team?" Jack asked.

Emily shook her head, "For safety reasons, we agreed that there would be no emergencies and we would only contact each other once a week. The last contact was five days ago. They were also trying to find out about Doyle's whereabouts through the intelligence department they once belonged to, but they still couldn't. Nothing gained.”

The "JTF-12" team she once belonged to was jointly formed by agents from many countries. Jack did not believe that the intelligence agencies of the major countries of Britain, France, and Germany could be so useless. The only explanation was that people left and the tea was cold.

Just like Emily joined the FBI after quitting, others also left the intelligence organization they originally belonged to after the team was disbanded. It was a kind of retirement in disguise.

This also resulted in the original relationship networks of these people gradually losing their effectiveness.

Of course, this is human nature. If these people are killed, those intelligence organizations will definitely take revenge, such as wanting Doyle again, or once again targeting Doyle's resurgent terrorist organization.

But before that, spending a lot of resources to protect a few "retired agents" who have long lost their value would look too high on the bureaucrats. Yes, any country's official intelligence organization is also part of the bureaucracy.

Never expect a bureaucracy to be responsive and proactive. Emily and the others knew this, and Doyle knew this very well.

Does Doyle want revenge? Of course, he was interrogated and tortured in a secret prison for seven years. Perhaps the driving force behind his survival was to seek revenge on those who put him in jail, and even on the country behind those people.

But is Doyle anxious? How could a person who could endure seven years of torture in prison and finally escape successfully lack basic patience?

Then the contradiction arises. After Doyle escapes from prison, the correct approach is to disappear first, accumulate strength in secret, and then learn the Mixi Sect's squatting horse stance - hold it in a big way.

But now a man who is not lacking in patience and has a majestic personality is rushing to threaten her secretly. He is looking for someone to sneak into Emily's house to scare the snake. Apart from having a brain problem, there is only one answer to this kind of behavior. Emily has him in her hands. Something you desperately want or a secret.

It doesn't matter what the secret is. Neither Rosie, Hotchner nor Jack took the initiative to ask Emily. She will naturally tell it when she thinks it is necessary to tell it.

Backed by the FBI, the most powerful anti-terrorism execution agency in the United States, the initiative always lies with the BAU. The longer it takes, the more the balance of victory will tilt towards its own side.

So Emily was pressed tightly by Jack's side. The BAU team solved the case as if nothing had happened and celebrated Christmas lively. As time passed bit by bit, they waited for the already impatient Jack. Doyle showed his flaws first.

The actual situation is also the same. Just like the recent weather, as the intelligence from all parties comes together, the suffocating feeling of the approaching storm makes Emily, who is at the center of the storm, more and more restless.

"What do you think of these people?" Emily bit her nails for a long time before she couldn't help but speak again.

"Huh?" Jack was stunned for a moment, and immediately realized what she was asking.

"It's a very contradictory behavior. Although they have the ability to arrange the scene to look like a fire accident, they also deliberately do it to be so eye-catching, as if..."

"Issuing some kind of threat?" Emily put it bluntly.

"You think this has something to do with you?" Of course Jack knew what she was worried about.

"Is it possible that the BAU team was deliberately tempted to intervene?"

Jack felt that Emily's idea was not impossible, but it was not very likely. "Do you think it was Doyle who did it? Maybe, but what's the purpose? Want to attract the BAU team and catch them all?"

Emily opened her mouth and seemed to feel that her idea was a bit whimsical. She shrugged helplessly, "I hope I'm overthinking."

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