The world of American TV series: Starting with the L.A. Patrol

Chapter 397 Profile, self-assertion, suspicion

"How do you interpret the trophies he collected? They are the clothes he took off the victims." asked an FBI agent holding a notepad and biting his pen in deep thought.

Rossi stood up and explained.

"We believe that those were fantasy media through which he relived his memories. His transvestism was just to facilitate recall. He may have been masturbating at this stage, looking for images that were related to his pleasure.

And when these can no longer satisfy him, he will go out and look for new prey.

I have no doubt that when we catch him, we will find a lot of video or audio evidence, just like the materials found in the warehouse. "

Hotchner nodded and continued, "It should be noted that he committed the crime for at least ten years, and he used even longer time to plan and figure out his modus operandi.

His actions are constantly evolving, seeking new stimulation points and raising his own threshold. If we can't catch him, we will face it."

"Guys! You should come and see this." Jiejie appeared at the door in a hurry, tilting her head slightly to signal to everyone.

In the TV screen, Gil Moss was talking to the camera, saying nonsense such as evil has no escape and will eventually be brought to justice by the righteous FBI.

"What did she disclose to the media?" Hotchner said coldly.

"No specific information was disclosed, but it was mentioned that there are serial killers who target women and use torture as a means of pleasure, and that four victims have been found so far."

Jiejie followed Gil Moss after being reminded by Jack, and found that she had actually summoned local media reporters and held a press conference directly at the entrance of the FBI local office building.

Seeing that she had no time to stop him, Jiejie could only watch from the sidelines, ready to step forward and interrupt if Gil Moss made a mistake.

Fortunately, this woman has not yet been completely carried away by utilitarianism. She just spoke in official terms like a declaration, without disclosing specific details or the participation of the BAU team in the investigation.

"Agent Moss, I don't know your style of doing things, but if you insist on holding a press conference, at least notify me and my team first."

Sure enough, as soon as Gil Moss returned, Hotchner transformed into a lich (the hero LICH in DOTA) who can release serial frosts. His whole body exuded a biting cold air and walked into her office.

He did not close the office door, so everyone who was pretending to be busy outside heard clearly the conversation that took place inside.

"This is not a press conference, just a simple statement." Gil Moss looked innocent and didn't seem to realize there was anything wrong with what he did.

"I think you should understand what I mean." Hotchner bluntly exposed her sophistry.

Gil Moss spread his hands and wanted to explain, "Sooner or later this news will be leaked. I just want to show a reassuring attitude to the public."

"Your personal attitude?" Hotchner questioned.

"I'm also a member of the task force, right?" Gil Moss was a little anxious, and seemed to finally realize something.

Hotchner was really angry, and the words almost popped out from his teeth one by one.

"But at the same time, your level is not higher than anyone in our team. If they all act without authorization like you, is there any need for this task force to exist?"

Jack, Jiejie, and Emily looked at each other and made faces at each other. Hotchner had to be the protector. The scene where they were treated as younger brothers had obviously been noticed by someone.

The conversation inside was paused for a while, and it took a long time before Gil Moss' deliberately lowered voice came out. It was no longer pretending to be dumbfounded before, but was tense and panicked.

"Do you mean to kick me out?"

Hotchner's sigh came from the office.

"Of course not, but you can take this as a warning. Treating the case as an opportunity for personal limelight is our biggest taboo."

"I just want to remind people that this is probably the most brutal serial killer since Charles Cullen."

Gil Moss is still trying to defend himself.

The Charles Cullen she was talking about, also known as the "Angel of Death," was a male nurse who worked diligently for sixteen years in ten hospitals and took care of thousands of seriously ill patients.

After his arrest, he personally admitted that more than 40 patients had died through drug injection, and the police only found evidence of 22 of the victims.

What’s even more frightening is that according to police investigations and statistics, the actual number of victims may be as high as more than 400.

"By brutality, do you mean the number of victims? Looking forward to discovering more corpses and treating them as the achievements of the murderer, and these corpses will become a glorious addition to your resume in the near future?

Do you know Michael Strunco, Florian Gale, Christopher Hardgrove? "

Gil Moss was speechless, "I, I haven't heard of these names."

"These are the murder victims of Charles Cullen, and no one remembers them, but the public remembers the name of the murderer."

Hotchner scolded sternly, "Don't use this case as an opportunity to hype yourself up. The FBI doesn't need such agents. Do you understand?"

Gil Moss said nothing until Hotchner quickly left his office.

"Although this is the first time I've seen Hotch so angry, I bet you ten bucks that she didn't even take what Hotch said to heart." Jack opened with a smile.

"Twenty dollars, you're right." Emily agreed.

"Jack!" Rossi felt his head hurt as he looked at these guys who were worried about the world being in chaos.

"Then let's change the bet and bet on whether Agent Moss will ask Rossi to apologize in private tonight and then ask him for a drink." Jack raised his eyebrows at everyone.

"Ten dollars will give her the money." Rhett was also confused now and took out a banknote.

"Twenty yuan second proposal." Jiejie is wealthy and wealthy.

"I'll give you ten bucks, too." Emily was not to be outdone.

This time Jack frowned and put all his bets aside. Wouldn't that mean he, the banker, would have to pay compensation?

Rossi sighed heavily on the side, feeling that this team was getting harder and harder to lead.

"I bet you 100 yuan that I will agree to her invitation."

He directly took out a hundred-dollar bill, and the kid stuffed it into Jack's hand as if he was angry.

Is there such a trick? Everyone suppressed their laughter and looked at someone who was frozen in place with a black line on his forehead.


In fact, Jack didn't really have much dislike for Gil Moss. She avoided Jack's most taboo point, did not talk nonsense in front of the media, and did not use BAU as a shield.

As for disclosing the general situation of the case to the public through the media, just as she defended herself, as long as a formal investigation is launched, it will inevitably be leaked, and there is not much difference whether it is sooner or later.

Most serial murderers will not stop because they are exposed. On the contrary, it is more likely that they will continue to commit crimes crazily and "enjoy" the last happiness as much as possible before being caught.

As for those innocent souls who are about to die in vain at the hands of the murderer because of Gil Moss's statement, what does that have to do with him? I just hope that this eldest sister who is eager to make progress will not have nightmares at night.

However, Jack still had an indescribable feeling for Gil Moss. He always felt that this beautiful FBI agent with a familiar appearance seemed to bet all his future career on it.

Even at the expense of forging physical evidence for this, it should not be just for the sake of fame or promotion.

But what is the specific reason? As an experienced driver, he only has some vague guesses. If he says it now, it will probably be regarded as nonsense. We might as well wait and see.


In the next two days, everyone was busy. In addition to the four known family members of the victims who needed to be questioned, there were also people who rushed to the Denver Police Department and FBI office from all over Colorado after seeing the news to tell the story of their missing relatives.

They took photos of their missing relatives and the original report information and told the police and detectives over and over again, hoping to provide as many clues as possible.

There is nothing they want more than anything else. To use an old saying from Siris, they want to see people when they are alive, and they want to see corpses when they die.

The detectives of the task force screened out the missing women who were between 28 and 42 years old, had a bachelor's degree or above, and were engaged in white-collar occupations based on the profiles previously made by the BAU team.

After being filtered again by Jack and others, the list is still nearly 50 people long.

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