"What's going on?" Jack doubtfully took a small piece of paper handed over by Hondo, with a string of difficult Greek letters written on it.

Just as the four of them conquered Area B, the three of Hongdo, with the cooperation of the hurried B Team, broke into Area C and rescued the two missionaries.

But Gunnar Card ran away with several of his henchmen, and forcibly dragged away Sister Carmelita, who was stabbed in the abdomen and was dying.

They gathered all the semi-automatic rifles obtained from the gun room, and the firepower was quite fierce. Unfortunately, a member of Team B was shot.

Fortunately, although the bullet penetrated the bulletproof plate on the chest, it also shattered into several pieces in the process. The remaining kinetic energy was insufficient and only caused flesh wounds. He was sent out of the building to the hospital for treatment.

"Gonna Card led people to hide in Area D and used the welding machine brought in by the construction workers to weld the iron door in the passage."

"I knew he was stalling but not what he was planning, so I searched his cell and found the note."

"Someone should have passed the information to him through underground channels, but there is no time to find someone to decipher this damn thing now."

"Huh? This doesn't seem too difficult." Jack glanced at the note and raised the corners of his mouth slightly. He was used to the pleasure of being crushed by force, but there were not many instances of being crushed by IQ. The two seemed to have different levels of enjoyment.

After staying with Red for a long time and listening to his talk every day, he also learned some knowledge about cryptography.

"A simple letter substitution, replacing the English letters with Greek letters, and then writing it again in English, give me a pen."

Jack took a pencil from Vice Captain Deacon and wrote on a piece of paper.

"Delta is δ, which is used to represent D, alpha is α, which is A, and error is μ, which represents L."

He quickly wrote two words on the paper, "Dale DeGroot? That should be it. Gunnar Card is looking for a certain prisoner."

However, the joy of successfully pretending to compete did not last for a minute before he was slapped in the face.

"There is no such name in the prison database." Deacon showed him the tactical tablet on his arm.

"This is impossible!" Jack reluctantly took his arm and entered it again. Sure enough, nothing was found. This Dale DeGroot was neither a prisoner nor a prison guard.

"Calm down, the name should be right, otherwise it wouldn't be such a coincidence."

"Area D, what are they hiding in Area D?" Hondo seemed to suddenly think of something, patted Jack's shoulder and prompted.

"Do you remember what the contractor Ash Jones said when you asked him about the whereabouts of your two guys?"

Jack suddenly realized, "He said there are several separate rooms in Area D. Those are actually single cells for special prisoners."


"Dale DeGroot? I get it, Mr. Jones, we need to talk."

Jessica Cortez, who had been guarding the command center outside the building, turned directly to the prison contractor Ash Jones after receiving the name from Hondo. After some questioning, he soon found out got the result.

Dale DeGroot, a prisoner in protective custody, is a key witness in a drug and arms smuggling conspiracy.

He had made a deal with the prosecutor and had been transferred to this prison a few weeks ago, and his testimony could bring in all of Gunnar Card's business associates outside.

"The cells in Block D have separate security measures. They cost me a lot of money. Those prisoners in protective custody will be very safe inside. I did not expect that the riot would involve them."

Ash Jones is still trying to explain why she keeps it a secret.

"When this is over, I will discuss this matter with you."

Jessica Cortez angrily interrupted his nonsense and informed everyone in the building of the above situation.

"Let me guess, those construction workers who went to the prison for construction happened to bring small generators, electric welders and acetylene cutting machines, and these things happened to be exchanged for tribute by the 'Baha Horned Dragon Gang' in Area B. Nakad, in exchange for weapons."

Jack immediately connected the clues.

"Gonna Card incited two other gangs to join him in launching a riot, and obtained prison guard uniforms and protective gear from the 'Nineteen Gang'."

Hondo continued his words.

"He was stalling for time to find Dale DeGroot in Area D, break open the cell door and kill him, and then escape disguised as a prison guard. Sister Carmelita was his talisman in case things were exposed. Use it to bargain.”

"This guy is smart."

"Yeah, definitely not stupid."

"There are probably a lot of insiders among the prison guards. Maybe there is something wrong with the contractor Ash Jones."

"This prison leaks like a sieve."

The SWAT team members who were in the audience listened to their analysis and expressed their opinions one by one.

"Okay, let's talk about these things after we get out. The most important thing now is to stop Gunnar Card's plan and not let him kill anyone."

Hondo waved his hand and led everyone to the passage between Area C and Area D.

"This is the updated map of Area D. The individual cells are here, there are 6 in total. Dale DeGroot is in Cell 3 in the middle, and Jack's two colleagues are in one of the remaining rooms."

"Gonna Card has five other men, six including him, all armed with rifles. Three of them are guarding the passage with the welded iron door, which is separated by a corridor and two corners from the individual cell area. "

Hondo's face looked ugly. Judging from the current arrangement, once SWAT attacked, it was very likely that a confrontation would eventually form.

If a confrontation occurs, the last hostage, Sister Carmelita, will surely become a human shield.

This nun is Latina, and no one can guarantee what Gunnar Card, a white supremacist, will do when he is finally cornered.

The most troublesome thing is that no one knows how long it will take these guys to cut through the heavy iron door of Cell No. 3, which means that SWAT does not have much time to formulate an attack plan.

For a moment, everyone felt numb. Was the only option left was to attack by force?

It is not impossible to repeat the same trick and use tear gas or shock bombs to subdue Gunnar Card and his men, but these non-lethal weapons under normal circumstances are very likely to be fatal to the seriously injured Sister Carmelita. .

"Um, do Gunnar Card's men all wear the uniforms and armor of those prison guards? Do they all wear helmets?"

Jack suddenly asked this question without thinking.

The full set of protective armor worn by prison guards is used for hand-to-hand combat. Not only are the helmets not bulletproof, the plastic armor that looks bluffing and similar to that of football players is also not bulletproof.

"You want to?" Hondo hesitated.

"Since they want to pretend to be prison guards and sneak out, then I can too."

Uh, I usually oversleep on my days off.

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