Jack tiptoed closer and saw that the title of the book covering Hannah's face was actually "The Interpretation of Dreams" by Freud. There were also several best-selling books on the small coffee table next to the sofa. Something to do with psychology.

He secretly laughed in his heart. There was half a shelf of psychology books in his study room. Little Sweet Girl probably couldn't understand them, so he went out to buy these popular science books himself.

Are you planning to study your love rival? Result, that's it?

Jack carefully took the book away from her face. Hey, after reading less than 10 pages, he started to guide the theory and practice. He slept so soundly.

After carefully carrying Hannah into the bedroom and kissing her on the forehead, Jack returned to the kitchen to deal with the large bag of beetroot.

When we came back, there were a lot of drunk people on the plane. Everyone, including Rossi, had drunk a little too much. He took the opportunity to sleep for a while and was very energetic now.

Peel the beetroot and cut it into long strips, kill it directly with salt to remove the earthy smell, and then control the excess water. I went to the backyard to pick a large handful of spicy millet, mixed with minced garlic and rosemary, and stirred , and finally put them into sterilized glass jars and pour in apple cider vinegar.

In February and March, the temperature in Los Angeles is not high, so just store it at room temperature. In this way, in about two weeks, Jack will have another good appetizer on his dining table.

After processing the beetroots, Jack continued to work in the kitchen. Tomorrow is the weekend, and he plans to hold a small party and invite some old friends to his home.

The old rookie and the others haven't gotten together for a while. Although I have less interaction with them now, I can't neglect my old friends.

Nowadays, it has become Jack's habit to work in the kitchen all day and sort out his emotions every time he comes back from a mission.

Whether it is practicing cooking skills, taking care of the fruit trees and vegetables in the backyard, or decorating the gun room in the basement, watching the skill progress bar improve little by little, his mood will gradually return to calm.

Of course, after Hannah wakes up in the morning, "exercising" together and taking a hot bath are also good ways to relieve her mood.

Serial killers, militia groups, and cultists have nothing to do with him. Jack is not here to be the savior of the world.

Taking every case seriously, helping innocent victims, earning more gold coins from the system, and improving his skills are all he currently pursues.

Jack really has no career ambitions now. He is too busy taking care of the girls around him. He was already in his 40s before time travel, and he deeply regretted the wasted time in his youth.

Now God has allowed him to live again and have a young body again. It is time to enjoy youth.

He somewhat felt that Rossi wanted to train him to take over, but Jack chose to let nature take its course. Looking at the tedious administrative work that Hotchner was busy with every day, it was obvious that becoming a low-level bureaucrat was not a very wonderful thing.

Jack would rather have gained a certain social status in the world through other means, such as becoming a best-selling author like Rosie.

Language skills have a certain bonus to writing. The cases handled in BAU are the best materials. If you change them, add some spice, and add some sexy plots, you might be able to write this world's version of "Jack Reacher."

Of course, all this will have to wait for his language skills to be further improved. At the same time, his lack of common sense about European and American culture is also one of Jack's weaknesses, and this will require a long period of accumulation.

Therefore, Jack plans to include writing in his short-term plan, first accumulate materials, and at the same time supplement his common sense. As for language skills, he can only rely on system gold coins to forcibly upgrade them.

After lunch, he drove his Firebird and took Hannah to visit the Wolfe brothers' farm in the northern suburbs. The brothers seemed content with this semi-hermit life, hiring some workers and raising a lot of animals. livestock.

Many of Jack's current ingredients come from the brothers' small farm, especially some parts of pigs, cattle, and sheep that the US is not interested in, which are rarely available in Huachao and can only be obtained in this way.

Of course, the main person he visited today was Justin. The Wolf brothers were just passing by. Gaspare, the black guy, had contributed a lot in the crash, and Jack also agreed to give him a new identity.

Now half a month later, the heat of the incident has gradually subsided. Gaspare has become impatient hiding in Palawan Island. It is time to help him leave the country.

Everyone had a great time at the party on the second day. Jack stewed a large pot of delicious curry beef offal soup and took everyone to make pancakes and noodles together. Although the style was weird, it was very satisfying to someone. bad taste.

John announced the wedding date under the cheers of everyone, and it was set in May, which was less than three months away. Now everyone could get busy again.

After a lively weekend, Jack arrived at the BAU office early in the morning. He had just filled the big refrigerator with food and walked to the door of Jiejie's office, wanting to say hello to her.

Garcia passed him in a hurry and rushed in.

"Jiejie, I may be in big trouble."

"I couldn't believe he would come to my apartment after a discussion was held last week about the inadmissibility of intimate relationships between employees."

Standing at the door, Jack neither moved in nor retreated. He simply leaned against the door, intending to listen to what she wanted to say.

Jiejie turned her pen and looked at the document in her hand, a little absent-mindedly, "I'm busy, Garcia, isn't your dear Jack at the door?"

Jack, who was behind Garcia, waved to her desperately. He didn't want to provide psychological counseling for Garcia who was thinking outside the box so early in the morning. He tried it once before, but found that it would be better to just make her a bunch of puppy pudding that can be spanked. It works.

"So you really don't want to hear the story about how Rosie suddenly appeared on my doorstep at midnight yesterday after I had made out with Kevin Lynch, the technical analyst downstairs, in the shower?"

Jiejie suddenly sat up straight, put away the documents in her hands, and forced a friendly smile on her face.

"Please take a seat."

Jack slid forward, closed the office door, pulled out a chair, and respectfully asked Garcia to sit down.

"So, why are you showering with Kevin Lynch?"

This Jack knows, "because Kevin Lynch is Garcia's new boyfriend, the guy who likes blueberry jam."

"Oh, speaking of blueberry sauce, it really works. Kevin said he wanted to try more flavors." Garcia was immediately led astray.

"Continue talking about bathing." Jie Jie looked gossipy.

"Oh please, I really need your help, our relationship was discovered by Rosie!"

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