The world of American TV series: Starting with the L.A. Patrol

Chapter 249 “The King” and His “Castle”

In less than half an hour, everyone from the BAU arrived one after another. At this time, the ambulance had just taken away Angela Miller. Everyone was shocked to see Jie Jie with gauze on her face.

Emily, who is also a woman, naturally knows how important appearance is to a woman. However, despite her persuasion for a long time, Jiejie still refused to go to the hospital first.

"I'm the only one who has seen the murderer." That was her reason.

Jack didn't persuade her. For him, removing scars was a trivial matter that could be easily solved.

"At least treat the wound first. Don't worry. I know the best plastic surgeon in Hollywood. I will introduce you to him when I get back. Jiejie, you are the liaison officer representing our action group's external image."

Rosie also agreed to let Jiejie seek medical treatment first.

Hotchner hung up the phone and said with a straight face, "This is an order. There is a good plastic surgery clinic in the city. The chief will send a police officer to take you there, and there will be a sketch artist accompanying you. No. It will waste too much time.”

Even Rhett looked concerned, "We found some video tapes at Francis's previous residence, and we expect to find more clues here. No matter who his accomplice is, we will definitely catch him."

Seeing how insistent everyone was, Jiejie reluctantly followed a police officer into the car.

The middle-aged white police officer wearing a cowboy hat that Jack saw at the door of the grocery store was the police chief here. He and everyone in the BAU arrived almost at the same time.

Seeing Jack, the police sergeant took the initiative to step forward and shake hands with him, "I have sent people to send the Millers and his son to the hospital. Thank you and Agent Jean for your efforts to save this family."

Then he said to Hotchner, "I have notified that roadblocks have been set up within a 40-mile radius, but there are too many small roads nearby. Locals can easily bypass them."

"Sheriff, we have to find a way to get into the house." Hotchner looked at the big wooden house on the farm.

"I have already urged you. The EOD personnel will not let you in until they have checked. However, there should be no problem with the small houses around. You can search them first."

Perhaps it was because the arrival of the FBI did play a role, and the police chief's attitude seemed particularly cooperative.

"We need to find as much information as possible to help carry out psychological profiling." Hotchner took over the command naturally.

Everyone, including the police chief, split up.

Jack and Rosie opened the door to the tool shed together.

“It’s very organized, all the tools are on the shelves, and it’s as clean as possible.”

Rossi wiped his fingers on the old table. There wasn't much dust on it.

"Obsessive-compulsive disorder or mysophobia?"

Jack noticed that an iron cabinet with a combination lock was half open. He went to open it and took a look and found that it was a typical gun cabinet.

The left side is divided into several layers, with some scattered gun maintenance tools and several boxes of bullets of different calibers, all of which have been opened and there are only a few rounds left. The one on the right is a gun rack, but it is empty.

"Oh." Rossi sighed inexplicably.

It didn't take long for everyone to meet again in front of the wooden house. Two explosion-proof experts dressed like astronauts were taking off their heavy equipment.

"The gun racks are empty, the guy has all the guns on him," Rossi said loudly.

Jack showed the bullets he found in the gun cabinet, "The 7.62X51 mm NATO bullet should be the rifle that almost hit Jie Jie. There are also deer shells here. The guy at least has a shotgun."

Hotchner was checking the smashed garage and "I found two pairs of men's shoes in different sizes."

"The man below reported no suspicious vehicles and I suspect he monitored the police radio."

The Sheriff hung up the phone in his hand, looking unhappy.

"We switched the channel to the state geological survey band, and no one was listening on that band."

"Hey, guys, come here." Emily, who had been wandering around the flower garden, stopped everyone who was about to enter the cabin to search.

"There were three more victims before Angela Miller, right?" Emily pointed to the rose bushes in the flower garden.

"There are three roses here with different heights and different growth conditions. This one is the newest and it even has a label on it."

"Corresponding to three victims?" Hotchner nodded.

Rhett squatted down next to a rose, observed it carefully, then stretched out his hand to pull it up. Several gray-black beetles crawled out of the turned-up soil.

The faces of everyone present suddenly became very ugly, "The burial bugs are the same as those in the cemetery."

"Chief, I think we need some shovels." Hotchner's face became very gloomy.

As the sergeant ordered his men to begin exhuming the bodies, Garcia's call came in.

Rosie and Red had previously discovered some old home videos at the former residence of the murderer Francis. Garcia had worked with local technicians to sort them out, digitize them, and send them over.

There wasn't much valuable content in it, so Garcia thoughtfully noted them one by one according to their importance.

Rossi opened the first video file and played it for everyone to watch.

A shaky and blurry image appeared on the screen. Francis Goering was sitting on a large chair by the window, looking down at the direction of the camera, saying some words of unknown meaning.

"He deliberately shot it from a low angle to make him look lofty, and the chair was like his throne, which was interesting."

As soon as Rhett finished speaking, Emily shushed him and signaled him to be quiet.

"The existence of a country is inherently based on the inequality between people."

"Martin Luther said that the weak will eventually surrender to the strong, just like me. He was a man with dreams and vision."

"In the feudal period, the monarch lived in a high place and watched for invaders. He had servants to serve his kingdom. The monarch did not need to leave his castle. The servants would do everything for him!"

Jack listened in a daze. Martin Luther was the founder of Protestantism. This guy should be talking about Luther Martin, right? One of the founding fathers of the United States once contributed to the "Bill of Rights", which is the first to tenth constitutional amendments.

These constitutional amendments contain some provisions that are touted by some people, such as freedom of assembly, freedom to bear arms, non-stop punishment, etc., but these are not comparable to the things this guy said.

"It would have been Luther Martin, who supported slavery and believed that owning slaves was his right as an American, and he also opposed the federal override of the states."

Dr. Reed, the humanoid encyclopedia, noticed Jack's doubts and whispered some information for him.

"How many such video tapes have you found? Eleven? Garcia who sorted out this garbage is so pitiful." Emily felt uncomfortable all over.

Rossi followed her example and shushed her, causing Emily to roll her eyes.

Francis in the video is still talking, with an excited expression and an impassioned tone.

"First, I want to build an organization, a kingdom."

"Secondly, I build up arms to defend this kingdom."

"Third, it is my right to serve women as slaves, and as a free American I will make my kingdom a reality!"

Rossi opened other video files one by one. The content inside was similar, full of the ravings of a mental patient.

Jack thought of the "emperors" who were exterminated by the police station after the founding of Seris in his previous life, and they seemed to have some similarities with Francis Goering.

"Let's go and see this 'King's' castle."

Rossi sighed, closed the tablet, and led everyone into the wooden house.

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