Gaspare was stunned for a moment and shook his head, seemingly hurt by being misunderstood.

"I said I would repay you. The Corps taught me many things, including honor."

The Outlaw Corps still has this thing? Jack cursed in his mind.

There is no basis for what he says. Although this guy seems to be sincere, he needs to verify it with facts.

The reason why Jack brought him along was firstly because of his fighting prowess, and secondly because he wanted to watch him in person. Otherwise, if he broke out in the team behind, Jiejie might not be able to handle it even if she had weapons.

"That's almost it. Let's go around to the mountain over there." Jack pointed to a small hill not far to the north.

The sun has fully risen, and the temperature has also risen. It is probably around 10 o'clock in the morning. Trekking in the hot and humid tropical jungle is a very painful thing, especially when the person opening the road ahead has a machete. When there are none.

Fortunately, this place is not a primitive jungle in the strict sense, but is mainly a secondary forest, probably similar to a tropical rainforest that has been set on fire, and was abandoned after being briefly planted with crops.

Although it has gradually degraded back to the wild environment, there are still many paths left in the forest that can be passed through.

This team of more than ten people advanced silently in the jungle. The men protected the women in the middle of the team, working in pairs to support each other.

Although there are trails, walking in such a place is still very difficult for ordinary people. Although the dense vegetation blocks the blazing sun, walking in the forest and the sweltering environment make people sweat all the time.

But everyone was wrapped tightly, and no one dared to expose excess skin here. All kinds of poisonous insects were eager to harass these delicious meals delivered to their doorsteps. DEET seemed to have completely lost its effect in this environment. .

At first, when walking along the main road, people would occasionally whisper and chat with each other, but after turning into a small road, everyone lost interest in talking, and their movements gradually became numb.

Everyone is holding a wooden stick, which they use to push aside the branches above their heads, or hit the grass and shrubs around them from time to time. From time to time, there will be a rustling sound, I don’t know if it is a poisonous snake or something else. He suddenly rushed deep into the dense forest.

The sudden words coming from the front of the team relaxed everyone's tense nerves.

"Climb up the hillside ahead and take a rest when we reach the top."

Captain Torrance kicked away the mark that Jack had placed on the roadside with small stones, and pointed to the hill not far away, where Gaspare was standing on it waving to them.

There is not much vegetation on the hills, only a few sparse unknown large trees, which are like parasols, opening up the huge canopy. The breeze blows through, finally bringing some coolness to the sweaty passengers.

"We have cleaned up here, you can rest for a while."

When Jack saw everyone, he didn't say anything. He just hugged Jiejie, took the pistol and magazine from her when no one else was paying attention, then turned around and disappeared into the jungle with Gaspare.

No one noticed that only more than an hour had passed since they set off.

"Isn't our plane over there?"

Someone finally noticed something was wrong and pointed to the dirt road at the bottom of the mountain facing the hill. There was the wreckage of the plane with half of its wings broken after the emergency landing.

Judging from the fact that the hillock where we and others are located, the straight-line distance from the starting point is only four to five hundred meters, then after trekking so hard in the jungle for so long, is it all a detour?

The smart people had already guessed something, and they all cast questioning glances at Captain Torrance.

"Everyone just take a good rest here. Officer Tawalle and the man have gone back."

Captain Torrance explained.

"This is the best plan we have discussed together. If the people who come to search are terrorists, we will be safe as long as we hide ourselves here. If they are ordinary islanders who can communicate, Officer Tavole will try to negotiate with them. .”

"But the three people left behind know our whereabouts, if they are caught."

The beautiful female college student's original exquisite makeup was now ruined by sweat, but she was obviously not the type with big breasts and no brains, and she looked worried.

"If not many people come, Jack is sure to save them. In addition, our real plan is not to go to the town in the southwest, but to the southeast. There is a port there, which is our real destination."

Jiejie also helped explain that the entire plan was basically proposed by Jack, and she made some modifications. The captain and crew members were responsible for various details.

The passengers were whispering among themselves, and it was obvious that most of them were quite satisfied that the leaders of this temporary self-rescue team could come up with such a seemingly impeccable plan.

Most of the time, ordinary people don't mind being commanded or led, especially in such self-help groups. What they care more about is whether the ability of the leader or organizer is sufficient.

It didn't take long for Jack and Gaspare to return to where they started, hiding in a bush and waiting quietly.

The couple from a big country in the universe were chatting incessantly with the bald old white man under the shade of a tree. It wasn't until the other party couldn't bear it anymore that he picked up a stone on the ground and tried to throw it, so the two hurriedly sat aside.

Nearly an hour later, Jack was bitten by small bugs and was about to burst into tears. He imitated Gaspare and picked a lot of leaves from the Asteraceae plant, crushed them up and applied them on his body, but the effect was average.

Gaspare's skin seemed to have some magical bonus. After applying the herbal juice, he was left exposed like nothing happened.

Finally, at one end of the dirt road, billowing smoke and dust kicked up. Six or seven old pickup trucks opened the way, followed by a shabby bus, heading towards the wreckage of the plane.

The cosmic power couple who were sitting under the tree suddenly became excited, raised their hands high, waved them excitedly, and shouted loudly.

The bald old white man seemed to hesitate for a moment, then stepped forward and waved.

"Are they blind?" Gaspare was so nervous that he didn't dare to move and murmured to himself. Among these war-damaged Toyota pickup trucks, one of them clearly had an M2 Laogan mounted on the back of the compartment. mom.

Several pickup trucks formed a semi-encirclement, and a little man wearing a turban and camouflage pants jumped out eagerly before the car stopped.

"Bang bang bang bang"

The little man pulled out the pistol from his waist and fired several shots at the feet of the three of them.

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