"Are we really going to let the kidnappers go?" JJ in the passenger seat finally broke the silence and asked thoughtfully.

"Believe me in Rossi. Although he seems a little out of date, he has been dealing with perverts and psychopaths for thirty or forty years. Have you not seen his interviews with serial killers in prison? Record it?”

Jack's tone was relaxed. Although he didn't remember the specific plot, he knew that as long as it didn't involve the BAU team members themselves, there was basically no overturn.

"Uh, Jack, you know we can hear you talking through the communicator, right?" Rhett's voice came from the communicator.

JJ chuckled softly and glanced at Jack with her beautiful eyes. The beautiful girl's eyes are already big, and she especially likes to use black eyeliner to highlight them. Those big blue eyes can really make people's hearts beat when they look at them. .

Jack awkwardly changed the subject, "Where is Cheryl driving? It's almost time. Help us find a way around to the front."

"Let me take a look. The address seems to be a paid parking lot. I will re-plan the route for you."

Following Rhett's guidance, they arrived at the location provided by the kidnapper before Cheryl. In the dimly lit parking lot before 3 a.m., Jack chose a suitable location to park the car and began checking weapons.

Not surprisingly, the big gun FK7.5 should not be used today. Jack first checked the Glock 22 issued by the FBI. This gun is exactly the same as the model issued by the original LPAD. It has almost become a weapon for the federal police and some people. It is standard equipment of the local police station.

"Wow, your backup gun is a bit exaggerated." JJ was also checking the weapons and was a little surprised to see such a big guy like FK7.5.

“Be prepared, you never know if you might encounter a dumbass while patrolling the streets, who could still fight back after being shot more than a dozen times.”

"And this big gun can guarantee that no carbon-based creature can still move after being shot three times."

Jack inserted the FK7.5 into his armpit holster. Shortly after returning to Los Angeles, Hannah made him an exquisite armpit holster, two special belts, and four leather straps of just the right size on the back of his waist. Buckle, 4 magazines can be inserted if necessary.

"Jack's record is trustworthy. He killed more criminals in one year in the LAPD than I have ever seen in the BAU before."

Rhett had obviously checked his file.

"Okay, let's focus on the situation at hand. Cheryl's car has come in." Jack looked towards the entrance of the parking lot. The small yellow Beetle was very conspicuous.

"What will the kidnapper do next? Prepare a car with the key in the parking lot in advance, put a disposable mobile phone in it, and then let her change the car and mobile phone?"

JJ made a guess based on past experience.

"If he was really after Cheryl, he would probably have a quick fight and I might have discovered him."

Jack's super sense allowed him to detect something unusual in a black BMW not far away, and there was a vague figure shaking in the driver's seat.

"Jack, shoot with caution. We don't rule out the possibility that there are hostages in the other party's car, although the chance is very small." Rossi's voice sounded in the earphones.

"Understood, just scare him away and make him feel that he is only a little bit away from success, right?"

Jack quietly opened the car door and signaled JJ to continue monitoring. He used the vehicles parked in the parking lot as cover and cautiously approached the black BMW.

The weather was average today, and the little moonlight was obscured by clouds. There were only two or three street lights in the parking lot, and the night became Jack's best cover.

When he touched the spot about ten meters away from the BMW, he did not dare to go any further, but he was basically sure that the kidnapper was in this car, because this car did not have a license plate at all.

"The other person was wearing a mask and gloves. I couldn't tell his skin color. He was of medium build, and he was actually wearing a tie."

Jack whispered to everyone in the headset and stepped back. The distance was too close. Even if it was acting, it would be too insulting to his marksmanship.

At this time, Cheryl, who had been waiting in the car for a while, opened the door, got out of the car with her luggage bag, and followed the instructions on her phone to walk towards where the black BMW was parked.

Everything was as Rosie expected. The other party didn't intend to play too many tricks at all, and he didn't care if anyone followed him. He just used the guise of asking Cheryl to pay a ransom to carry out another kidnapping.

The girl in front of him was less than twenty meters away from the BMW. The kidnapper had already started the engine, and at the same time he couldn't help but open the car door and put one foot on the ground.

"Jack, JJ, do it."

Following Rossi's order, the two men appeared at the same time, shouting urgently in unison.

"Cheryl, get down."

JJ was directly behind Cheryl, so he simply pointed the Glock in his hand into the sky and fired a warning shot.

Cheryl very alertly lay down on the spot, and the person in the car on the opposite side also reacted very quickly. He quickly retracted his foot and closed the door, and stepped on the accelerator almost at the same time.

Amidst the ear-piercing sound of burning tires, Jack ran two steps quickly, held the Glock in both hands, and fired several shots, shattering the rear light on the right side of the BMW.

Looking at the black BMW driving away, JJ stepped forward to help Cheryl up.

"Why are you doing this?" Cheryl yelled at JJ out of control, "Do you want to kill Trish?"

"Believe us, the other party is not here for money, his goal has always been you."

Under her stunned gaze, Jack took her back to the car.


Back at Davenport's house, Evan hugged his daughter nervously.

"Cheryl is okay." JJ let go of Cheryl's hand and handed her to Evan.

Before anyone could say anything, the phone rang again.

Rhett, who had been standing by the monitoring equipment, quickly took the laptop nearby and was about to start recording. Rossi waited for a moment and pressed the answer button.

The same weird voice as before sounded again, "That was interesting, wasn't it, Cheryl?"

"A little bit frightened, your heartbeat is racing. Can you tell me if you feel any tension coming from your spine?"

The voice was breathing heavily, seemingly asking, but actually describing its own feelings.

"It seems those smart and cunning federal agents saw through my little plan. Otherwise, you two would have fallen into my hands by now."

"What a perfect couple, what a shame."

"Why are you doing this?" Cheryl asked with red eyes.

Rosie pressed the button, the red indicator light came on, and she made a silent gesture towards Cheryl.

The voice on the other side of the phone kept talking, "Because you asked me to do this, both of you."

"Trish, Cheryl, you have been hinting at me with your eyes, the way you speak, and those cute little actions. You are asking for this."

It's a little late, hey, I took a nap today.

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