Chapter 192 Spencer Reid

Three months passed in a blink of an eye. When Maureen said that her work was over and she was about to leave the academy, Jack was shocked to find that he had not even touched her little hand during this period.

How long has it been since you experienced such fulfilling and high-intensity learning? I feel like I was sprinting in my senior year of high school in my previous life.

No, even during his senior year of high school, he never slept only three or four hours a day.

Maureen taught him up to 8 hours a day. Not only did he have to stay focused in class, but he also had a lot of reading materials after class.

These reading materials include various textbooks and professional books. Jack not only has to memorize them by rote, but also has an in-depth understanding of the conflicting views and corresponding cases.

You know, there are hundreds of schools of psychology, large and small, such as content psychology, conative psychology, constructivism, skillism, behaviorism, etc.

Maureen would check his reading progress every day and ask him to summarize the views or focuses of these different schools based on his own understanding.

In addition, English is phonetic and has a large number of special nouns in professional fields. If he wants to understand these materials and professional books, Jack has to memorize these strange words.

This caused him to have nightmares for a long time, and these long and smelly professional words were swirling around in his mind every day.

Jack suspected that this was also one of the reasons why Rossi arranged this surprise training for him. After all, using psychological talents (skills) to solve crimes is one thing, but how to communicate effectively with colleagues in a professional manner is another. .

Of course Rossi had considered this aspect, but he had not expected that Jack's learning ability was so amazing. In just three months, this young man had been able to express quite professional opinions fluently in front of him.

"Your learning ability and hard work amaze me. Tomorrow is the official registration day for new students. The next five months should be quite easy for you. Enjoy it."

There was no way. Although Jack was already a qualified BAU member in Rossi's mind, the FBI's charter was there and it was impossible to shorten the next five months of training.

But after Jack officially became an FBI agent, Rossi didn't mind using his power to greatly shorten his internship period.

"Oh, by the way, this child, if you have a chance, help me take care of him. There is a high probability that he will not be able to pass the test. Although I have specially admitted him, I still hope that this five-month training period can make him better. reward."

As she spoke, Rosie handed Jack a photo. It showed a tall and thin young man with a baby face and long messy brown hair. He was wearing a dark red knitted cardigan and a tie, like A student who is still studying.

"Spencer Reed is a genius in the true sense. Of course I'm not comparing him to you. You are a completely different type."

Rossi explained, "He entered Caltech at the age of 12, completed his undergraduate degree at the age of 16 and received a PhD in mathematics. Before the age of 21, he received two PhDs in chemistry and engineering, and two bachelor's degrees in sociology and psychology."

Jack sneered in self-mockery, "It's okay if you compare me with him. You think you think highly of me."

"He served as a consultant and stayed with Jason Gideon in the BAU for less than a year. After the bombing in Boston, Gideon chose to return to the university to teach, and he returned to the university with him."

"Gideon didn't want him to waste his talents in college, so he recommended him to me very strongly. I also admire him very much, but I'm worried that he will become a 'weak link', so I need your help."

Jack frowned as he looked at this guy's figure, which looked like a telegraph pole.

“How tall and weight is this guy?”

"6 feet 1 inch, weighing only 140 pounds." Rossi smiled bitterly.

Isn't this his predecessor in this world? He is 185 centimeters tall and weighs even less, less than 65 kilograms.

Jack narrowed his eyes and looked at the cunning old Italian man, "Have you checked my physical examination data from more than a year ago?"

A smile appeared on Rossi's face, "I also saw your results when you participated in the police academy training. To be honest, I was very surprised. I don't know how you did it, so I hope, if possible, to help this child."

"Kid." Jack was a little dissatisfied, "You know he should be the same age as me, right?"

"I told you, you are different from him." Rossi smiled very meaningfully.


The FBI's physical fitness test, also known as the PFT, consists of sit-ups, push-ups, pull-ups, a 300-meter sprint and a mile-and-a-half run.

It sounds very simple, and it doesn't matter if you don't meet the standard at the beginning. It takes up to 5 months for a normal person to improve to the passing line through his own efforts.

The passing score is when the total score is added up to 12 points. Among them, 38 sit-ups in one minute are counted as one point, and each additional number is one point, until 58 sit-ups are counted as a full score, and there can be no pause in the middle.

Push-ups are even simpler, with a standard posture, regardless of time. If you do 30 consecutive push-ups, you will get one point. If you do 71 or more, you will get a perfect score.

For the 300-meter sprint, you can get a full score in 40.9 seconds, and for the 1.5-mile (2.4 kilometers) run, you can get a full score within 9 minutes.

The PFT started on the fourth day from the registration day. Jack easily got full marks in all items, and then became a full-time coach with a frown on his face.

And he only had one student, Red, whom Rossi asked him to take care of. As expected, this "child" scored 0 points in all physical fitness events.

In fact, judging from the contact in the past few days, Spencer Reid is not the same as those weird geniuses in Jack's impression.

Jack had also watched the American TV series "The Big Bang Theory" in his previous life. He was quite disgusted by the character Sheldon in it. At least in real life, he was not willing to get along with such a low-emotional and annoying guy.

And this Rhett, although he looks a little withdrawn, dresses in an old-fashioned way, and likes to wear socks of different colors at the same time. Even when he comes into contact with others, you can clearly feel his nervousness and inferiority complex.

But he does not have the low emotional intelligence that those high-IQ geniuses usually have, or the aggressive behavior caused by inferiority complex.

On the contrary, Jack discovered that his insight was extraordinary, and that beneath his seemingly autistic and sensitive appearance, there was a heart eager to communicate with others and gain recognition.

To put it simply, Rossi calls Red a "child", which is appropriate. He is like a child who has not yet grown up, with a pure and kind heart, but can understand people's hearts.

"Actually, you don't need to take special care of me. You know, even if I fail all the tests related to athletic ability, the FBI will still hire me in the end."

Rhett's words sounded like he was showing off, but in fact he was sincerely comforting Jack.

He had already watched Jack write and draw, and tore off three sheets of manuscript paper, on which various exercise plans were densely listed.

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