Zoe put down her ski hat to cover her mouth and nose, and followed him into the factory building that was still filled with smoke.

From the outside, the factory building covers an area of ​​about 1,000 square meters and is less than 10 meters high.

After entering, Jack found that there was a lot of equipment on the first floor, including various printing presses, drying equipment, boxes of packed counterfeit banknotes, and many pungent-smelling round pools filled with chemicals.

A simple second floor was built with steel frames along the wall, and there was a small office near the middle, overlooking the entire factory building.

Jack pointed upward to Zoe, who nodded knowingly, and tiptoed from the steel ladder on the side to the second floor. The two of them went up and down, searching forward in parallel.

The sound in the factory was very noisy, with roars, coughs, and even people crying, but little Kleiner's crazy howling was not heard again. It seemed that Jack's shock bomb just now was very effective.

Reacher and Braxton, who broke in from the other end, were already engaged in gunfire with the enemy. The gunfire was fierce, but because their own sides were equipped with silencers and they were sixty or seventy meters apart, he could only hear the enemy with his perception. The sound of firing.

Often after a few seconds, the sound of gunfire would suddenly stop, indicating that progress on our side was going smoothly.

After walking around a pile of debris, Jack stopped. The space in front of him suddenly opened up. Three circular pools with a diameter of three to four meters were arranged in a zigzag shape, four to five meters away.

This was a good place for an ambush. He had no doubt that as long as he took a few steps forward, he would be set on fire if he was exposed in the open space.

Touching his waist, he saw that there was only one shock bomb left. There was no need to waste it at this time. Jack turned back and looked up. Zoe had already laid down on the spot and was crawling on the steel frame.

"Give me one at three o'clock, and two more at 10 o'clock."

Zoe's announcement came to his ears. Jack didn't speak. He tapped the earphone to indicate receipt. Then he violently pushed down the cardboard box in front of him, and then turned to the left.

Hidden behind the pool on the left, two enemies armed with Uzi submachine guns stood up suddenly, but were shocked to see cardboard boxes full of counterfeit money rolling down to the ground.

After the two rapid "biubiu" sounds of opening the bottle, the two smart people were suddenly enlightened.

At the same time, there was a soft sound from upstairs, and a body fell beside the pool on the right. The same idea opened up.

Just as Jack was about to move on, a feeling of being watched by something came over him. In addition to the strong killing intent, there was also a cold and sticky feeling of nausea.

I felt like a little bird on a branch, and a triangular snake head was slowly rising from the swamp mud under the tree and looking at me.

"Zoe, step back, the opponent has a VSS." Jack said as he retracted his left foot.

He reached into the pocket of his bulletproof vest, took out the last shock bomb, pulled out the latch, and flashed it at Zoe above his head. Sister Yu, who was lying on the steel frame, quickly closed her eyes and plugged her ears.

I just took one and it’s still not long in my memory, so I’ll take another one.

"Bang!" There was a strong flash of light accompanied by a loud noise, and with a scream, Jack, who was also shocked and had his head buzzing, had already jumped towards the target location like an agile cheetah.

Little Kleiner, who was hiding behind a row of shelves holding a VSS, was wailing in pain. He had been hit by two blast bombs in less than 10 minutes, and the discomfort in his chest almost made him want to vomit.

Before his eyesight could recover again, a figure was already approaching. Then his chest tightened, and the whole person flew up like a cloud and mist. The next moment, he was thrown heavily to the ground.

A mouthful of blood spurted out of his mouth. Little Kleiner tried to open his eyes and looked at the handsome face in front of him.

"Who is your Fake?"

"You don't care who the labor and management are, it's your ancestors."

Although Jack is not as tall as those big bears who are 1.9 meters and almost 2 meters tall, restraining this guy who is at most 1.7 meters tall is not much different from catching a chicken.

The ribs on the guy's chest creaked under his feet. Without thinking, Jack took out the FK7.5 and shot him immediately.

"Ah~~~" The shrill screams resounded throughout the factory. Little Kleiner's upper body was trapped and unable to move, and his legs could only curl up and straighten repeatedly like a frog.

"I heard that you like to play sadistic games? It just so happens that I know a little bit about this."

Regardless of whether the guy who was in pain heard his words clearly, Jack stepped on his left arm with his right foot and shot his palm to pieces.

At this time, Finlay and Rosko ran in with pistols in hand. They looked at little Kleiner, who was howling miserably at Jack's feet. Their eyes were like looking at a dead dog, showing no mercy.

"Have you found Tiller and Kleiner?" Rosko asked.

"And my old friend." Finlay added.

"No, I just caught this guy. He is probably inside. Reacher and Braxton should encounter them soon."

"We've already encountered each other, can you hurry up?" Braxton's voice came from the earphones.

The two of them didn't bother to look at little Kleiner anymore and rushed in. Jack made a gesture to Zoe, telling her to follow the two of them above to avoid any accidents in the end.

"Save me, Roscoe. Save me, don't leave!"

Little Kleiner's voice gradually became inaudible. Seeing that he was about to die, Jack leaned over and slapped him, and the healing technique instantly restored half of his life.

"Don't be in a hurry to die, I haven't had enough fun yet, hehehe."

Taking off the headset on his head, Jack tried hard to recall the classic villain expressions from film and television works in his previous life. In the end, he helplessly found that he was smiling like a factory boss, just like the Yu Huatian played by Chen Kun.

Forget it, he's not really a pervert. What he's doing now is nothing more than venting his anger for those victims. As the saying goes, tit for tat, in the original play, this beast fell into the fire and was burned to death. It's really It was too easy to die.

Although the police chief Morrison who was tortured and killed was not a good person, his wife was not worthy of death, let alone the Stevensons who were innocently murdered in the original drama.

In Jack's opinion, this little Kleiner is much more evil than those ogres, because he is an educated person who has lived in a civilized society since childhood. Therefore, such a person must be responsible for the evil things he has done. Pay enough.

"What did you do to me?" He was surprised to find that his injuries were beginning to heal, and little Kleiner was even more frightened.

"God found out that you didn't believe in him, so he sent me to punish you."

Jack was making nonsense, and felt a little regretful. He should have given him a continuous BUFF in advance, and then done it slowly. But now that he had brought this guy back from the brink of death, he had suffered a serious mental loss.

But it wasn't a big problem. Thinking it was just for training his attributes, Jack turned the gun and shot Kleiner's right palm to pieces.

The heartbreaking screams echoed in the factory again, followed by a blow to the left and right forearms, upper arms, and finally another blow.

Seeing that this guy finally passed out from the pain, Jack shot him again in each thigh, then took out the last shot of adrenaline and injected it into him.

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