The three of them took their places, and the three idiots in the living room were still arguing. One of them, Curly, waved a pistol and yelled, saying that the mother and daughter should be killed now.

"LAPD, hands up."

Jack and the others suddenly appeared and roared. Curly Hair, the only one holding a gun, was so frightened that he subconsciously wanted to resist. He just lowered his right hand holding the pistol halfway.


Curly Hair, who had a hole between his eyebrows, fell backwards on the sofa. The other two screamed and squatted down holding their heads.

At the same time, the front door of the house was violently smashed open, and a nervous Tim rushed in immediately. He was relieved to see that it was Jack who fired the gun.


Dividing line---

It seemed that he had accidentally resigned early. In the Wilshire Precinct, Jack looked at the Cooper family crying in their arms and scratched his head.

He swore that he really wasn't on administrative leave when he fired the shot, but that's what happened.

Originally, there were still two weeks until his official resignation, and he had saved up a week of vacation, but in the end, he added a week of administrative leave. In other words, now he can happily take vacation until the day of his official resignation.

Superintendent Gray was a bit dumbfounded. There had been too many personnel changes recently, and the new trainee police officers had not yet arrived. Now that Jack had left early, he had to find a way to coordinate people from other branches to come and work overtime.

At the same time, Superintendent Anderson and his handover work have also entered the final stage. Seeing that his promotion is about to happen, he is extremely busy, which can be regarded as painful and happy. Fortunately, Tim has taken over part of his work, so that Gray's face does not get darker. black.

Jack became a little restless after returning home for a day's rest. His original plan was to fly directly to Atlanta with Hannah in two weeks, meet up with the Wolfe brothers, and then head to that ungrateful town together to find a way to get rid of it. The home of a certain counterfeit banknote group.

As a result, he now had to do nothing for half a month, and he felt it was necessary to change his original plan.

Because just yesterday, his half-finished system was updated again, and this time the movement was quite big. He couldn't open the thing in his mind for a whole day, and it lasted for 24 hours. Just when Jack thought his golden When I was about to finish, I finally received a notification that the update was successful.

It was this system update that made Jack determined to go out for a walk.

Just do what he said, and after a routine visit to the Hunters the next day, Jack told Hannah his thoughts.

“I want to take a drive down Interstate 10.”

It was the first time for Hannah to enjoy someone's homemade luxury bathtub. She lazily leaned on Jack's arms and was a little surprised when she heard this.

"Interstate 10? You want to drive all the way from the West Coast to the East Coast?"

"Yes, I have lived in LA for more than 20 years. Except for flying to Chicago twice, I have never driven out of the state. It is rare to have such a long vacation and I want to go out and see it."

Jack did a lot of exploring during the day. If he drove along Route 10, there were many interesting places along the way, such as the Grand Canyon, the Mississippi River, Roswell, a small town famous for alien flying saucers, and a gun battle. Tombstone has become a filming location for various Hollywood westerns, and so on.

Hannah's eyes showed a tangled look, "But I promised to accompany Angela to arrange her wedding. This is a war between her and Wesley's mother, and I must stand on her side."

The little man composed of Jack's index finger and middle finger wandered in the valley, sometimes climbing to the top of the mountain, and sometimes sliding down the hillside. After playing for a long time, he finally spoke.

"I'll contact you before I get to San Antonio, and then we'll meet at the airport."

Hannah turned over and pressed Jack's little man under the mountain, staring at him with burning eyes, waiting for him to continue.

"You said that your parents are buried on your family's ranch. Why don't you take me to see it?"

Hannah hugged his neck excitedly, "Are you serious?"

"Well, this is not about preparing a proposal. I will never propose to you before I am 30 years old."

Before he finished speaking, someone got a hard elbow on his chest.


Dividing line---

Since receiving the bonus from the IRS, Jack has had a lot of money. Since he has decided to go on the road alone, he must make sufficient preparations.

After a lot of shopping, the trunk of Jack's Firebird, which was not large, was filled to the brim, and even the narrow back seat was filled with things.

They range from knives, compasses, fire sticks, sewing boxes, solar-charged bright flashlights, climbing ropes, rigging, to tents, sleeping bags, plastic buckets, field stoves, small car repair tools, and even the thickest ones. I bought a dozen sets of numbers.

It's not that he expected any romantic encounters, but this thing has many additional uses, the most important of which is that it can be used to make a temporary waterproof bag.

Of course, since we are traveling in a southern state with simple folk customs, weapons must be prepared. Jack prepared three extra magazines and two boxes of ammunition for his FK7.5.

Hannah also gave him a foldable Raven crossbow. This thing was actually completely legal in the beautiful country. Jack tried firing it in his backyard. Although he didn't have any skills for the time being, it was accurate no matter how accurate it was. The speed and power are both quite satisfactory.

Finally, I spent half a day checking the baby Firebird sports car. After everything was ready, I set off on the road.

Jack chose Interstate 10 because it is the shortest east-west highway in North America, with a total length of more than 2,400 miles (less than 4,000 kilometers).

From Santa Monica all the way through Arizona, New Mexico, Texas, Louisiana, Mississippi, and Alabama to Jacksonville, Florida.

The biggest feature of this road is that it is straight and very easy to drive. Jack sat in the cab and looked forward. He could see that the road in front of him almost extended forward in a straight line and eventually disappeared into the light blue sky.

Jack set off at ten in the morning. If he drove at a normal speed, he would be able to reach Phoenix, the capital of Arizona, by evening.

But he was in no hurry, and his first stop was Joshua Tree National Park, a natural park that spans two large deserts.

As we headed east, the temperature gradually increased. More than an hour after leaving the city, we passed the famous resort of Palm Springs, and a seemingly endless desert appeared in front of us.

After driving for more than half an hour, we arrived at today’s destination, a natural park full of boulders and Joshua trees.

The so-called Joshua tree is actually a kind of yucca. Jack has seen it in China in his previous life. It looks a bit like sisal and is taller than a person at most. But in its native North America, it can grow up to 15 meters and is quite tall. of terror.

Unfortunately, it is already May, the flowering period has passed, and the beauty of the flowers cannot be seen. However, he did not come to see this thing, but came to see the large and small boulders in the Mojave Desert.

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