The World Is Very Sick

This world is not light, Chapter 386

Secondly, Kevin continues to show weakness, let the high god, enjoy the entertainment, satisfying the vanity, so relaxing.

Then, Xilin's anti-water has created a chance to close the end of the end. Kevin wraps himself into the key to open the prison door, and the road is not connected, and if you want the jade, forcing the end of the law, you will come over. " ".

But in the end, it hides the indiscriminateness and originally used to deal with the sealing crystals of Xilin, and become the key to the end of the endorsement.

A remote output, as long as it is closer, it is a slag, and there is a lot of ways to close the opponent. Who is necessary to attack?

Moreover, he is just a mistake, but he doesn't say it will not stay.

This world is so dangerous, what is wrong with people?

The seal knitted crystals that should be used by Xilin, but it is still, just have no chance to go in ...

From small to big, you have added it to play me, how many times have you been in my pit? Also fight with me?


However, Kevin has not passed a breather, and he found that the end of the sky is struggling, and the golden and the blue rays flicker.

For a moment, the left eye is blue, the right eye is golden, and the crowds of the dead, the death of death is stiffen.

PS: It is a semi-subverted smart fight, and it is sometimes not force.

Anyway, the sister came, Kevin did not lose.

Section 672 The 642th chapter helps you have a single 648!

I haven't lost my consciousness yet! go!

Kevin is born, because of the flash, the left eye is re-covered with a faint gold light.

However, as the gas is touched, just after a follow-up, the end of the standby state will pass the reaction, the flashes, the wings, landed in front of the target, the right hand song finger, lock the opposite throat.

Moreover, it seems that due to the uncoordinated uncoordinated, the end of the law does not directly mobilize the power, and it is launched a lot of suppression.

Kevin's knee hits the lower abdomen of the end of the end, making the white hair goddess on the beach of the desert island, retreat, the chaotic look in the different color pupils, dramatically shakes.

However, under the great action, the body is initially healing the wound, re-torn, the strong bloody flavor is once again filled, and the white petals in Kevin drilled out from the right eye, rooted in the flesh, barbarism.

When you look up again, the blood wire that is like a flowers of the world is full of men's scorpions.

The dead, the sequelae is coming! Kevin's heart is dark, expressive.

At this moment, the end of the end of the future, because of the experience of the collapse of the "ripe", plus the Kaslan family excellent genes, the body is convex and concave, and the high peak under the corset package. Told up.

At the same time, killing, smashing, etc. Emotional emotions, constantly erodes the self, the eyes of Kevin's minds, the eyes among the eyes are crazy, almost the skin of the end of the end of the end of the world.


This light squattone, suddenly aroused the arrogance of the bone marrow, so the end of the legacy immediately pressed down, unloading the power, and the sound of the thunder was shocked.

Kevin vertical arm is punching, through the body that can only rely on the deadness, uses half of the arms that are almost baked, and the right hand from the .

However, when Kevin has no next reaction, the right leg of the end of the law, set off hunting and hunting wind, in the process of attacking, actually gradually pulling the collapse, forming a white giant, a white giant.

Then, the end of the legacy will open the target of the 178th feet, and Kevin smashed the tapered large pit on the beach, the chest depression, and the ostribule of the diageneous acid.

Caslan home boom! Female Wushen armor fighting skills! day! Even if you can't mobilize the right, there is still this hand!

The end of the law is not good at the melee is right, but the homeship K423 figures can be more than Xilin, with the struggle of K423 consciousness, this body has also begun to remember the capabilities of what they have.

The two people are now uncoordinated, and they are seal the remote map gun, one is squeezed, relying on unsuccess hard support, and the situation is again stalemate.

The play is too selling, and Xilin and Bella are all in other space modules, but also cut off each other's contact, I know that I should leave a spare plan!

Kevin thought, bite the teeth, put the right arm in the skin, with the madness of the flowers, the roots of the blood, the automatic reset of the bones, and muscle creep growth.

That's almost falling into the daughter, actually resumed the seven or seven eight eight in just a short bit, just a pale, soft body.

However, the end of the law will not give Kevin to heal, and the left hand pinch the opponent's neck, the one-arm lifted, and the tight palm is almost crushed by Kevin's throat.

At this point, I feel the dangerous flow of the host, spread the shaped stone, and piercing the back of the end of the end.

At the moment, a strange red white pattern, in the flesh of the end, the flowers were crazy, and the flowers were excited to shake, as if found a more perfect inoculation soil.

Awkward! Die!

The end of the law is to keep the chaotic state. Under the shock, suddenly shoot out the cold light of disgusting and angry, and the right hand is exploiting, grabbing the flowers of the Kemin's eyes.

Death power! Dip!

The heart is ventilated, and the whiteness of the jade suddenly produces, from the root cause of the life of the flow of life!

In an instant, parasitic in Kevin's pink white petals, such as snakes twisted, then they were pulled out of the root, and the inch inch was evacuated into the ashes.

At the same time, at the same time, due to the forced mobilization of death, the flowers of Kaiwen are erased, and the collapse of the two people can swim like a tsunami.

Under the restraint of the seal crystal, it reluctantly controls the will of the body of the body, and the collar of the end of the end of the law, the blue color constantly squeezes the space occupied by the golden God.


The pale Kevin was rushed down, and the white-haired girl was holding his head, squatting on the beach pain, pretty face is full of chaotic colors.

In order to make up for the vulnerability of the plan, even your own unsatisfied, this is really blood loss.

Wait until, the ghost knows what she will become like, fight!

Kevin took a sigh of breath, and he took the leader of the end of the army, close to her right ear, and sent a devil.

"Qi Yana," "I will help you with a single 648! Wake up, this time you will be able to come out!"

The end of the law is a shock, and then the blue color is more turbulent.

effective! Continue to stimulate her! I don't want to do it now, wait [God] to repeat this body, he is cool.

Kevin immediately grabbed the turn of thousands of hard work, constantly spent on her most profound discourse in the K423 ear.

"Opening, there is a fried chicken leg tonight!"

"SA0 has opened a new map!"

"Your online shopping" "is here!"

With the words of familiar words, they are constantly spit out from the Konevin mouth, and the white-haired girls are shining, the blocked the blocked, and they are rushed to seven zero.

"Skirt of the juice ... cough ... You don't have this hobby ..."

At this point, some oral "words" took the deposit in the Kemin's abdomen, and he thought, but some squeezed the words of the K423.

By the way, the same, I seem to remember that Qi Yana and Xilin have recently love to learn, and often discuss "handling work".

After the excitement of the Kemin's appearance, it was obviously exhausted, and the sorcerer was as a doctor doctor, and the effort to get the girl's ear.

"Qi Yana, the hand is homework ..."

Simple sentence, for the girl in the chaotic state, if you open the clouds of the cloud, let the blue color in the end of the world, completely occupy the upper wind.


Immediately, the inexplicable girl, put down your hands, slowly look up, lips and teeth, and the golden blue color is hooked at Kevin.

"Yes, the homogeneration, your favorite class ..."

Kevin is relieved, and it is busy, although the K423's awareness is not completely recovered, but at least in the mistress, it has mastered the initiative, which is a good start.

Just insist on three days, wait until the southern Sea area is resolved from the virtual world, the problem can be successfully resolved!

At that time, whether it is the moonlight throne of the reverse entropy or the seal crystals created by the lightning buds, plugged in the end of the law, and the situation is far more easily controlled.

Human, glory is forever!

Kevin, which was tanded enough, excited to the sandy beach, hew it on the ground, gasp, lost his unsatisfactory body, restored quite slow, only quietly wait for healing.

However, there is no such thing as Kevi, then the [God] returning to the white hair, a butt is sitting in the waist and abdomen of the brother, the eyes shiny terrible.

Men look at their lips, slide down, and the forehead is cold.

Wait, this "homework" seems to be wrong?

Section 673 of the 643th chapter, your sister!

In fact, Kevin's time is not long in San Feria School, basically mixed, and I have forgotten that students and teachers have natural opposition relationships.

Students, who will like homework? Even if you like a favorite class, you have this time, look at the comics, play the game, is it not fragrant?

Therefore, it is basically not "homework" that students like to make students like.

K423 and Nirin's two exams are hidden, how many times are tailed by Kevin, and they will love their love.

And hooked their interest, obviously only the interesting tasks of the big sister, can play, take a big packed money while I want to buy what to buy.

The world wrapped in the transparent membrane, continued to wander in an imaginary space, put on the beach of the pothole, just spelling a different figure that you died, overlap it.

The K423 of the golden blue colored pupil, a torn openings of the hunter huge cloth, followed by the screen that emerged in the mind, started to explore the mystery above the human body.

White hair girl is slid on Kevin's pale skin, warm the touch of jade, let her seem to find a favorite toy in the misty, and will encourage the next phase of "learning".

It is a valuable experience in the computer, as well as the more than dozens of Ghosts, which have been rewarded in the computer, have become the valuable experience in the brain of the white, and the right hand, soon.

"Qi Ya, don't play, I will help you again ..."

The pale Kevin barely struggles a few times, but because of the exhaustion of the gas, it was treated by the talented female hooligan, and the dead is in the ground, only to cry and persuade.

However, due to the influence of Kevin and zero poor style, as well as the infusion of the distortion, the K423 of the fascinating state, not only there is no repentance, but it will become sharply, directly leaned over the brother's lips.

Sweet! The girl is comfortable, and there is no teacher to scroll the powder tongue, and it is constantly taking the delicious jar.

The desire to be pulled, crazy breed, Kaewen is destroyed by the flowers to destroy once, almost burned, the skin is rapidly warming, and the excitement of excitement.

Beast, your sister!

The man is crazy in his heart, I hope to use a reason to lock the horses.

But at the same time, another voice is also convinced.

After hundreds of generations, they have a mixed affection, and they are diluted for 50,000 years. Is there a fart relationship?

The sister is not true, and then, this is force majeure, not active.

Obviously, this self-deceived idea not only didn't put off the soil, but instead made his inner life eager to try the impulse.

More, it is, in the past myself, I am actually by Qi Yana, and I think of the figure that makes him have an idea, including Ji Lin.

Kevin He has found that even if there is no interference of the flowers of the world, it is used to habit, and there is still too many darkness that has never been discharged.

Perhaps from the beginning, knowing the future, rescue Xilin, changing the choice of all tragic people's destiny, is not a sacred, which is mixed with selfishness and desire.

It's just that I am, willing to restrain, hidden, and the flowers of the world are only more direct to the expression of desires.

Just as Kevin blunt, garnail fell, black and white color yarn walled above his eyes, and

At this moment, the world seems to be in general, white hair girl is light, as if the beach is trying to breathe, and the hands are dead, and the Kevin's shoulder blade pulls.

When the yarn is pulled off from the Kevin's cheek, the pear flower is rushing, and the anger is crying.

"Brother, you are lie ... hurt ..."

"Yes, me too…"

Kevin looks at the dislocated arm, as well as the green shoulders, pale, expressive filaments.

Seeing that there is only a light and heavy grass, almost twezed him with two halves, have lost the unsatisfied Kevin, humiliation and darkness, and squeezing out three words from the teeth. .

"I teach you…"

Obviously the victim is me, why there is a kind of invaded, but also make the customer feel good.

At this moment, he felt that he was dirty ...

On the white beach of the pit, the grief toolman barely lifted the two arms, refers to the smooth floral waist of the white hair girl, and started to practice the physics Watt Movement.

Because the truth is deep, the analysis whipped into it, the honestly sat hooks, from the beginning of the eyebrows, gradually expressing, and the sandalwood is light.

In the end, Keevin uses exquisite Watth's knowledge and frictional unique insights, let this white hair, and to this.

Until the night drop, the courses finally ended, and the white hairy buffer excitedly the small face was red, and the hand dance was cheered to get the infusion of knowledge.

After the heavy physical activity, the book did not recover, with a double blow, his face was dark.

But when he just prepared to turn away from the white hairy bufforma, lying on the beach and gasped, unexpected, the strange force came from the leg, let him be dragged backwards.

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