The World Is Very Sick

This world is not light, Chapter 294

In contrast, Safaros's cold temperament, as well as the black wings behind it, it looks extremely eye-catching.


The opposite of black and white, letting the arrogant Safaros have a sense of peasant disgust, as if he is native to him, should be a dead enemy.

With the frankly burst, the three meters of wild, the wild, tangent, directly to the upper body of the specific life.


Prayer who can't understand the language came out of the closed armor, and it was surrounded by a strangement, and it was gathered in the church.

At the moment, the specific life is hands holding the sword, the thunder and the fire wrapped the blade directly torn space, with the narrow authentic knife.

The glory of Suilie rose, and half of Tokyo is bright as white, the air-surging messy and flu inflammation becomes a beautiful fireworks, and the black meteor is on the giant stone monument.

With the spread of the spider web, the last half of the high wall is collapsed.

Thousands of colorectal creatures smell the breath of food, swarming.


Safaros wipes the blood of the mouth, the left wrist is connected, and the four knives will be surrounded around, and hundreds of lower colorectal creatures, no exception is divided into two.

Safaros, which once again rumored the lifting, and not satisfied with the mouth of the mouth, glanced in a confusion.

Very good, fight! This is the battle! In this world that takes the initiative to rot, enjoy the lot of fun.

At this time, the fourth blue white beam, with the angle of the drill through the air, carrying the specific life of the white lobby, slightly lifting the left hand, and the black space vortex gradually opened.

However, with the tap of the elongated wild, the spatial bridge is toned to collapse, and the metal armor takes a predetermined goal and is ejected.

" ... ..."

The shape of a slim, and immediately hit the igneousness that wanted to strongly supported the top, and did not enter the body of the metal portrait in the body. I used a deep blood hole for dozens of meters.

"Do not!"

It is imperative to make a scream at this moment, and only the inhibitor ablation decomposition of the huge colorectal organism is released in the body.

"The opponent is here, don't distinguish!"

The radians rise in the mouth of Safaros, more obvious, and a touch of pleasure is born from the heart.


There is always no moving specific life, suddenly pour, the flames in the hands have riser the sword, the hit of the spatial spatial, and directly cut the left black sheet of Safaros.


The armor has passed the ice-cold pronunciation, and then the flames of the flames are directly aimed at the fall of Safaros.

At this time, a metal war horse is in a northern European style shirt, a woman in the arms shield, holding a sword, killing from the giant stone monument, and picking Safaros.

"go away!"

The specific life is slightly turned in the metallic friction, with the negative slightly, the dense linear spatial bridge interface appears behind the original organisms in the sea area.

It is proposed to feel the echo of the heart, and then add the critical situation in front of you, the colorectal creatures are not landed, under the order of the Taurus and Libra's command, such as the tide into the spatial bridge interface.

PS: Thank Reader @ {"Reader_ID": "537679", "Reader_Name": "Drink a lot of water"} @ @ @ @ [email protected] Night a day The reward of the big man. Teshib

Thank @ @ @aog Scorpio @ @ [email protected] Patching you, I @ [email protected] Long-lost blades of the dragon.

There are two more release in 1 and two in the morning.

Section 509 482 Chapter God is dead! (Third more)

The East has a micro-micrison color, and the second boulder is a corpus. It is the body of the colorectal creature, which is doped with many humans, some are digestive, some in the process of infection. Dead.

The purple plasma is coated with the earth, from the beach to the giant stone fire line, full of intentive mixed colors, sporadic wounded is placed on the air to receive treatment, look at the sorrows.

The half of the half is wrapped in Safaros, naked, revealing the fine muscles, stroking the wings feathers on the left shoulder, the soul is faintly painful, let him not help. Excite.

As you have stood, the higher it, you can make what you want, and it is getting less and less, and it is still the first time.

On this rotted planet, you can find the pleasure to satisfy, it is rare, and Safaros has a faint, he and the guy, will meet each other.

"I will remember this hurt ..."

"It is convenient to give you ..."

Eardic and narrow silver hair, looking at bloody beaches, there is no feeling of joy.

Immediately, the patient's rescue helicopter was taken away by Shen Luo's rescue helicopter, and the medical team with a whole.

As for the remaining Holy Square soldiers, of course, there is no such a good treatment, but can be lucky enough to watch their goddess, this group is already very satisfied.

At this time, the thunder of the sword is standing on the reef, and the scarlets that floats floating with purple meats, the glamorous eyes, and the eyebrows, seem to be heavy.

"Captain, are you still thinking about the prediction of angel last night?"

Claude, who was derived as a low-level soldier, was back to the big sword, waiting for a long time, hesitating inquiry.

Last night, after the Bai Yu Angel was after the wing of Safaros, it did not talk to the first person in the Holy House of Monarch, but he said two meaningful words.


After the words, "Angels" disappeared, and even with most of the high-level colorectal creatures in the deep sea, they entered the space cracks, as if everything was a dream.

As for what to wait, I am afraid that no one can understand the true meaning.

"Angel? This kind of thing is good, there is no need to be true ..."

"If there is an angel, most people here, they will die ... I am the same ..."

"And my sister is Sarah, I haven't made anything wrong, I have alive, but I can only lying in the vital cabin, and do you think this is God's will?"

The Thunder turned slightly, the expression was cold, and the fierce eyes were aggressive.

"This world does not have a god of justice, God is dead, everyone must work hard ..."

"Compared to God's blessing, I believe that I use my hands to fight for things!"

In the face of strong captains, the character has a little soft and unconfident Claude, not from the head, and I don't dare to say more.

"Sorry, I shouldn't tell you ..."

Pay attention to the detention expression of the younger brother, the ice on the Thunder has a trace of ablation.

"Last thing, I am sorry, I am tired to you ..."

"I will find a way to help you with revenge, Claude ..."


"Captain, I can be released, and it is already very satisfied."

"If you can, I hope you don't go to the last Qixing Village ..."

"Before the search and rescue arrival, I saw it ... some bad things ..."

"This may, it is our fault ..."

Although the Horship Military Army battle, for the scientific research of Shenluo, it is fundamentally unable to explore, even if it is Claude and Thunder who are guarding in Qixing Village, it is only allowed to prevent in a specific range.

The inside of the mountain abdomen is always arranged by the head of the Academy of Sciences, and he seems to be established for the military agency in the inside of the civil society.

Therefore, the vast majority of the Holy Government will not know what they are defending, what is it?

However, in the attack of "avalanche", the serious injured Claier was lucky, and in the process of struggling to survive, I was mistaken into the Saxi Mountain Laboratory.

He saw many twisted animal embryos and weird limbs, but unfortunately written documents were basically emptied, he just got a blurred keyword

"New Human Plan ..."

As if the puzzle of Qixing Village, the appearance of the colorectal biology, all the new human plans can't take off.

"This is linked to anyone! Do you understand ?!"

Thunder heard the word of this taboo, reached out to Krader collar, pulled him into his eyes, and the tone was cold.

Until Claude nodded, the Thunder slowly released the subordinates of this.

Now, she doesn't need to know the [New Human Plan] What is the shady involves anything, just remember one.

My sister Cele can wake up, maybe this is the only hope.

The blood in her hand is already enough, there is no way to ensure that every sin should be, so I don't care if I fall in hell, at least, let the book will have a good life, enjoy life.

Claude has chosen to shut up, from following the entry to follow this big sister, from the details of many things, he can see that this is fair and fair and fair.

However, this, the Thunder's light-skinned act, but with the overall atmosphere of Shen Luo, gradually rejected the power circle, only when you are hired.

With the improvement of the [New Human Plan], the birds do their best, and the rabbit is died.

In fact, the captain's current situation is very difficult, and the command of the Holy Monitor has been divided in the hands of the Holy House.

If there is no first and second racted creatures, I am afraid that she will not have the opportunity to connect the Holy Monor.

And the two Herfi war, the captain she only exchanged the opportunity to see the sister, and hellped his life.

"Then, what do these children in this morning?"

Speaking of this, Claude couldn't help but think about the strange scene seen in the early hours.

Down last night, thousands of colorectal creatures were killed, the guards were almost overtields, and the frontier scavenger had eight cents disappeared in the night, I didn't know it.

On the blurred position, there is a row of newly completed moving rooms, such as Taishan, surrounded by five miles, is unliked.

After the door is actively opened, after the tragic battlefield, some neurotic soldiers actually have a group of unbelievable Luoli.

The melon shells, watermelon skin, watermelon, and sugar paper, becoming the pastime of Yu Xing, each of this group of curse is very stable, and there is no buddha.

By the way, the position over the sky is like the area that appears "Angel".

Section 510 483th This world is destroyed (fourth more)

"The above command, we are only responsible for cleaning the battlefield, handling the body and pollution of the original creature ..."

"As for the child, I don't know, I have never seen it ..."

The Thunder plunged the sword into the waist, and the heart is a little doubtful to the [Curse]. The character of love is expressed, but the ambiguous discourse is expressed.

Claude would like to immediately understand the Thunder of the House of Horship, will definitely put water privately, let these children leave this piece as soon as possible.

"Now the Horship Military Army needs to clean the pollution source, put the group of people on the first line of defense, change the defense for two hours, you go to rest, they should work ..."

"As long as you register your home, some people adopt, or have a normal identity, they are people who are protected by law, understand what I mean?"

Thunder thought that the group of children were vigilant when she saw her first eyes, could not help but shrink, and sink.


Claude kittensfully, immediately turned around a few trusted old teammates, first secretly revealed a few words to the Miss of ME, and urgently rush to the first line of defense.

Since the wall of the closed truth is broken, then just sprinkle this group of children in the crowd, and the residents are in contact with the residents, eliminate fear, and have real identity.

From this, Shenluo wants to re-climb the seeds to the palm, I am afraid it is not so easy.

Therefore, the gap of the anti-defense, the strength of ME Society wants to reach out, activities as soon as possible, and transfer them all.

So, the days after their future will be better.

At this time, the crowd mixed, sent a transport vehicle that only had no orthodox small Loli.

When most of the eyes are in the second boulder, a group of "special goods" quietly sent to Tokyo.

As the truck drove out the first giant stone monument, the little Loli in the car screamed what the world is like.

Some of the little girls in the heart, I am in a hurry, I am in the window, looking at the red wine green torthorn, showing envy and desire.

At this point, in another car, the atmosphere is extremely strange, and the thunderbus buds and other people have sprouting.

With the opening of the space, the sneaky Kevin, from the women's observation and tumed, drill it.

"It feels like the mouse in the hole, very fun?"

Bai Mao Qiana couldn't stand the front of the pre-pokeing the face of Kaiwen's face and exposed skin, as if there was a certain rare pet, it was a little enthusiastic.

"It's fun to make your feet, carefully tell you to harassment."

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