The World Is Very Sick

This world is not light chapter 223

However, the only trouble is that they don't know which collapse beasts you will encounter in the wilderness, or which is an abnormal organic organized from the spatial crack.

Fortunately, Selia is in this town, which is consisting of survivors to support survival in more and more harsh environments.

Female Wushen Sesiilia got off the car, and the people who came to play with enthusiasm and brought things that everyone wanted.

Liaonnide's big horse fish sauce, a group of kids desired soda candies, a few old people, hearts, older peony. The Sishiya does not have a lot of things, and it remembers very strong.

For these children of the orphanage, although Sepilia only adopts this daughter in Eilel, it is clearly called the name of each child.

For them or hug, or touch, or make a cheeks, let them kiss, the very appetitious smile, let this losing the children in the disaster, more or less can be from Sepili Asia here gives their mother love.

Kevin looked at the small lizards in the Terrier of Irene, and the face was covered with darkness, and the stones on the feet were constantly kicked. The face was full.

"Do you need to have a brother hug?"

"go away!"

Ai Lin raised his face and smiled, but it was full of demo, but the feeling of lost, it was invisible from the words.

Kevin turned over white, got up to Wesse Lilian, and pushed Irene to the arms under the Hall of the His Hall.

"Mom, see the child's break, and give you ..."

"Last you go out, I sing, she sleeps, this girl is still not in the case, I have no good news, I am greasy all day, I am bored ..."

At this point, the commander will perform the image of an unmanned brother and the performance.

Seclia realized that he had some ignorance of Inenes, and it was very madly showed a strange expression. He continued to reiterate Irene's good child.

In the two people, a red face sang, there is still some little temper Irene, soon faintly falling in Seclia's touch, the way, don't forget to look back The bad things that tell the shape.

So, such a perfect assists, such a brother of the heart, it doesn't seem like a life like a relative, I still have to be resentful? What is Tianli!

Kevin is dark, not coming to you.

However, a warm atmosphere on the field did not be infected because of an unpleasantness of someone.

An old man sitting on a bench, encouraging the melodious organs, two youth next to the guitar, soft music and moon, familiar melody from the next two youth.

Celebrate people, couldn't help but sing, a few young people who were looking to each other, paired with their arms, laughing on the central air.

"Just as the pear flows through the end of the world, the river floating the germanial light yarn; Kaqiuzha stood on the shore of the harm, and the songs like a bright spring."

"Katoha is standing on the shore of the harm, and the song is like a bright spring."

"The girl sang a wonderful song, she is singing the eagle in the grassland; she is singing my beloved, she also hides the love letter ..."

It is "Katsha" ... the first mother taught me first ... she said that this is almost the songs that every Russians must learn ... but did not learn a whole mother ...

Inenera, which is indented in Serasilia, is infected by the song, and the shello is bitten under the lower lips, and the emotions are low.

"Ah, this song girl's song, follow the bright sun; go to the fighters of the frontier, convey the greetings of Kaqi Shao."

"Go to the fighters of the remote frontiers, convey the greetings of Kaqiu Susha."

"The young soldiers stationed in the frontier, the heart miss the distant girl; bravely defend the motherland, Katoha love will always belong to him."

"Brave fight to defend the motherland, Katusha love will always belong to him ..."

However, one like a warm hand, gently stroked Irene's head, and the soft song made her in the midst of it, as if they saw two loving figures with each other.

"If you don't get rid, my mother teaches you ..."

The Seliya is lightly kissed on the forehead of Irene, whispered in her ear.

At this time, Irene's accumulated fear and pain have found the most perfect venture, tears can't hold it from the corners of the eye, and wipe it several times, but more and more tears.

But the songs are also, gradually and cheerful.

Kevin looked at a smile, the mouth outlined out the faint radians, and his hands closed and looked on the bench.

Cracking the natural disasters may destroy human civilization, but it is unable to change the instinct of this ethnic soul.

War or death of human nature, sometimes it will be more beautiful.

If you really despise everything, then if there is a silk to understand, I hope that you will get down and see the flash in this antique soul.

Night gradual, vodka, caviar, Gasta, Big Bar, bacon, ham, potato soup, etc. are all on the table.

The bright bonfire is ignited in Central Square. Whether old and less, or male or female, they are immersed in the joyful atmosphere.

After life compression, the terminator robot was robbed, the second collapsed, and the survivors of Siberia were the type already seen.

In this place where the egg, you can live a day, it is a kind of enjoyment, why do you have a day?

Not only that, but also timely!

Kevin looks at a few young men and women hooks and touched the grove. It means that he laughed deeply, and he listened to the violent wheezing under the enthusiastic motion, and blindly guess different postures.

However, the shadow that pulled into the eyes, but bothered someone's Yaxing.

"Hey, send you, don't know if you don't have a taste ..."

A white loose casual, the neck is attached to the wreath of the garland, gave a box of truffles to Kevin who likes candies and sweets.

France's brand? Kevin took a gift, thank you for your stay, Seclia has quietly sitting next to him.

"These days…"

However, Seliia has just opened, Kevin knocked on the box.

"Don't say these thanks, who makes me owe you still unclear ..."

"The previous thing, I listened to the real name ..."

"I have been sleeping for two months, purely because of my physical reasons, actively absorb the ultra-transformed factor and overflowing cranes in Qi Gas."

"Reverse is your take advantage of [Blackyuan White Flower] Creation, help me guide the violent energy ..."

"Although it is late, it is still to say - I am sorry, I am wrong with you ..."

"Only, I have a question, why do you have to bear the crime of do not exist?"

The commander turned between, curiously examined the eyes, staring at Secilia, always smiling.

PS: "Katsuusha" and "Soviet" sound is quite good, it is highly recommended.

However, "Suville" is not written by the Soviet Union. It is the United States Black Soviet Union.

Section 376, the 359th chapter Otto is green

Before, he just woke up in a strange environment, and the bouting, and the Holy Hall of the Hall of the Hall of the Otto, so Kevin has a little more.

Therefore, after the full belly conspiracy tricks, after seeing their own physical condition, take the initiative to consider the situation and people in the worst direction.

But he forgot his true name, zero, and de Lisa, etc., you can pass themselves to extract the body characteristics of the surrounding crane.

Moreover, the Qifu flying at the time, not only with his blood, but even the activated super-variable factor and spilled cracked could be perfectly accompanied by Kevin.

This is simply a big meal for the commander. Therefore, it is a big meal that will succeed in unintentional chapter.

Just, I finally got a big Oolong.

At this time, Cesecia, which was misunderstood, but shook his head seriously and revealed.

"This is my fault, because I can use [Blackyuan White Flower] to block you to swallow the crackscent, but because of your own heart, let you take risks ..."

"Say the sorry people, it should be me ..."

Kevin looked at the apologies next to it, and the face was just like a look, and he did not feel stunned, and then sprinkled and launched.

"I now understand why Qige Flying the guy who is full of belly, will be died in yourself ..."

"No matter how deep black, face this white, or ablation, or have been domesticated ..."

"Oh, he is the second ..."

In the face of Kevin's weird eyes and jokes actively opened the distance from the distance, Seliia's covered lips smiled and responded.

"Qi Gi said if you see the real me, you will run far away ..."

"Because you belong to the most human eye, I am most afraid of meeting me ..."

Kevin flipped with white vitamins: "Hey, dear mother, you say this is very dangerous ..."

"Wan Qi Qi fei to eat vinegar to run over the righteousness ... I am too embarrassing ..."

Seclia is holding chin, blinking, imitating Qi Gi's tone response.

"Rest assured, he said, no man in this day can be shake the corner of Qi Gay, if it is a mother, just ..."

"and then?"

Kemin's eyes could not help but appear a distinctive declaration, after taking the mouth angle, it was interested in chasing the results.

"After lying in bed for three days, after three months, I didn't dare to enter the snow team's training base ..."

"Moreover, I am afraid of giving me anger, take the initiative to kneel on the dules, and those days are really interesting ..."

Cequia recalls the past and her husband, not coming to smile.

"Hey, what is this, when he was in the main market, he was buried in the ruins, everyone took this unbeatable egg ..."

"Moreover, after being dug, it is almost because the documents are not complete, and they are sent to Africa to dig ..."

Kevin did not hesitate to reveal the old bottom of Qige Fei, took his business out and dried.

Between the two words, the distance is constantly nearing, and the gloomy and worried in Sishi Asia are also done a lot.

Although I have a deep thought, this is a very delicate, very soft child ...

Qi Game, seeing people have always been very accurate ...

The Outo adult has not much patience, maybe Qiana secretly handed him to him, is a better choice.

Seclia looked at the idea of ​​rejupt her, if they thought, the heart gradually agreed with the husband's decision.

At this time, Kevin looked up at the moon, and the demults turned.

"However, Selia, this love is too good? Even the poisonous puffer fish, you dare to come back!"

"Do you know what attitude towards them? What is your good friend Disisha and the second law of Xilin come, I want to say more ..."

Seclia is slightly sigh, and it is not evil.

"I can't agree with some of the practices of the bishop adults in major institutes."

"And, I checked her body, there is no trace of collapse of the crackdown at all ..."

"Perhaps, the ability to belong to the law, has been stripped with the explosion, she is now just a parents of the parents, my daughter, is your sister ..."

"Avoid innocent people to bind blood, helping them to overcome unfortunate, this is the meaning of female Wuzhen ..."

"I believe that even if I am awake, he will agree with my practice ..."

Since Sepilia has to guarantee Xilin, it is originally owed by Kevin, which is owed, naturally, there is nothing to say.

If you can induce this puffer in the human society, "true fragrance", then take risks, why do you want?

After solving this worrying thing, Kevin throws a heavy bomb to Ceseia.

"According to our SCP Foundation's intelligence, in this experiment of Babylrenta, Xilin can't show the core of the death of the death [soul replacement], which is useless, and the plan is identified as a failure ..."

"Soon, a new round of plotting, will restart ..."

"At present, Otto believes that the core of the death of the death is not fully played in Xilin, so he hopes to pick the next legal candidate ..."

"He has not much patience, picking out the scattered person from ordinary children, this time is quite long."

"So, he has better choice ... a natural container with powerful collapse is adaptive ..."

"However, the only trouble now is that in order to give birth to the most perfect container in two excellent blood, this child's parents are [mmite] top warriors ..."

"But now they are all stumbling blocks of [resurrection card], need a drop ..."

"If her parents can all be alone in the second collapse of the earth, the lawrien 's Xili is attributed, that is the ideal script."

"In this way, the core of death, the container of its effect can be easily sent ..."

"Unfortunately, some people live too hard, and only one step is taken away from the script ..."

Secrilia has risen from the high and low rise of Kevin, but it is still difficult to believe in Kevin's invisibility.

"Everything to bishop adults is to save more people, he will not betray the concept of life!"

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