The World Is Very Sick

This world is not a light chapter 215

But he obviously didn't know that he had misunderstand this time, throwing the pot.

The people of the Snow Wolf squad have arrived, so Xilin is almost the way to complete the evolution, continue to wait too much, and must speed up!

The commander thought here, which was interrupted.

"In order to avoid night, I propose to start now, go to Babylrenta to destroy the collapse can react, lift [dome], so you can contact the outside world as soon as possible, embraced the crazy beast!"

"Do you have a few more grasps?" Qi Giju touched the chin and won the sound.

Kevin gives an exact answer: "There are still eighth else now, dragging it, it is likely that it is not a 30%."

"Well! Then we will not go to the B-17 military fortress to make up, starting with the Babylon laboratory!"

Qigger heard the words and did not hesitate to choose to believe.

Honestly, Kevin hit the West, counterattacking the hands of the island, leaving a deep impression on Qi Guan's hand.

This talent is only in the event of the big concept and the small-scale troops. I am afraid there is no right.

"I refuse! The captain has not come yet, we have to listen to an outsider!"

When Yu Ruo was jumped out, he raised his hand, and the remaining five female Wuzhen each hugged, how many people showed the mind.

"If you have ... I am a deputy captain with urgent command authority!"

Qi Guan flew, the permanent inflammation, pressed the female martial arts in the bones, almost not breathed.

They remembered this, and each of the top day, in addition to being the husband of Seclia, there is also the strength of the S-class female Wu Shen!

"Moreover, Kevin is still a child who is taking place with Sepilia, we personally choose the Guardian Knight for Chiana!"

"Even if you don't believe me, should you believe in your captain?"

Qi Guri is slightly eased, turning his head, and Kevin turns out the white eyes, picking out the only family badge "to prove identity".

You really dare to blow, look at this cheap, are you occupied?

However, there is such a step, the gods of the people agree to Kevin's plan, and they will be on the helicopter to prepare to go to the Babylon laboratory direction.

However, in order to facilitate the convergence, the Snow Wolf Team is deliberately in the transporter cabin, leaving the dark language informing the Cereya-related program.

With the roar of the propeller, Kevin saw the pair of gods, thinking that he worried about his wife, SESSRA, ready for his speech.

However, under his shout, Qi Game suddenly turned, and his mouth was a smile.

"My son, the performance of the old man, is handsome?"

The Kemin's mouth is slightly **, and then the spear of the sniper gun gods will be put on.


"Okay, don't tease you, then, your sister!"

Qi Guan's god, put the mouth under the squinting metal box, kick it to Kevin opposite.

"Don't misunderstand you, this two gates, I am ready to leave your sister, let it use ..."

It's a vulgar taste. Kevin noted the mouth of Qi Gai, and eventually did not expose the true face of this guy. Open the box, two gorgeous weapons, reflected in his eyes.

The bottom of the box is a dark golden thick sword, the heavy sword of the elongate shank, and puts a gold and silver dichro-intertwined **** on both sides.

"Richmond Sword, Sheng 7308 Institute's strongest sword weapon is currently produced ..."

"And, 2nd of the Holy Rate, the last civilized era manufactaugher, the last civilized era of the Baikal, and the combat weapon!"

Qi Gur is full of pride, Kevin tried to feel the feel, very satisfied, with the expression of Qi Gifei, and a lot of ease.

"Laojiao, I will give you a suitable meeting ceremony, but it is bloody, moved?"

"Do you feel that the father and son are deep, it is better to call [Dad] to listen ..."

However, the handsome is three seconds, this quiet guy is teasing, instantly let Kevin fried hair, raising hands is two shots.

"I want to take me cheap? Ok, my father and son, who lost my father!"

At the same time, the Russian ace pilot on a plane is again and two scourge, looking at the meter of the red alarm, want to cry without tears.

PS: I feel more and more people, what should I do?

I don't know why, I think he should be this character, but what is the kind of seeing.

Section 361 Thirty-four chapters of scum

Babylona is 300 km, the crash scene.

Avoda's Maozi pilot was filled with the eyes of the double full of blood. After scraping the two scourge of Kevin and Qi Gun, and the drill was soaring, sitting into another "female deer" cabin. .

If you don't play this group of metamorphosis, I immediately run the RPD machine gun. Give these two goods all the mutual coming!

Kemin's leading to the 2b small angel, into the snow bus, a member of the garden, respectfully.

The cold is still not counting, but also take the initiative to send the water to snack, which is simply the emperor. Of course, this is to remove a senior awaken who will only wipe the knife.

"Cough ..."

The Qifu Fei left on the snow, full of face, then the eyeballs turned, and coughing the number.

"Why? The throat was blocked by the hair?"

When it is responsible to attract this guy to explore the head, and ask for evil.

Qi Gi fled over the eyes, helping to reflect the Kemin of the public star arch.

When rain, Yu Lu Luo smiled, and then went back to the cabin.

"The following scum means that someone will welcome it, who is you free?"

The female Wu Shen did not stop the movements in their respective hands, and Patrick responsible for driving a helicopter is simply, directly open the propeller, close the hatch, ready to take off.

"Don't! I can't make it!"

Qi Gi flies, the face is black, hurriedly drilling into the cabin, and the old man sit down.

"Actually, that is, I want to learn more about those girls in the snow bus, I don't have any excessive requirements, I can understand ..."

Time, rain, the first to break this dull atmosphere, smile and open it, but then the time turned, malicious.

"Who are you going to the heir of the Knight?"

Qi Gay learned to the surrounding "River Mad", come together, and immediately get up, full of face.

"That can! I firmly cast this kind of defeat that does not respect the female compatriots!"

"What is a gentleman! What is the Cavalier! Take on everything!"

The gods of the public see Qi Gay, and take the initiative to fall into a cup of hot tea, and the emotions are slightly eased.

I am so handsome ... Why is there such a big gap between people and people ...

Busy to serve a few grandmother, I flew out of the snow that was happy, full of grievances.

As the team's researchers, Kevin's eyebrows, always feel what is important.

I hope ... everything goes well ...

At the same time, the B-17 military fortress, 45 degrees in the east, the distance from 173 km.

The survey forest surrounded by a film, the snow is awkward, and a string wide footprint is deep.

Traces spread a space, the blue arc flashes between, the central large transporter is now outlined in an air distortion.

Optical camouflage? It seems that [mmite] also masters this technology ... but play science, the group of old antiques are not opponents.

The red double-hard girl grins to the tiger teeth, pushed the push eye mirror, and gently touch the golden wolf of the transporter housing, and the eyes are slightly smoldering.

Just as Dr. Tesra, Valt tightened scarf in the transportation machine, and turned his hand to the north.

"Have you seen the news?"

"Well, according to Patrick's intelligence, the Snow Wolf squad has gone in contact with the Russian army of the B-17 military fortress, and is secretly sneaking into the Babylon laboratory, preparing to destroy the collapsed reactor in the inside."

"We are late?"

"If you want to join in the fun, you just have time, I remember you like this big scene."

Walt laughed with whispers, and there was a slight call.

"Right, the member of the Snow Wolf team left, and left a distinction to the captain of Cesecia, temporarily cracking."

"We have left the legend of the legend, you mean ... what is your meaning solved here?"

Tesra frowned and asked with caution.

Walt quickly shook his head, smiles gently.

"No ... I am a peacefulist ... this information is left."

"If you play games, more people are more interesting ..."

"Anyway, we have a purpose to be the core of the law and the Babylon laboratory.

"It is estimated to open, go, let us take a good seat ..."

"Yes ... Alliance adults ..." Tesla helpless nod.

"Ah ... Siberia is so cold, I really miss the sun and beach in Hawaii, even if it is eating ice cream on the side of Japan ..."

The red double horsetail drops beat the snow on the top of the head, and the broken graphic is like only scratch.

At this time, she gave a chick of the chicken skin, was warm by the silk, and Tesla bowed, it was the scarf originally used in Walt.

Actually ... there is a body temperature ...

"Hey, honest, please don't use it! This action I am responsible for your health management, if there is no special situation, prohibiting excessive use of the core of the law!"

Tesla looked at the unshand of her gentle and laugh, and immediately opened a red, fierce arms, frowning reaffirm the principle.

"Ok, please board it, the tutor ..."

Walt didn't think of it, bending the waist, and elegant show the court cerevé, and the Tesla is standing up with the hand, and the two accompanied by the treasury transporter.

So, the game begins ...

Walt pushed the eye mirror, the crisp sound of the sound, and dozens of high purple caver automatic machines, lifting optical camouflage, the anti-repeat device, this group of war machines slowly increased, followed by transport Nombie Dental.

B-17 military fortress.

Due to the [World Tree System] is cut off, the princess responsible for the co-ordination is naturally idle.

The commander has a shortage of personnel, so the primary sound has also accepted the delegation work - recorded songs.

That is, this is called, and this song of the world's song is the same, and the ancient songs of her can operate the cracks.

If it is another task, it is used to the beginning of the original, almost one reason to refuse.

However, that man gave her weakness, it was ...

At this time, the princess is full of small stars to hold the fragrant, intoxicated in zero songs.

During the singing, the zero detecting somewhere, and the boutout looked up to the Ningjing, the perfect song, suddenly appeared a slice.

I don't know why, my heart is jumping ... so fast ...

Babylon laboratory, the door is slowly opened.

The red queen is holding his right hand, and the second generation sentry of the surrounding gathers spread, and the scarlet scorpion stared at the front of the eyes.

The first thing ... is actually her ...

More than a few points below this, I can't wait ...

Section 362 Chapter 345 I am a law!

Affected by the cycle, inclination of the rotation and rotation, the other side of the moon, with 82% of the part, never observed from the Earth.

These special areas are becoming "the back of the moon", and the monthly base base in the handle troops is based here.

On July 20, 1969, Apollo No. 11 spacecraft carrying two astronauts, a big step of human beings, officially unveiled the mystery of the moon on the back of the moon.

"Nothing on the moon ..." Everything is this.

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