In the depths of the grasslands, the sun slowly sinking the last glimmer of red light on a small grassland tribe.

The size of this grassland tribe is not large, and one or two hundred people are honed on the whole tribe.

But their lives don't seem to be sad.

Among the tribal camps, several 11-year-old children are playing wrestling games.

From time to time, there was a shout of ‘oh yeah’.

Each one is extraordinarily serious.

One of the children, who spent a lot of effort, finally put another child on the ground.

In exchange for a burst of cheers from other children around.

"Win! That day won!"

"He defeated Gegemu!"

The child who was called as "Nasong Song", after taking a breath of gas, raised his hands with excitement and enjoyed the cheers of other children like a winner.

However, his excitement was quickly dissipated with the appearance of a figure.

"Hey! Amu! Come back to me again, this time, I will win you!"

The child who was called "Amu" by that day was very thin and seemed to be slightly malnourished.

At the age of twelve, it is almost as high as some eight or nine-year-old children in the tribe.

But on the back is carrying a bundle of weighty firewood.

It shows that although Amu is thin, his strength is not small.

Now he has been able to do something for the adults in the tribe.

For example, dealing with prey, or things like chopping wood.

Hearing the sound of the pine, Amu faintly turned back.

The expression on his face tells everyone the origin of the name 'Amu'.

Amu is not an official name, nor does he have a formal name.

Because Amu’s parents were killed by the horse thief when he was still very young.

Hiding in the side, witnessed the whole process of Amu, after that, the expression has always been wood, so there is the same name as Amu.

But don't underestimate him.

Every child in the tribe knows that Amu is the strongest child in this tribe.

Nasatsu had challenged Amu several times, but never won.

And every time you lose, it is very thorough.

Listening to the adults in the tribe said that in the next two years, when Amu grows up, he can take him out to hunt.

This is a treatment that no other child has.

Feeling that Amu's dead eyes fell on his body, that day, the inexplicable panic in the heart.

It was still quite a good momentum, and it was weaker at once.

Then the day of the reaction, I couldn’t help but feel annoyed, and I was too disappointing.

How can you be blinded by Amu?

Just as he planned to take a deep breath and put a few words on his scalp.

In the distance, the sound of the horseshoes of the banging bangs made the children in the tribes strange.

As children who grew up on the grasslands, they are no strangers to the hooves.

But the strange thing is that the adults in their tribes came back hunting before sunset. Now where does the hoof come from?

Just when the children think so.

The adults who were in the camp held weapons in their hands and rushed out of the camp.

Then, I only heard the leader shouting loudly there...

"Women and children all go back to camp, and the men are ready to fight for me!"

Obviously, as the leader of this small tribe, his years of experience have made him realize that the coming is not good.

Almost at the same time as the leader shouted this sentence.

A group of people who rushed in the distance and rushed into their eyes.

There is no doubt that this team of people is the one who fled here to Siqin and others!

One and a half months, in the face of the pursuit of the Wanxiang Civilization Cavalry, they have escaped for a full month and a half!

In the camp where the original hideout was, the hoarding of food was enough for them to eat next year.

However, after an unexpected situation, it is impossible for Siqin to take all the food away.

Therefore, for the long-term consideration, as early as the first day of fleeing the camp, he began to control the daily food consumption.

But even so, all the way to the present, is coming to the limit.

Even if it is the great king's thoughts, the whole person's appearance has already been markedly thin, and the messy scum has spread all over his entire face, and it looks very lonely.

After a week without eating, the hungry stomach made his whole brain faint.

If this continues, they will have to consider killing the horse and eating meat.

It was at this time that the scout who was responsible for exploring the road found a small tribe.

The spirit of Siqin who heard the news was a boost.

Then quickly asked...

"How many people are there in that tribe?"

The scout replied after thinking about it...

"Report the king, look at the number of camps, up to one or two hundred people!"

Siqin, who got this answer, took a deep breath and then glanced at the grassland cavalry that survived behind him.

After being chased by the cavalry of the Wanjia civilization for so long, now his prairie cavalry has left only five or sixty rides.

For a time, Si Qin’s heart is also very sad.

A few months ago, he was a large country with a population of more than 100,000 and holding thousands of grassland cavalry in the Chaer Khan Prairie.

But now, it is the end of this, the remaining forty or fifty grassland cavalry under the hand, one by one because they have not eaten for a long time and become yellow and thin ~ ~ listless.

It’s like a group of horse thieves who don’t flow.

But in any case, being alive is good.

There are a few people left in his hand, and his condition is not good, but at least his weapons and equipment are still there.

The other party is only a small tribe with a personal mouth of one or two hundred people.

How old is the old and weak women in the tribe?

Kill this little tribe, and then grab enough food, as long as you can continue to live, he will be able to find a chance to make a comeback!

With such an idea, Siqin decisively issued an order for the offensive, with his kneeling cavalry quickly rushing toward the little tribe.

Their proximity is undoubtedly causing the other party's vigilance.

From a distance, they can clearly see that the old people, women and children in the tribe are hiding in the camp, and the men holding the weapons are rushing outside.

After confirming their threats, the other party started to move without ambiguity.

An arrow shot directly towards them.

In the past, even if it was only the Chaer Khan tribe.

In the face of such a poor bow and arrow attack, Si Qin will not be able to help laugh.

However, at this moment, he was completely unable to laugh.

Because in the next second, a poor grassland cavalry on their side was shot by the other side on the ground...

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