The World Civilization Million Lords

Chapter 4526: , production and sales are flying together

The birth of Erdao dealers not only made Ye Qingxuan's business soar, but also officially pushed the tools they made to other areas.

With the birth of Erdao dealers and the skyrocketing business, a new profession was born on the garbage mountain in Nancheng District.

Simply put, they are people who provide them with tools and raw materials.

As we all know, Ye Qingxuan and the others picked up the raw materials for the tools they made in the garbage mountains. Rounding them up, they were trading without capital, so the profits were so huge.

But with the booming business and rising demand, if Ye Qingxuan and the others want to continue their business, they need to increase production and make more tools, and to make more tools, they need more materials.

The raw materials of Ye Qingxuan's tools for making tools are undoubtedly easier to identify, and there are no secrets in them.

Therefore, there was a group of scavengers who specifically focused on this point. They picked up a lot of raw materials in the garbage mountain and wanted to sell them to Ye Qingxuan.

There were many scavengers who came over, but the selling price was not low. The other party made it clear that they were in urgent need of raw materials and wanted to make a fortune from them, but according to Ye Qingxuan's character, how could she be slaughtered obediently?

Ye Qingxuan, who had anticipated this situation in advance, had already stocked up in advance.

During this period of time, the wanton purchases of various dealers have caused her inventory to drop rapidly, but she has not yet bottomed out. In general, Ye Qingxuan is still very comfortable.

After all, what she is doing is an unfunded business, and the second-hand dealers have to spend money and use various parts and materials to buy them. When the two sides are put together, who can't stand it first?

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As for these scavengers who want to sell her materials...

It can only be said that it is too tender, and from the beginning, it is impossible to be Ye Qingxuan's opponent.

However, Ye Qingxuan did not kill him in a single wave.

Although these raw materials are everywhere in the garbage mountain, they are not rare, but it takes time to collect them, and this time itself is also a cost.

Coupled with the increasing demand right now, it would be great if materials could be purchased at low prices.

With such thoughts in mind, Ye Qingxuan quoted a price to them.

After that, those scavengers love to sell or not.

And she is not unlimited, she will limit the amount according to the situation.

When they first heard Ye Qingxuan's offer, these scavengers thought it was too low and did not accept it at all.

According to this price, the money they earn from picking up raw materials for one day is probably only one-tenth of that for picking up metals. How can the scavengers who have made up their minds to make a fortune on Ye Qingxuan accept it?

But after Ye Qingxuan said "not unlimited, limited amount", the expressions of many scavengers suddenly changed...

Yingren only accepts metals. Materials like this are worthless in the eyes of Yingren, and they are not accepted at all.

Under this premise, once it cannot be sold to Ye Qingxuan, for them, this batch of raw materials is basically in their own hands.

If you lose these raw materials directly afterwards, you will be unwilling, but if you continue to carry them, your body will undoubtedly struggle.

This is not difficult to understand.

These scavengers who picked up raw materials are not of one mind. As soon as Ye Qingxuan said these words, many of the scavengers who were waiting to earn this amount of food could not wait, and immediately rushed up, calling for them to sell. .

Most human beings have a herd mentality. Once someone starts, many people will subconsciously be driven by them and start to swarm forward.

In this wave, these scavengers who want to make money are aggressive and the number is amazing.

Ye Qingxuan estimated a little in her heart, and after receiving almost one-fifth of the raw materials present, she announced that she would not accept it today.

It caused a wailing on the scene, and many scavengers carried the pile of raw materials and did not sell them, and everyone was stupid.

Now I just hate myself for not squeezing faster just now.

In fact, according to the sales volume during this period, even if Michelle Ye received more raw materials, it would not matter at all.

The reason why she is doing this now is to give these scavengers a sense of urgency.

In this way, this group of scavengers will be easier to control in the future, and they will not cause any trouble for her in the raw materials.

At the end of the day, Ye Qingxuan and others who returned to the church began to rush to make tools.

Because of the morning chores in the church, they have been exempted from the reason, so they can sleep a little more in the morning, and on the other hand, they can sleep a little later at night.

After dark, they directly lighted the oil lamps they bought and continued to work in the church. Under such a cycle, during this period, Ye Qingxuan and the others could be said to have achieved both production and sales.

During the period, those scavengers who originally wanted to make money by selling their raw materials, after learning the price, many scavengers chose to give up. In their opinion, this income is too low, it is better to go back and continue Pick up metal.

But there are also scavengers who continue to pick up raw materials and trade with them.

Although metal is valuable, it is difficult to obtain.

After so many years of picking up, the amount of metal in this garbage mountain is getting less and less.

Under this premise, although those raw materials cannot be sold at high, they can be found everywhere, and you can easily pick up a lot of them.

Faced with this multiple-choice question, many scavengers have made their own choices.

Ye Qingxuan didn't really care much about these situations.

These raw materials, over the years, have been accumulating in the mountains of rubbish, and they can be seen everywhere. How can she get them, buy them from scavengers at a low price, to put it bluntly, just to save a little time.

And in the process, the first batch of Erdao dealers should have already arrived at the place, and they have even begun to sell goods.

It is not so easy for these two dealers to sell goods.

Because their target group is scavengers.

As long as there is some other way out, they will not come to the city to pick up **** to live.

Therefore, these scavengers are generally poor, and they are the bottom people in this lower urban area.

When Ye Qingxuan set the price, it was undoubtedly after careful consideration. It was considered that a reasonable price was set, coupled with appropriate means, so that the tools could be sold smoothly.

But these two dealers are different. Under the premise of Ye Qingxuan's 'no bargaining', the second dealer must not sell the goods cheaper than Ye Qingxuan. In that case, they will not make any money.

Not to mention that they have gone all the way to make this money.

On the contrary, it is not good to sell too expensive, because scavengers simply cannot afford to buy them.

If it is cheap, it is not profitable, and if it is expensive, it is sold again, which puts these second-order dealers in a more embarrassing situation.

By the time those second-tier dealers realize this problem, it will be too late.

To a certain extent, it can be said that they were trapped by Ye Qingxuan, and the trap was quite miserable.

Because if she made a lot of money as a second-hand dealer, she was the one who made the bad and quietly let it out...

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