For a period of time after that, although it was determined that it was not necessary to move out of the church for the time being, the occurrence of this incident still added a bit of tension to everyone's life.

After all, none of them know how long they can stay in this church...

But in any case, Ye Qingxuan's business at this stage has not been affected much.

Even after Li Ke knocked over the scavenger's head with one punch, as Li Ke's reputation spread far and wide, their business became better...

At the same time, Li Ke also officially obtained a recognized nickname, Black Bear!

Invisibly, it seems that he has become the most capable man in the garbage mountain of Nanchengmen.

In the days to come, the business of Ye Qingxuan and others will undoubtedly continue.

On the Xiacheng side, in addition to the suspension bridge connecting to the upper city in the east, there are three gates in the north, south and west.

In simple terms, you can understand that the outside of the lower city is full of garbage mountains.

To be honest, those three city gates were opened for the people in Xiacheng to clean up the garbage. The original Xiacheng was not like this.

The Nanchengmen Garbage Mountain where Ye Qingxuan and the others are now is only one area.

As the number of scavengers using their tools on the Nanchengmen Garbage Mountain became more and more, Ye Qingxuan and the others' reputation on the Garbage Mountain side also became louder and louder.

At this time, one of their weaknesses was exposed.

But really speaking, it can't be said to be a weakness, it should be said to be an inconvenience.

It is easy for the scavengers on the garbage mountain side of the South City Gate to buy tools from them, but it is not so easy for the scavengers from the West City Gate and the North City Gate to come here to buy things.

"Business has started to deteriorate recently..."

Looking at the pile of unsold tools, Ye Feixing couldn't help but sigh.

Although their recent income is still considerable, it is undoubtedly much worse than when the business was booming before.

In response to this situation, Ye Qingxuan was very calm...

"It's normal. From the time we opened to the present, the garbage scavengers at Nanchengmen are interested in our tools, and they have already bought the scavengers they want to buy. The remaining scavengers are nothing more than scavengers. Those who can't afford it or are still hesitating or undecided, but the quality and value of the tools we make are there. Time will prove the value. This part of the scavenger will be digested sooner or later, but in the short term, the income will definitely be It's down a bit, and then we're going to have a plateau."

Ye Qingxuan said while sorting out her thoughts.

And Ye Feixing, who listened to these words, said his thoughts casually...

"After that, why don't we go to the garbage mountain at the west gate and the north gate?"

Since the purchasing power of the Nanchengmen side has declined, it is necessary to transfer the position directly. Ye Feixing's idea can be described as simple, clear and reasonable.

But the matter of shifting positions is not as simple as it is said.

Ye Qingxuan had already gone to understand that the things in the garbage mountain had a certain value to Yiren for the time being.

In order to prevent people other than scavengers from sneaking in, the identity of each scavenger must be registered.

Check it out when you go in and out.

At the same time, for the convenience of management, each area is also managed separately.

If you want to change the area, you have to apply to the person in charge here, but the person in charge basically finds it troublesome and directly rejects it.

And considering their current situation, this approach is also prone to extrapolation.

Of course, the garbage mountains outside the city are interconnected, but the distance is long, and there are garbage mountains in the middle, which takes more time to move.

They have to run from the South City Gate to the West City Gate or the North City Gate with their goods, and it takes most of the day.

Afterwards, due to the registration problem, you can't go out directly from the city gate over there, and you have to turn back again, which is not an ordinary effort.

Thinking of this, Ye Qingxuan suddenly spoke up...

"There is no need to move positions. I estimate that in a few days, there should be results."

What's the result?

Ye Qingxuan didn't say anything, and Ye Feixing didn't ask.

The next morning, after breakfast, Ye Qingxuan and the others were not busy going to Nanchengmen Garbage Mountain to open a shop.

Up to now, they have actually made a lot of money, so in the next two days, they plan to adjust and stop going to the garbage mountain.

In response to this matter, they tentatively said hello to Father Wei Lun.

In this regard, Father Wei Lun has no idea.

But today, their church was going to go out for regular purchases. Ye Qingxuan and the others listened, and immediately took it all down.

However, is this really just a coincidence?

of course not!

This day, they have long since passed, their church will conduct regular purchases on the first day of every month.

Even last month, in order to get familiar, Ye Qingxuan brought Luo Ji and the others in the name of helping, and went shopping with the priest.

So they recognized this and deliberately took this matter down!

During this time, Sister Mana became more chores because they wanted to concentrate on work and two more residents in the church moved out, which kept her busy every day.

Father Wei Lun himself, because of his status as a 'priest', basically had to stay in the auditorium during the day. Although he could also withdraw to make purchases, it was obviously inconvenient.

And Ye Qingxuan's proposal was undoubtedly to help Father Weilun solve this troublesome problem.

In this way, the procurement work fell to them without any accident.

The mule cart has to pull things, so naturally it can't carry too many people.

Therefore, Li Ke and Jessica all stayed on the side of the church and continued to make tools. Ye Qingxuan, Luo Ji and Ye Feixing did the purchasing.

For those Ye Qingxuan is already familiar with it.

In the several shops that the church often goes to, while basically buying all the things, in order to hide their eyes and ears, the three made appropriate disguise and went to other shops to buy what they needed.

Among them, Luo Ji's disguise was the most thorough, because he could directly change his face.

After changing his face, even if Li Ke and the others were standing here, they might not be able to recognize Luo Ji.

As for the mule cart...

In this purchasing area, there are actually not many mule carts coming and going.

Because the residents of the Holy See Kingdom of Holy Light are basically used to buying the necessary supplies for half a month or even a month at a time.

Therefore, in many cases, it is necessary to drive by car.

Luo Ji, who changed his face, did not continue to act with Ye Qingxuan and Ye Feixing, but disappeared for a while.

It was not until Ye Qingxuan and Ye Feixing completed the purchase that he drove another mule cart and appeared again.

Needless to say, they bought the mule cart themselves.

They have to sneak in to feed the mules every day, which is a little more troublesome, but in their current situation, they really need a mule cart to help them solve some troubles.

In the moving area, many people were moving things to their mule carts and carriages, and no one had the time to pay attention to them.

Taking this opportunity, Ye Feixing calmly moved their own supplies to Luo Ji's mule cart.

According to Ye Feixing's strength, it only took two or three times, and it was too fast for people to react.

After that, Luo Ji, who changed his face, drove away in a mule-cart like he was nothing.

Ye Qingxuan and Ye Feixing drove in the direction of the church...

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