The World Civilization Million Lords

Chapter 4518: , please come to the door

The person who knows the current affairs is Junjie. Although the head of the scavenger does not look like a 'junjie', at least the other party has some eyesight, and his mind is still clear.

Although it was malicious, after seeing Li Ke and feeling a huge threat from Li Ke, he simply chose to give up.

Can bend and stretch, at least not stupid.

If you come across someone who can't afford to lose face, then you have to fight.

Of course, Ye Qingxuan and the others couldn't be afraid of these scavengers. On the battlefield, these yellow-faced scavengers were probably not as good as big-headed soldiers.

However, Ye Qingxuan wants to make money here after all, so she really doesn't want to cause too much trouble for herself...

Thinking of this, hearing the other party's words, the signature smile suddenly reappeared on Ye Qingxuan's face.

"Of course there is~"

Almost at the same time as Ye Qingxuan said this, Li Ke took a stride, like a cheetah rushing towards its prey, and rushed directly in front of the head of the scavenger.

In the next instant, a heavy fist was thrown, accompanied by a muffled sound of 'bang', the heavy force knocked the scavenger's head off the ground on the spot, and the burly body flew out, and then violently fell into the trash!

All this happened so fast that the scavengers standing around were unable to respond immediately.

But after reacting, it brought them a deeper level of fear!

As if to regain their backbone, at that moment, all the terrified sights fell on the head of the scavenger who was punched into the garbage by Li Ke.

At this moment, I saw that the scavenger's head was like a boiled prawn, curled up in the garbage heap, his body was twitching and spasming, tears, snot and vomit spit out of his mouth. Things were completely mixed up.

Li Ke's punch basically made him spit out the bitter water in his stomach.

The most direct reason why this scavenger Totou was able to become the boss among a group of people was that he was the best at fighting among the group of people, and as a result, he was punched like this by this 'black bear'.

What are you kidding? He actually used his fists to kick an adult's feet off the ground and fly upside down? How strong is that guy?

Thinking of this, all the younger brothers under his command started to tremble in their legs uncontrollably, and could not wait to run for their lives immediately.

And it was at this juncture that Ye Qingxuan, who was still smiling just a moment ago, opened a gap in her eyes that almost laughed two crescent moons.

"Leave something, get out!"

Hearing the word 'go away', all the younger brothers felt as if they had been granted amnesty, and were about to run away, but they were stopped.

"Wait a moment."

Three simple words, but it caused all the younger brothers to have a sudden cardiac arrest.

Afterwards, Ye Qingxuan glanced at the head of the scavenger who was basically unconscious in the garbage heap.

"Drag him away."

Hearing this, all the younger brothers sighed in relief, then hurried back, set up the elder brother who had basically lost consciousness and ran away.

Don't cause trouble, don't cause trouble, but at this time, you still have to show some means.

The group of guys in front of them is the largest group in the neighborhood. After the other party has suffered, they want to come to the neighborhood, but no one dares to provoke them again.

After all the scavengers escaped, Ye Qingxuan motioned to Li Ke and Ye Feixing to pick up the spoils.

When the other party is launching operations, it is obviously impossible to put their harvest for the day in other places. Even if they hide it, it is not safe. Once they are discovered by other scavengers, they will all be taken away.

The safest way to do this is to take it with you.

Not too many surprises, Ye Qingxuan and the others quickly seized this batch of spoils near this mountain of garbage, which made their harvest of the day even more spectacular.

As for their exaggerated battle, the people at the checkpoint are not surprised.

Since Ye Qingxuan and the others officially opened, their basic daily income has been quite amazing.

This allowed them to have more wealth in their hands than any scavenger group in the garbage mountain in such a short period of time.

It even got to the point where the staff were jealous.

But not to mention ordinary staff, even the winged man who was in charge here did not intend to trouble Ye Qingxuan and the others.

Because Ye Qingxuan and the others were behind the church and Father Wei Lun.

Those scavengers are barefoot and not afraid to wear shoes, but they can't.

In Holy Light Holy See Nation, a cosmic country with religion as the core, the status of the church is very high. Although priests are only the lowest-level clergy, countless ordinary wingmen, and even some wingmen with some official positions, must be right. its respectful.

Under this premise, considering this special identity, the person in charge of the garbage mountain naturally did not intend to trouble Ye Qingxuan and the others.

But after the other party leaves the church, that's another story...

After all, he knew the mechanism of the church. According to Ye Qingxuan and the others, they would have to move out soon.

For this reason, the person in charge also went to Father Weilun to talk to Father Wei Lun on the grounds of reporting the recent work of the church members.

As a result, as soon as everyone returned to the church, they were called by Father Willon to talk.

The content of the conversation was simple. Father Wellon believed that, based on their current income, they were fully capable of moving out of the church and became self-reliant.

This made Ye Qingxuan and the others, who were in a good mood because they made a lot of money today, sank in their hearts.

They had expected this day to come sooner or later, but they didn't expect it to come so soon...

They are in a special situation now Church status can save them a lot of trouble.

To put it bluntly, Ye Qingxuan can almost be sure that as soon as they move out of the church on the front foot, trouble will come to the back foot.

The first person to trouble them was probably the person in charge of the garbage mountain.

Ye Qingxuan had already noticed that the wealth they had recently earned had already made the other party jealous.

Of course, they can choose to leave the garbage mountain and simply change jobs, which will at least allow them to successfully avoid the person in charge of the garbage mountain.

But the reality is that they can't, not because they can't leave the garbage mountain, but because they need this market in the garbage mountain.

With their current situation, out of the garbage mountain, in this lower city, they have no power or power, and may even be targeted.

At the same time, the things that can be produced at this stage basically don't have many advantages in the Xiacheng District.

On the contrary, the garbage mountain is different here.

Although their tools are of excellent quality, after buying one, the other party will not need to buy another for a long time, but don't forget, almost 30% of the population in Xiacheng District, or even more, are garbage. Picking up waste in the mountains.

Even if one out of a hundred scavengers bought their tools, it would be enough for them to make a fortune!

In addition, there is a very crucial point that makes Ye Qingxuan have to stay in the garbage mountain, only in the garbage mountain can they get the various parts they want!

This is also the biggest reason why Ye Qingxuan does not accept money transactions and only accepts barter in exchange!

She is collecting all kinds of parts and materials she needs through these scavengers!


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