The Wizard’s Way Home

Chapter 183: Servant

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The huge demon slowly walked in front of Fildes, the devil's tall body was almost equal to the height of Fildes riding a horse. The devil's huge mouth kept spitting out the breath of sulfur, making Fields shudder.

A kind of fear from the depths of the soul made Fields unable to control himself to continue sitting on the horse. Fields fell from his horse with a soft thud with his legs, and knelt directly in front of the devil, "Honorable devil, Fields greets you, if you have any questions, you must know everything, as long as you can keep your life. , I am willing to be a servant of the adults and always obey the will of the adults."

"Oh? Are you really willing to be my slave?" Kenan looked at Fields who was kneeling in front of him playfully, with a bone claw resting on his chin, showing a playful look.

How dare Fields say denying words at this time? He was sure that as long as he said a no word, then the other party would tear himself to pieces, and the end would never be better than those disappeared mercenaries and Yulin Iron Guards.

Fields knelt on the ground, "Fields is willing to dedicate his loyalty to the great demon master, and will always be the loyal slave of the demon master." Fields prayed with a pious face.

Kenan directly interrupted the other party’s prayer, "Save your energy. I am afraid that you will not believe your prayers. The Styx Oath that our demons believe in I am afraid that you will not, so let me go. Believe in your own little tricks. Prayer of allegiance will be avoided, as long as you agree with me to leave a small mark on you, what do you think?"

Kenan lowered his body and stared at Fields with oppressive eyes.

The feeling of fear enveloped Fields. At this time, Fields was like a drowning man. He would never let go after grabbing a life-saving straw, regardless of whether the straw was a life-saving rope. Still a ferocious snake.

Fields nodded vigorously, "It's all up to the master's orders."

"Well, it hurts, you ninja point." Kenan said lightly. After speaking, a thick mist enveloped Fields. Fields felt that his body was almost melted, and his whole body was limp and limp on the ground. He already understood how those Yulin Tiewei who could conquer the battle disappeared. With this method, no matter how many troops come, it is useless, just let the opponent cast a few more spells, or the master arcanist is right, only arcanists can deal with arcanists.

Just as Fields was thinking about it, a dozen shiny runes appeared in front of Fields. Before Fields understood what was going on, a dozen runes disappeared into Fields's body. Fields felt a pain coming from the depths of his soul. This intense pain reached the soul and made Fields extremely painful.

Fields wanted to shout in pain, but he found that he couldn't make any noise. Fields wanted to faint to avoid the pain, but the pain that reached his soul made his thought a luxury. Fields even felt that death was a better way of relief at this time, at least without suffering so much.

The time at this time seemed to be infinitely stretched for Fields. Although only a few seconds had passed in the real world, Fields seemed to have experienced a long period of centuries.

Just as Fields was desperate to die, the pain that reached his soul suddenly disappeared, and the thick fog that enveloped Fields himself disappeared, as if what he had seen before was like a dream.

Fields raised his head and glanced at the demon standing in front of him quietly. Suddenly, Fields suddenly felt that the demon in front of him was so kind, like the person closest to him, a belief that he was willing to die for him. Slowly emerged from the bottom of Fields' heart. And gradually swallowed other distracting thoughts in my heart.

At this time, Fields seemed to have started the sage mode. What worldly power, money, beauty, and force, which Fields had been chasing for, made him completely uninterested. At this time, he His mind is full of great spirits to do well for the master, and to be willing to dedicate himself to the master's cause at any time.

Kenan looked at the fanatical light in Fields' eyes and knew that his experiment had succeeded. This is a simplified version of the wizards cultivating their own crows-the crows are the collective name for the characters in the wizarding corps who are responsible for spying on information and dealing with some mundane matters.

The crow transformed in this way will be forcibly implanted in the heart of the belief that the wizard is the master. Although the effect is powerful, and it is much faster than slowly exerting an influence, it can be said that it is almost immediate, but this method is very effective for the subject. The soul of the surgeon has a lot of influence, and if it is not handled properly, it is likely that the soul will be severely damaged and the life span will be shortened rapidly. Even after the timely treatment, it will leave a lot of trauma, and the secret method of rest in the future is absolutely extremely difficult.

Although this kind of witchcraft has various drawbacks, but the advantage is that it has an immediate effect and can work immediately. Moreover, Kenan didn't need to hold compassion for an original enemy like Fields. Not killing him on the spot is already an extraordinarily preferential treatment. What's the matter with a little injury, it's better than losing his life.

"Listening to the conversation between you and those knights just you seem to have seen people who can cast spells? Where are there, who are there, tell me the details."

"Observe my master." Fields did not hesitate at all, and directly told Kenan what he had seen and heard without the slightest concealment.

It turned out that Fields didn't know much, and he was only fortunate enough to meet those big people who could use mystical powers when he accompanied King Lundell to a secret rally. These people called themselves arcanists. They never show up publicly in front of people, but secretly control several countries and let these countries provide them with nourishment and supplies, as well as fresh blood.

The specific situation is not very clear to a small person like Fields. He just probably knows that his kingdom is too weak and barren, and it is really not worth having an official arcanist on duty here. The location of the nearest arcanist rally was in Riwadin, the capital of a neighboring country. He was also the arcanist who met with Lundell, who was still a prince.

After listening to Fields' words, Kenan touched his chin, revealing the appearance of thinking, "Well, Riwadin? It seems that I still have to go once if I have time." Kenan turned around and took a look, still hiding in the air wall. Princess Avril Lavigne and a dozen knights and mercenaries, "Why do you have to deal with these things first."

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