The Wizard’s Fairy Tale

Chapter 674: ?? "3 Green Branches", ablation

Finger gaps are too wide and time is too thin.

Five months later.

Although it is inconvenient to return to the fairy tale world to get back the magic mirror, William’s research speed is a bit slow, but the power of the elite wizards from the entire Academy of Wisdom and Knowledge has been assembled. After several trials, William still mastered the Lord of Light. How to use the three green branches obtained in a lifetime of nine deaths in the Holy See Base Camp.

After thinking about it, William exhausted all his magical powers. After giving himself the blessing of fate again, he closed the twin wizard towers of the original Bajat wizard and transferred four wizards to guard day and night. There is also a wizard guard composed of second-level wizards on standby.

In the twin wizard towers of the original great wizard Bahat, Tina and the Void Hound are both lurking inside as William's final checkpoint.

Under such protective measures, William calmly stepped into the specially prepared concentrated nutrient blue liquid. Only when his mouth, nose, ears and eyes were all overwhelmed by the blue liquid, did he take out the gray due to repeated use. The three failed green branches placed them on his face.

As soon as the roots of the three green branches touched the blue liquid, there was no response at first, but as time passed bit by bit, the roots of the three green branches started to move.

At first, it just moved, a bit like the sensation of a vegetative person with a finger moved after being stimulated. Then, more roots moved and became active step by step.

The blue liquid decreases at a rate visible to the naked eye, and the roots of the three green branches are constantly growing.

Soon, the concentrated nutrient blue liquid was reduced to the extent that William's face was exposed, and the roots of the three green spiders rooted directly on William's face, crawling in from his eyes, ears, nose, and mouth.

Before long, William's entire face was covered with dense and fine roots.

The three green branches shone with holy light.

At this time, William's thoughts sank into the sea of ​​consciousness.

The three gifted witchcraft crystals are like ancient celestial bodies in a mysterious trajectory in the sea of ​​consciousness, running round and round.

The spiritual power radiating the light of crystals, with the operation of the three talented witchcraft crystals, flows endlessly in the sea of ​​consciousness.

William's thoughts are attached to this endless stream of spiritual power, "reincarnation" over and over again.

Forget the time, the space, the present, the past, the future, until you forget yourself.

I don't know how long it has passed.

In the sea of ​​solid consciousness, there was a sudden rumbling sound, awakening William in a state of nothingness, and recalling his consciousness and memory.

Of course there is no sound in the sea of ​​consciousness.

The so-called rumbling sound is just a direct violation of the sea of ​​consciousness, and the mimic sound generated directly in William's mind reminds William in this way.

William raised his head. If William, who was in the mental state, could still perform this action.

William saw that the originally void of the sea of ​​consciousness dome suddenly pierced into the roots that were as thick as a bucket.

They are densely packed, like the headless Titan pythons that are constantly squirming, and they are constantly getting longer, thicker, and harder.

Not long after William "raised his head", these "headless titan pythons" flickered and became straight, like a sharp arrow, "stabbing" towards the spiritual power that William was attached to.

"What is this?" William was taken aback, before he could react, these hard roots fell on the three talented witchcraft crystals, and wrapped them in the blink of an eye.

Conscious of overseas.

The three green branches rooting in William's face suddenly appeared bright white light, exuding a sense of holiness.

And in the sea of ​​consciousness.

The dense roots that wrapped William's three talented witchcraft crystals also gave out white light at the same time.

As soon as the white light appeared, there was a screaming voice.

William knew that this was not a real sound, but a reaction from the brain.

William, whose mind was attached to his spiritual power, saw the three gifted witchcraft crystals wrapped in three green roots-Void Recluse, Curse of Destiny, and Blessing of Destiny, all rapidly dissolving.

Just like the ice cube meets the scorching sun, there is no resistance, silently, it turns into a pool of ice water.

The same is true for William's three talented witchcraft crystals. The energy circuit inside the talented witchcraft crystal was corroded and destroyed, and even the entire talented crystal quickly melted into a mass of unowned spiritual power.

The movements of the roots of the three green branches have not stopped, not only infiltrating these groups of spiritual power, but also expanding in all directions in the sea of ​​consciousness.

The holy light flashes on the roots, which is to directly "infect" the believers who will become the Lord of the Holy Light.

However, in his home court, William, who had lost three talented witchcraft crystals, no longer had the power to resist.

However, for this situation, William has been prepared after many trials.

Conscious of overseas.

The calculated amount of the special nutritional blue liquid has also been consumed to a critical point at this time, almost exposing William's entire body.

This also touched another layer of William's design.

Lights illuminate along with the magic pattern loop.

The invisible "hands of the wizard" approached from all directions, leaning on William's face, and began the work of removing cocoons...

Inside the sea of ​​consciousness.

The green roots and roots that had been flaring their teeth and claws suddenly became quiet.

The holy light above the roots also flashed and dimmed like a light bulb with poor contact.

I don't know how long has passed.

It may only be tens of seconds, it may be a few minutes, it may be tens of minutes.

William, who had lost the concept of time, suddenly saw the green roots and roots that "cover the sky and obscure the sun". From the end, they collapsed and turned into powder, spreading step by step, until all the green roots entered the sea of ​​William's consciousness. The whiskers, all turned into powder, disappeared.

Without the constraints of the roots of the three green branches, William was dissolving the energy circuit, and the spiritual power that was re-transformed, like a tired bird returning home, began to blend with the spiritual power attached to William's mind.

A feeling of swelling to explode came.

William knew that it was a sudden increase in mental power that exceeded the current maximum limit that the sea of ​​consciousness can accommodate ~ If William does not want to be a headshot wizard, then he must resolve these mental powers as soon as possible.

This question is not difficult for William.

He planned it a long time ago.

The energy circuit of a fate-like witchcraft given to William by Barbara's Destiny Witch obsessional body appeared in William's heart-"fate intuition"!

"Intuition of Destiny" is a fate-like witchcraft that allows users to vaguely sense the good or bad things that happen in the future.

For example, if you are trading stocks and use "fate intuition", you will vaguely sense which stocks will rise, which stocks will fall, which stocks will rise sharply or slightly, and which stocks will fall sharply or slightly!

According to the obsessive body of Barbara's Destiny Witch, this destiny-type witchcraft is the predecessor witchcraft of "astrology" that can see the path of fate.

William didn't know whether it was true or not.

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