The Wizard’s Fairy Tale

: "Frog prince"

In remote ancient times, people's good wishes can often become reality. In that fascinating era, there was once a king. The king has several daughters, all of them are very beautiful; especially his little daughter, who is as beautiful as a fairy, even the well-informed sun, every time she shines on her face, she is very beautiful I was amazed.

There is a large dark forest near the king's palace. Under an old linden tree in this forest, there is a pool, which is very deep. In hot weather, the little princess often came to this forest and sat on the edge of the cool water pool. When she was bored sitting there, she took out a golden ball, threw it into the air, and then caught it with her hands. This became her favorite game.

Unfortunately, once, the little princess stretched out two small hands to catch the golden ball, but the golden ball did not fall into her hand, but fell to the ground, and suddenly rolled into the pool. The little princess fixed her eyes on the golden ball, but the golden ball suddenly disappeared in the pool. Because the water in the pool was so deep that she couldn't see the bottom, the little princess began to cry. Her cries became louder and louder, and she was very sad.

Crying and crying, the little princess suddenly heard someone say loudly: "Oh, princess, what's the matter with you? You cry like this, even the stone will feel distressed."

After hearing this, the little princess looked around, trying to figure out where the voice was coming from, but unexpectedly found a frog with his ugly plump head sticking out of the water.

"Ah! So it's you, great swimmer," the little princess said to the frog, "I cry here because my golden ball fell into the pool."

"Well, don't be sad, don't cry," the frog replied, "I have a way to help you. If I help you fish out your golden ball, what can you give me back?"

"Dear frog, you can do everything you want," the little princess replied. "My clothes, my pearls and gems, and even the golden crown I wear on my head, can be given to you."

After hearing this, the frog said to the little princess: "Your clothes, your pearls, your gems, and your golden crown. I don't want anything. But if you like me, let me be your good friend. , Let’s play games together, let me sit at the same table with you during dinner, eat with your little golden plate, drink with your little goblet, and let me sleep in your little bed at night; if you promise all this Anyway, I will dive into the pool and fish out your golden ball."

"Okay, great," the little princess said, "as long as you are willing to fish out my golden ball, I will agree to all your requirements." Although the little princess said so, she thought to herself: "This one The frog is really stupid, all nonsense! He is only good for squatting in the pool and croaking with other frogs. How can he be a good friend of people?"

After getting the promise from the little princess, the frog plunged his head into the water and dived into the pool. After a while, the frog came out of the water with the golden ball in his mouth, and then spit the golden ball on the grass. The little princess saw her beloved toy again, not to mention how happy she was. She picked up the golden ball and ran away.

"Don't run! Don't run!" the frog shouted, "Take me! I can't run you so fast."

Although the frog yelled desperately, it was useless. The little princess ignored the frog's cry, but ran back home, and quickly forgot the poor frog. The frog had to bounce back to the pool.

The next day, the little princess and the king and ministers had just sat down at the table, and then they started eating with her little golden plate, when suddenly they heard a popping sound. With the sound, something jumped up the marble steps. When it reached the door, she knocked on the door and shouted: "Little princess, open the door!" Upon hearing the shout, the little princess hurried to the door, wanting to see See who is shouting outside the door. When I opened the door, it turned out that it was the frog, squatting in front of the door. Seeing that it was a frog, the little princess closed the door abruptly, turned around and quickly returned to her seat, feeling terrified in her heart.

The king found the little princess in a flustered look, and asked her, "My child, why are you so scared? Isn't there a giant outside the door who wants to take you away?"

"Ah, no," the little princess replied, "not a giant, but a nasty frog."

"What does the frog want to do with you?"

"Oh! My dear father, yesterday, I went to the forest. When I was sitting on the edge of the pool and playing, the golden ball fell into the pool, so I cried. I cried very sad, and the frog replaced it. I fished the golden ball. Because the frog asked me to be his friend, I agreed, but I didn’t expect at all that he would crawl out of the pool and climb so far to come here. Now he is here. Outside the door, I want to come here."

While talking, I heard a knock on the door again, followed by a loud shout:

"Little princess my love,

Hurry up and open the door!

The one who loves you has arrived,

Hurry up and open the door!

You won't forget yesterday,

Under the old linden tree by the pool,

The pool is deep and the ball is missing,

It was you who promised yourself. "

After hearing this, the king said to the little princess, "You must not say nothing, go and open the door to let him in."

The little princess walked over and opened the door. The frog bounced into the door, and then followed the little princess to the seat, and then shouted: "Hold me by your side!"

The little princess was trembling with fear, but the king told her to do what the frog said. The frog was placed on the chair, but he was not so happy and thought of going to the table. After getting on the table, he said, "Push your little golden plate over a little bit? So we can eat it quickly."

Obviously, the little princess was reluctant to do this, but she still pushed the golden saucer over. The frog ate with relish, but the little princess had no appetite at all. Finally, the frog said, "I'm full. Now I'm a little tired. Please take me to your small bedroom, spread your satin covers, and then we go to bed."

The little princess was afraid of this cold frog, she didn't even dare to touch it. When he heard that he was going to sleep in his neat little bed, he started to cry.

When the king saw the little princess like this, he said angrily to her, "No matter who he is, whoever helped us when we were in trouble should not be despised afterwards."

So, the little princess picked up the frog with two delicate fingers and took him and put him in a corner of the bedroom. But as soon as she lay down on the bed, the frog crawled to the side of the bed and said to her, "I am tired, and I want to sleep on the bed. Please carry me up, or I will tell your father."

Upon hearing this, the little princess became furious, grabbed the frog, and threw it toward the wall.

"Now if you want to sleep, go to sleep, you ugly pesky!"

Unexpectedly, when he landed, he was no longer a frog, but suddenly became a prince: a prince with piercing eyes and a smile on his face. Only then did the prince tell the little princess that he had been enchanted by a vicious witch and no one but the little princess could rescue him from the pool.

So, in accordance with the king's will, he became a close friend and companion of the little princess, and tomorrow, they will return to his kingdom together.

The next morning, when the sun climbed up the mountain, an eight-horse horse-drawn carriage had stopped in front of the door. The horse’s head was covered with white feathers, and it flickered, and the horse was covered with golden harness. . Behind the car stood the prince's servant-the loyal Henry.

After Henry's master was turned into a frog, he was distraught, so he put three iron hoops on his chest, lest his heart be broken with grief.

The carriage came to take the young prince back to his kingdom. The loyal Henry helped his master and the princess into the car, and then stood behind the car.

They had just walked not far after they were on the road, and suddenly they heard the sound of peeping, as if something broke. On the road, the sound of peep peep lala rang again and again, and every time the prince and princess heard the noise, they thought that something was broken in the car. In fact, otherwise, the loyal Henry was ecstatic to see that his master was so happy, so the iron hoops broke one by one from his chest.

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