The Wizard who Came to Marvel World

Chapter 341: Magic Creature Manufacturing Project

In other words, if Abel comes into contact with Mordu, then he can use the historical erasure ability to kill Mordu in the past so that the current Mordu is no longer a threat.


Of course, Domam’s existence at that level has surpassed time to a certain extent, and Mordor has become his subordinate. I am afraid that even if Abel uses this ability, Domam will be Stunting from it caused Mordu to be resurrected again, or failed to use the ability.


   You must know that the time converter made by Abel is not a real time gem after all, and there is no way to really affect the existence of Domam at that level.


   Similarly, if Abel wants to use this ability on someone whose strength exceeds him, such as Gu Yi, even if he uses this ability, he cannot make Gu Yi disappear, which is a waste of time.


   In addition, this ability is not limited to people.


   For example, if someone sneaks on Abel, Abel can also use this ability to solve him in advance, of course, he can also use time to suspend this ability.


For another example, if someone assassinates Terea, Abel can use this ability to change the history of Terea being killed. An apple is eaten, and Abel can also change the history of the apple being eaten. This ability Obviously the effect is the same as the Eye of Agomoto.


   The last ability is also an ability that only has one chance to use.


   Time remains!


Very simple, at the moment of a fatal attack, Abel will disappear on this timeline and avoid the fatal blow. Although it is simple, it is a very important life-saving ability, enough to make many things more. Operating space can also give Abel more confidence in taking risks.


In general, although there are only twelve opportunities to use it, the income this time has exceeded Abel’s imagination. Also, for the power of the infinite gem, Abel has a better understanding of the power of the infinite gem, originally just want to get The idea of ​​six infinite gems now seems to be put into reality.


  The Infinite Gems is a huge treasure. If you want to break your hands with those who have spent thousands of years, Abel must use the power of the Infinite Gems to break out a path of his own.


Putting away the magical tool tentatively called the time converter, Abel once again took out a glazed orb, which is one of the numerous fragments of the power of the phoenix, and the smallest one, only a trace of the power of the phoenix remains. , And Abel is preparing to use the power of time gems in the eyes of Agomoto, combining the power of space gems and reality gems, to experiment with the power of this phoenix.


   released the power of the Phoenix little by little.


   Without the power of the phoenix of self-will, it still retains a certain instinct, wanting to break away from Abel's control to find the most suitable human for symbiosis.


But how could Abel let the power of the phoenix take off like this? With a light tap of the magic wand, he mobilized the power of the space gem in the tower of the space, and immediately caused the power of the phoenix to be directly fixed in place, gradually turning into one. A group of burning illusory flames suspended in the air.


At the same time, Abel waved the magic wand again and clicked on the Eye of Agomoto, which opened it again, revealing the time gem inside, and then Abel muttered a spell silently, and the wand continued to wield mysterious trajectories. As a result, the gem of time gradually emitted emerald green light, reflecting the illusory flame transformed by the power of the phoenix, and gradually changed.


This illusory flame first gradually became agile, and then it became fierce and full of wild aura. Obviously, under the retrospect of time, the power of the phoenix, which had no self-consciousness, once again recovered the self-consciousness that was originally lost. It's just that it has only a trace of power, and coupled with the suppression of the space power extended by the space gem, it can't get rid of Abel's suppression at all.


Without paying attention to the changes in this illusory flame, Abel continued to influence the power of the phoenix with the gem of time, and finally made the self-consciousness of the power of the phoenix weakened again, but it did not disappear, as if an adult turned into a baby, the memory disappeared. He has a vague personality and only a little basic wisdom.


   At this time, Abel knew it was time.


The eyes of Agomoto were removed with the backhand, and the magic wand in Abel's hand was swung again. The power of reality gems gushed out of the magic wand in the form of ether particles, and quickly gathered on the illusory flame formed by the power of the phoenix. The power of the phoenix in the early stage The illusory flame formed also resists the power of real gems.


   But under the suppression of the space gem, this group of weak phoenix power soon lost the power of the real gem, and was wrapped in layers of ether particles extending from the real gem.


   Those etheric particles envelop the power of the phoenix, continuously transforming the power of the phoenix.


Soon, Abel took out a soul ball and threw it into the ether particles enveloping the power of the phoenix, and threw in another soul ball every other time. When the ether particles began to dissipate, Abel stopped and threw the soul. The movement of the ball, and took out a crow egg from the storage bag.


At this time, those etheric particles have completely dissipated, leaving only a group of souls containing flames of light. Under the lead of Abel, they will gradually move towards the crow egg that has been optimized and nurtured and has many magical transformations and enhancements in his hand. , And finally got into it, and quickly merged with the crow embryo inside.


Feeling the smooth fusion of the soul and the crow embryo, Abel smiled and immediately mobilized his mental power to create a spiritual imprint into the crow egg, completely blending with the embryo and soul inside, as long as the crow inside was born Come out, then you will be naturally close to and dependent on to recognize Abel as the master.


In fact, this experiment is the first experiment of Abel’s Magical Biological Manufacturing Project. It uses the power of Phoenix to transform a biological gene technology through the X-Men World Essex Company, as well as the double transformation of its own magic. The crow egg cultivated a magical creature with powerful and extraordinary power.


   Now it seems that the first experiment may be successful, which is a surprise.


   carefully put the crow egg in the handle into the incubator that had been prepared.


   This incubator was created by Reid after strict planning and design. It contains Abel's magic technology, which can ensure the hatching and survival of magical creatures.


   Putting the incubator in the secret room, Abel put away all kinds of things and left the secret room. He carried out high-intensity experiments twice in a row. Even if all the experiments were successful, Abel was really exhausted.


   But when Abel just walked out of the secret room, a violent explosion suddenly sounded in the secret room behind him, and turbulent flames burst out of it instantly!

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